seta crosshair_fireball_color "0.2 1.0 0.2" "crosshair color to display when wielding the fireball"
seta crosshair_fireball_alpha 1 "crosshair alpha value to display when wielding the fireball"
seta crosshair_fireball_size 1 "crosshair size when wielding the fireball"
+ // ring around crosshair, used for various purposes (such as indicating bullets left in clip, nex charge)
seta crosshair_ring_size 2 "bullet counter ring size for Rifle, velocity ring for Nex"
- seta crosshair_campingrifle_bulletcounter_alpha 0.15
+seta crosshair_ring_alpha 0.2 "ring alpha"
- seta crosshair_nexvelocity_alpha 0.15
- seta crosshair_nexvelocity_currentcharge_scale 30
- seta crosshair_nexvelocity_currentcharge_alpha 0.15
- seta crosshair_nexvelocity_currentcharge_color_red 0.8
- seta crosshair_nexvelocity_currentcharge_color_green 0
- seta crosshair_nexvelocity_currentcharge_color_blue 0
- seta crosshair_nexvelocity_currentcharge_movingavg_rate 0.05
+ seta crosshair_ring_campingrifle_alpha 0.15
+ seta crosshair_ring_nex_outer_alpha 0.15
+ seta crosshair_ring_nex_inner_alpha 0.15
+ seta crosshair_ring_nex_inner_color_red 0.8
+ seta crosshair_ring_nex_inner_color_green 0
+ seta crosshair_ring_nex_inner_color_blue 0
+ seta crosshair_ring_nex_currentcharge_scale 30
+ seta crosshair_ring_nex_currentcharge_movingavg_rate 0.05
seta cl_reticle_stretch 0 "whether to stretch reticles so they fit the screen (brakes image proportions)"
seta cl_reticle_item_nex 1 "draw aiming recticle for the nex weapon's zoom, 0 disables and values between 0 and 1 change alpha"
seta hud_showbinds 1 "the way to show the keys to press in HUD messages: 0 displays commands, 1 bound keys, 2 both"
seta hud_showbinds_limit 2 "maximum number of bound keys to show for a command. 0 for unlimited"
+seta hud_colorflash_alpha 0.5 "starting alpha of the color flash"
+ seta hud_damage 1 "an improved version of gl_polyblend, draw an image instead when hurt"
+ seta hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier 0.25 "how much to multiply alpha of flash when using the cl_gentle version, it's much more opaque than the non-gentle version"
+ seta hud_damage_gentle_color "1 0.7 1" "color of flash for cl_gentle version"
+ seta hud_damage_color "1 0 0" "color of flash"
+ seta hud_damage_factor 0.025 "(damage * factor) = how much to add to the alpha value"
+ seta hud_damage_fade_rate 1 "how much to subtract from the alpha value each second"
+ seta hud_damage_maxalpha 2 "how much to limit the alpha value to"
+ seta hud_damage_pain_threshold 0.1 "how much alpha to ignore (must be bigger than the hud_damage_factor so that e.g. rot is ignored)"
+ seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower 1.25 "how much we lower pain_threshold with when nearing 0 health (if pain_threshold gets negative then we always draw a flash at alpha = fabs(pain_threshold)"
+ seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower_health 50 "at which health we start lowering pain_threshold"
+ seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_min 0.6 "minimum value when calculating the pulse: max(pulsating_min, fabs(sin(PI * time / period))"
+ seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_period 0.8 "one pulse every X seconds"
// scoreboard
seta scoreboard_columns default
seta scoreboard_border_thickness 1 "scoreboard border thickness"
addstat(STAT_LAST_PICKUP, AS_FLOAT, last_pickup);
addstat(STAT_NEX_CHARGE, AS_FLOAT, nex_charge);
+ addstat(STAT_NEX_CHARGEPOOL, AS_FLOAT, nex_charge_pool_ammo);
- if(g_ca)
+ if(g_ca || g_freezetag)
addstat(STAT_REDALIVE, AS_INT, redalive_stat);
addstat(STAT_BLUEALIVE, AS_INT, bluealive_stat);
+ addstat(STAT_YELLOWALIVE, AS_INT, yellowalive_stat);
+ addstat(STAT_PINKALIVE, AS_INT, pinkalive_stat);
+ if(g_freezetag)
+ {
+ addstat(STAT_FROZEN, AS_INT, freezetag_frozen);
+ addstat(STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS, AS_FLOAT, freezetag_revive_progress);
+ }
// g_movementspeed hack
addstat(STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRSPEEDLIMIT_NONQW, AS_FLOAT, stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw);
+ addstat(STAT_MOVEVARS_MAXSPEED, AS_FLOAT, stat_sv_maxspeed);
addstat(STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRACCEL_QW, AS_FLOAT, stat_sv_airaccel_qw);
addstat(STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRSTRAFEACCEL_QW, AS_FLOAT, stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw);