// calculate for swinging gun model
// the gun bobs when running on the ground, but doesn't bob when you're in the air.
- float bspeed;
static float bobmodel_scale = 0;
- float s = time * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_speed;
+ static float time_ofs = 0; // makes the effect always restart in the same way
if (clonground)
if (time - hitgroundtime > 0.05)
bobmodel_scale = max(0, bobmodel_scale - frametime * 5);
- if(bobmodel_scale)
+ if(bobmodel_scale && xyspeed)
- bspeed = xyspeed * 0.01 * autocvar_cl_viewmodel_scale * bobmodel_scale;
+ float bspeed = xyspeed * 0.01 * autocvar_cl_viewmodel_scale * bobmodel_scale;
+ float s = (time - time_ofs) * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_speed;
vector gunorg = '0 0 0';
gunorg.y = bspeed * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_side * sin(s);
gunorg.z = bspeed * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_up * cos(s * 2);
this.origin += gunorg;
+ else
+ time_ofs = time;