set g_minstagib_ammo_start 10 "starting ammo"
set g_minstagib_ammo_drop 5 "how much ammo you'll get for weapons or cells"
set g_minstagib_invis_alpha 0.15
-set g_minstagib_speed_jumpheight 1.8 "jump height multiplier that applies while you carry the invincibility powerup"
-set g_minstagib_speed_moverate 1.25 "speed-multiplier that applies while you carry the invincibility powerup"
+set g_minstagib_speed_highspeed 1.25 "speed-multiplier that applies while you carry the invincibility powerup"
set g_vampire 0 "set to 1 to enable the vampire mode, where the damage done to your opponent gets added to your own health"
set g_weaponarena "0" "put in a list of weapons to enable a weapon arena mode, or try \"all\" or \"most\""
set g_weaponarena_random "0" "if set to a number, only that weapon count is given on every spawn (randomly)"
set g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold_forteam 60 "time before a ball reset when a team holds the ball for too long"
set g_nexball_basketball_teamsteal 1 "1 to allow players to steal from teammates, 0 to disallow"
-set g_nexball_basketball_carrier_speed 0.9 "speed multiplier for the ballcarrier"
+set g_nexball_basketball_carrier_highspeed 0.9 "speed multiplier for the ballcarrier"
set g_nexball_meter_period 1 "time to make a full cycle on the power meter"
set g_nexball_basketball_meter 1 "use the power meter for basketball"
- if(g_minstagib && (self.items & IT_INVINCIBLE))
- {
- mjumpheight = mjumpheight * cvar("g_minstagib_speed_jumpheight");
- }
// sv_jumpspeedcap_min/sv_jumpspeedcap_max act as baseline
// velocity bounds. Final velocity is bound between (jumpheight *
// min + jumpheight) and (jumpheight * max + jumpheight);
float not_allowed_to_move;
string c;
+ maxspd_mod = 1;
+ if(g_minstagib && (self.items & IT_INVINCIBLE))
+ maxspd_mod *= cvar("g_minstagib_speed_highspeed");
+ if(g_nexball && self.ballcarried)
+ maxspd_mod *= cvar("g_nexball_basketball_carrier_highspeed");
// fix physics stats for g_movement_highspeed
- self.stat_sv_airaccel_qw = AdjustAirAccelQW(sv_airaccel_qw, autocvar_g_movement_highspeed);
+ self.stat_sv_airaccel_qw = AdjustAirAccelQW(sv_airaccel_qw, autocvar_g_movement_highspeed * maxspd_mod);
- self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw = AdjustAirAccelQW(sv_airstrafeaccel_qw, autocvar_g_movement_highspeed);
+ self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw = AdjustAirAccelQW(sv_airstrafeaccel_qw, autocvar_g_movement_highspeed * maxspd_mod);
self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw = 0;
- self.stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw = sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw * autocvar_g_movement_highspeed;
+ self.stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw = sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw * autocvar_g_movement_highspeed * maxspd_mod;
- if(g_minstagib && (self.items & IT_INVINCIBLE))
- {
- maxspd_mod = cvar("g_minstagib_speed_moverate");
- }
- if(g_nexball && self.ballcarried)
- {
- maxspd_mod = cvar("g_nexball_basketball_carrier_speed");
- }
swampspd_mod = 1;
if(self.in_swamp) {
swampspd_mod = self.swamp_slowdown; //cvar("g_balance_swamp_moverate");