bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", OriginalCallerName(), "^2's vote for ^1", vote_called_display, "^2 was accepted\n");
- if ((vote_called == VOTE_MASTER) && vote_caller) vote_caller.vote_master = 1;
+ if ((vote_called == VOTE_MASTER) && vote_caller) vote_caller.vote_master = true;
else localcmd(strcat(vote_called_command, "\n"));
if (vote_caller) vote_caller.vote_waittime = 0; // people like your votes, you don't need to wait to vote again
// global vote information declarations
entity vote_caller; // original caller of the current vote
string vote_caller_name; // name of the vote caller
-float vote_called; // stores status of current vote (See VOTE_*)
+int vote_called; // stores status of current vote (See VOTE_*)
float vote_endtime; // time when the vote is finished
-float vote_accept_count; // total amount of players who accept the vote (counted by VoteCount() function)
-float vote_reject_count; // same as above, but rejected
-float vote_abstain_count; // same as above, but abstained
-float vote_needed_overall; // total amount of players NEEDED for a vote to pass (based on sv_vote_majority_factor)
-.float vote_master; // flag for if the player has vote master privelages
+int vote_accept_count; // total amount of players who accept the vote (counted by VoteCount() function)
+int vote_reject_count; // same as above, but rejected
+int vote_abstain_count; // same as above, but abstained
+int vote_needed_overall; // total amount of players NEEDED for a vote to pass (based on sv_vote_majority_factor)
+.bool vote_master; // flag for if the player has vote master privileges
.float vote_waittime; // flag for how long the player must wait before they can vote again
-.float vote_selection; // flag for which vote selection the player has made (See VOTE_SELECT_*)
+.int vote_selection; // flag for which vote selection the player has made (See VOTE_SELECT_*)
string vote_called_command; // command sent by client
string vote_called_display; // visual string of command sent by client
string vote_parsed_command; // command which is fixed after being parsed