surface = model->data_surfaces + node->firstsurface;
for (i = 0;i < node->numsurfaces;i++, surface++)
+ // skip surfaces whose bounding box does not include the point
if (axis < 3)
if (mid[axis] < surface->mins[axis] || mid[axis] > surface->maxs[axis])
if (!BoxesOverlap(mid, mid, surface->mins, surface->maxs))
+ // skip faces with contents we don't care about
if (!(t->trace->hitsupercontentsmask & surface->texture->supercontents))
+ // get the surface normal - since it is flat we know any vertex normal will suffice
VectorCopy(model->surfmesh.data_normal3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex, normal);
- //VectorCopy(node->plane->normal, normal);
+ // skip backfaces
+ if (DotProduct(t->dist, normal) > 0)
+ continue;
+ // iterate edges and see if the point is outside one of them
for (j = 0, k = surface->num_vertices - 1;j < surface->num_vertices;k = j, j++)
VectorCopy(model->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * (surface->num_firstvertex + k), v0);
if (DotProduct(edgenormal, p) > DotProduct(edgenormal, v0))
+ // if the point is outside one of the edges, it is not within the surface
if (j < surface->num_vertices)