drawstring(bottomleft - '-40 170 0', "/", '22 22 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
Sbar_DrawXNum(bottomleft - '-50 170 0', bound(0, g_balance_vore_swallow_limit, 9), 1, 0, 22, '1 1 1', 0, 0, sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
- drawstring(bottomleft - '-76 150 0', "stomach digesting", '14 14 0', '1 0.5 0.5', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
+ drawstring(bottomleft - '-76 142 0', "stomach digesting", '12 12 0', '1 0.5 0.5', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
else if(stomach_load == g_balance_vore_swallow_limit)\r
- drawstring(bottomleft - '-76 150 0', "stomach full", '14 14 0', '0.5 1 0.5', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
+ drawstring(bottomleft - '-76 142 0', "stomach full", '12 12 0', '0.5 1 0.5', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
else if(!stomach_load)\r
- drawstring(bottomleft - '-76 150 0', "stomach empty", '14 14 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
+ drawstring(bottomleft - '-76 142 0', "stomach empty", '12 12 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
- drawstring(bottomleft - '-76 150 0', "stomach has prey", '14 14 0', '0.75 1 0.75', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
+ drawstring(bottomleft - '-76 142 0', "stomach has prey", '12 12 0', '0.75 1 0.75', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
// draw the stomach board\r
+ {\r
f = pl.pleater == getstati(STAT_STOMACH_EATEN);\r
+ dprint(strcat(ftos(getstati(STAT_STOMACH_EATEN)), "<<++++++++++++++++++++++\n"));\r
+ }\r
Sbar_PrintStomachboardItem(pos - '-16 124 0', pl);\r
pos_y += 1.25 * sbar_fontsize_y;\r
+ if(getstati(STAT_STOMACH_EATEN))\r
+ if(pl.sv_entnum == getstati(STAT_STOMACH_EATEN) - 1)\r
+ Sbar_PrintStomachboardItem(pos - '-76 156 0', pl);\r
e.alpha = -1; // best way of hiding / showing the eaten player\r
e.aiment = e.eater; // follow the predator. Is automatically unset\r
e.view_ofs_z /= 2; // best positioning for the stomach model\r
- e.stat_eaten = num_for_edict(e.eater);\r
// drop keys (KH) and flags (CTF) when we get swallowed\r
kh_Key_DropAll(e, FALSE);\r
e.solid = e.vore_oldsolid;\r
e.alpha = default_player_alpha; // best way of hiding / showing the eaten player\r
e.view_ofs_z *= 2; // best positioning for the stomach model\r
- e.stat_eaten = 0;\r
// velocities\r
local vector oldforward, oldright, oldup;\r
if(self.eater.classname == "player")\r
self.view_ofs_z += 25;\r
- self.stat_eaten = 0;\r
self.eater.stomach_load -= 1;\r
self.eater = world;\r
void Vore()\r
// if we are free, show our stomach load on the HUD. Otherwise, show the predator's\r
- if(self.eater.classname == "player")\r
+ string x;\r
+ if(self.eater != self && self.eater.classname == "player")\r
+ {\r
self.stat_stomachload = self.eater.stomach_load;\r
+ self.stat_eaten = num_for_edict(self.eater);\r
+ x = playername(self.eater);\r
+ //bprint(strcat(ftos(self.stat_eaten), "<<--------------------------\n"));\r
+ }\r
+ {\r
self.stat_stomachload = self.stomach_load;\r
+ self.stat_eaten = 0;\r
+ x = "NONE!";\r
+ }\r
+ //bprint(strcat(ftos(self.stat_eaten), "<<--------------------------\n"));\r
+ //bprint(strcat(playername(self), "<<--------------------------\n"));\r
// skip the vore system under some circumstances\r
if(time < game_starttime)\r