#include "casings.qc"
#include "damageeffects.qc"
#include "gibs.qc"
+#include "globalsound.qc"
#include "lightningarc.qc"
#include "modeleffects.qc"
--- /dev/null
+#include "globalsound.qh"
+ #include "../../animdecide.qh"
+ #ifdef SVQC
+ #include "../../../server/cl_player.qh"
+ #endif
+ REGISTER_NET_TEMP(globalsound)
+ #ifdef SVQC
+ /**
+ * @param from the source entity, its position is sent
+ * @param gs the global sound def
+ * @param r a random number in 0..1
+ */
+ void globalsound(int channel, entity from, entity gs, float r, int chan, float vol, float atten)
+ {
+ if (channel == MSG_ONE && !IS_REAL_CLIENT(msg_entity)) return;
+ WriteHeader(channel, globalsound);
+ WriteByte(channel, gs.m_id);
+ WriteByte(channel, r * 255);
+ WriteByte(channel, etof(from));
+ WriteByte(channel, fabs(chan));
+ WriteByte(channel, floor(vol * 255));
+ WriteByte(channel, floor(atten * 64));
+ vector o = from.origin + 0.5 * (from.mins + from.maxs);
+ WriteCoord(channel, o.x);
+ WriteCoord(channel, o.y);
+ WriteCoord(channel, o.z);
+ }
+ #endif
+ string GlobalSound_sample(string pair, float r);
+ #ifdef CSQC
+ NET_HANDLE(globalsound, bool isnew)
+ {
+ entity gs = GlobalSounds_from(ReadByte());
+ float r = ReadByte() / 255;
+ string sample = GlobalSound_sample(gs.m_globalsoundstr, r);
+ int who = ReadByte();
+ int chan = ReadByte();
+ float vol = ReadByte() / 255;
+ float atten = ReadByte() / 64;
+ vector o;
+ o.x = ReadCoord();
+ o.y = ReadCoord();
+ o.z = ReadCoord();
+ if (who == player_localnum + 1)
+ {
+ // client knows better, play at current position to unlag
+ entity e = findfloat(world, entnum, who);
+ sound7(e, chan, sample, vol, atten, 0, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entity e = new(globalsound);
+ e.origin = o;
+ sound8(e, o, chan, sample, vol, atten, 0, 0);
+ remove(e); // debug with: e.think = SUB_Remove; e.nextthink = time + 1;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ #endif
+ string GlobalSound_sample(string pair, float r)
+ {
+ int n;
+ {
+ string s = cdr(pair);
+ if (s) n = stof(s);
+ else n = 0;
+ }
+ string sample = car(pair);
+ if (n > 0) sample = sprintf("%s%d.wav", sample, floor(r * n + 1)); // randomization
+ else sample = sprintf("%s.wav", sample);
+ return sample;
+ }
+ void PrecacheGlobalSound(string sample)
+ {
+ int n;
+ {
+ string s = cdr(sample);
+ if (s) n = stof(s);
+ else n = 0;
+ }
+ sample = car(sample);
+ if (n > 0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
+ precache_sound(sprintf("%s%d.wav", sample, i));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ precache_sound(sprintf("%s.wav", sample));
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef SVQC
+ int GetVoiceMessageVoiceType(string type)
+ {
+ if (type == "taunt") return VOICETYPE_TAUNT;
+ if (type == "teamshoot") return VOICETYPE_LASTATTACKER;
+ }
+ .string GetVoiceMessageSampleField(string type)
+ {
+ GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = false;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ #define X(m) case #m: return playersound_##m;
+ #undef X
+ }
+ GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = true;
+ return playersound_taunt;
+ }
+ .string GetPlayerSoundSampleField(string type)
+ {
+ GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = false;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ #define X(m) case #m: return playersound_##m;
+ #undef X
+ }
+ GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = true;
+ return playersound_taunt;
+ }
+ string allvoicesamples;
+ void PrecachePlayerSounds(string f)
+ {
+ int fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ);
+ if (fh < 0)
+ {
+ LOG_WARNINGF("Player sound file not found: %s\n", f);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (string s; (s = fgets(fh)); )
+ {
+ int n = tokenize_console(s);
+ if (n != 3)
+ {
+ if (n != 0) LOG_WARNINGF("Invalid sound info line: %s\n", s);
+ continue;
+ }
+ string file = argv(1);
+ string variants = argv(2);
+ PrecacheGlobalSound(strcat(file, " ", variants));
+ }
+ fclose(fh);
+ if (!allvoicesamples)
+ {
+ #define X(m) allvoicesamples = strcat(allvoicesamples, " ", #m);
+ #undef X
+ allvoicesamples = strzone(substring(allvoicesamples, 1, -1));
+ }
+ }
+ void ClearPlayerSounds(entity this)
+ {
+ #define X(m) \
+ if (this.playersound_##m) \
+ { \
+ strunzone(this.playersound_##m); \
+ this.playersound_##m = string_null; \
+ }
+ #undef X
+ }
+ bool LoadPlayerSounds(string f, bool strict)
+ {
+ int fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ);
+ if (fh < 0)
+ {
+ if (strict) LOG_WARNINGF("Player sound file not found: %s\n", f);
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (string s; (s = fgets(fh)); )
+ {
+ int n = tokenize_console(s);
+ if (n != 3)
+ {
+ if (n != 0) LOG_WARNINGF("Invalid sound info line: %s\n", s);
+ continue;
+ }
+ string key = argv(0);
+ var.string field = GetPlayerSoundSampleField(key);
+ if (GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound) field = GetVoiceMessageSampleField(key);
+ if (GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound)
+ {
+ LOG_TRACEF("Invalid sound info field: %s\n", key);
+ continue;
+ }
+ string file = argv(1);
+ string variants = argv(2);
+ if (self.(field)) strunzone(self.(field));
+ self.(field) = strzone(strcat(file, " ", variants));
+ }
+ fclose(fh);
+ return true;
+ }
+ .int modelindex_for_playersound;
+ .int skin_for_playersound;
+ void UpdatePlayerSounds(entity this)
+ {
+ if (this.modelindex == this.modelindex_for_playersound && this.skin == this.skin_for_playersound) return;
+ this.modelindex_for_playersound = this.modelindex;
+ this.skin_for_playersound = this.skin;
+ ClearPlayerSounds(this);
+ LoadPlayerSounds("sound/player/default.sounds", true);
+ if (autocvar_g_debug_defaultsounds) return;
+ if (!LoadPlayerSounds(get_model_datafilename(this.model, this.skin, "sounds"), false))
+ LoadPlayerSounds(get_model_datafilename(
+ this.model, 0,
+ "sounds"),
+ true);
+ }
+ void _GlobalSound(entity gs, string sample, int chan, int voicetype, bool fake)
+ {
+ if (gs == NULL && sample == "") return;
+ float r = random();
+ if (sample != "") sample = GlobalSound_sample(sample, r);
+ switch (voicetype)
+ {
+ {
+ if (!fake)
+ {
+ if (!this.pusher) break;
+ msg_entity = this.pusher;
+ if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(msg_entity))
+ {
+ float atten = (msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional == 1) ? ATTEN_MIN : ATTEN_NONE;
+ if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ONE, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten);
+ else soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten);
+ }
+ }
+ if (voicetype == VOICETYPE_LASTATTACKER_ONLY) break;
+ msg_entity = this;
+ if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(msg_entity))
+ {
+ if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ONE, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NONE);
+ else soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NONE);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ #define X() \
+ do \
+ { \
+ float atten = (msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional == 1) ? ATTEN_MIN : ATTEN_NONE; \
+ if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ONE, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
+ else soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
+ } \
+ while (0)
+ if (fake) { msg_entity = this; X(); }
+ else
+ {
+ {
+ if (!teamplay || msg_entity.team == this.team) X();
+ }
+ }
+ #undef X
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if (voicetype == VOICETYPE_AUTOTAUNT) if (!sv_autotaunt) { break; }else {}
+ else if (IS_PLAYER(this) && this.deadflag == DEAD_NO) animdecide_setaction(this, ANIMACTION_TAUNT,
+ true);
+ if (!sv_taunt) break;
+ if (autocvar_sv_gentle) break;
+ float tauntrand = 0;
+ if (voicetype == VOICETYPE_AUTOTAUNT) tauntrand = random();
+ #define X() \
+ do \
+ { \
+ if (voicetype != VOICETYPE_AUTOTAUNT || tauntrand < msg_entity.cvar_cl_autotaunt) \
+ { \
+ float atten = (msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional >= 1) \
+ ? bound(ATTEN_MIN, msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation, \
+ if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ONE, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
+ else soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ while (0)
+ if (fake)
+ {
+ msg_entity = this;
+ X();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ {
+ X();
+ }
+ }
+ #undef X
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ msg_entity = this;
+ if (fake)
+ {
+ if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ONE, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
+ else soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ALL, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
+ else _sound(this, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ backtrace("Invalid voice type!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void PlayerSound(.string samplefield, int chan, float voicetype)
+ {
+ _GlobalSound(NULL, this.(samplefield), chan, voicetype, false);
+ }
+ void VoiceMessage(string type, string msg)
+ {
+ var.string sample = GetVoiceMessageSampleField(type);
+ if (GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound)
+ {
+ sprint(this, sprintf("Invalid voice. Use one of: %s\n", allvoicesamples));
+ return;
+ }
+ int voicetype = GetVoiceMessageVoiceType(type);
+ bool ownteam = (voicetype == VOICETYPE_TEAMRADIO);
+ int flood = Say(this, ownteam, world, msg, true);
+ bool fake;
+ if (IS_SPEC(this) || IS_OBSERVER(this) || flood < 0) fake = true;
+ else if (flood > 0) fake = false;
+ else return;
+ _GlobalSound(NULL, this.(sample), CH_VOICE, voicetype, fake);
+ }
+ #endif
--- /dev/null
+// player sounds, voice messages
+// TODO implemented fall and falling
+ X(death) \
+ X(drown) \
+ X(fall) \
+ X(falling) \
+ X(gasp) \
+ X(jump) \
+ X(pain100) \
+ X(pain25) \
+ X(pain50) \
+ X(pain75)
+#define ALLVOICEMSGS(X) \
+ X(attack) \
+ X(attackinfive) \
+ X(coverme) \
+ X(defend) \
+ X(freelance) \
+ X(incoming) \
+ X(meet) \
+ X(needhelp) \
+ X(seenflag) \
+ X(taunt) \
+ X(teamshoot)
+// reserved sound names for the future (some models lack sounds for them):
+// _VOICEMSG(flagcarriertakingdamage)
+// _VOICEMSG(getflag)
+// reserved sound names for the future (ALL models lack sounds for them):
+// _VOICEMSG(affirmative)
+// _VOICEMSG(attacking)
+// _VOICEMSG(defending)
+// _VOICEMSG(roaming)
+// _VOICEMSG(onmyway)
+// _VOICEMSG(droppedflag)
+// _VOICEMSG(negative)
+// _VOICEMSG(seenenemy)
+.string m_globalsoundstr;
+REGISTRY(GlobalSounds, BITS(8) - 1)
+#define GlobalSounds_from(i) _GlobalSounds_from(i, NULL)
+#define REGISTER_GLOBALSOUND(id, str) \
+ REGISTER(RegisterGlobalSounds, GS, GlobalSounds, id, m_id, new(GlobalSound)) \
+ { \
+ make_pure(this); \
+ this.m_globalsoundstr = str; \
+ }
+REGISTRY_SORT(GlobalSounds, 0)
+STATIC_INIT(GlobalSounds_renumber) { FOREACH(GlobalSounds, true, LAMBDA(it.m_id = i)); }
+void PrecacheGlobalSound(string samplestring);
+ FOREACH(GlobalSounds, true, LAMBDA(PrecacheGlobalSound(it.m_globalsoundstr)));
+REGISTER_GLOBALSOUND(STEP, "misc/footstep0 6")
+REGISTER_GLOBALSOUND(STEP_METAL, "misc/metalfootstep0 6")
+REGISTER_GLOBALSOUND(FALL, "misc/hitground 4")
+REGISTER_GLOBALSOUND(FALL_METAL, "misc/metalhitground 4")
+#ifdef SVQC
+ #define X(m) .string playersound_##m;
+ #undef X
+ bool GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound;
+ float GetVoiceMessageVoiceType(string type);
+ .string GetVoiceMessageSampleField(string type);
+ .string GetPlayerSoundSampleField(string type);
+ void PrecachePlayerSounds(string f);
+ void ClearPlayerSounds(entity this);
+ float LoadPlayerSounds(string f, bool strict);
+ void UpdatePlayerSounds(entity this);
+ #define FakeGlobalSound(sample, chan, voicetype) _GlobalSound(NULL, sample, chan, voicetype, true)
+ void _GlobalSound(entity gs, string sample, float chan, float voicetype, bool fake);
+ #define GlobalSound(def, chan, voicetype) _GlobalSound(def, string_null, chan, voicetype, false)
+ void PlayerSound(.string samplefield, float chan, float voicetype);
+ void VoiceMessage(string type, string msg);
if(time < self.msound_delay)
return; // too early
- _GlobalSound(self.(samplefield), chan, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND, false);
+ _GlobalSound(NULL, self.(samplefield), chan, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND, false);
self.msound_delay = time + sound_delay;
void PM_check_hitground()
#ifdef SVQC
- if (IS_ONGROUND(self))
- if (IS_PLAYER(self)) // no fall sounds for observers thank you very much
- if (self.wasFlying)
- {
- self.wasFlying = 0;
- if (self.waterlevel < WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING)
- if (time >= self.ladder_time)
- if (!self.hook)
- {
- self.nextstep = time + 0.3 + random() * 0.1;
- trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = 0;
- tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin - '0 0 1', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self);
- if (!(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOSTEPS))
- {
- if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_METALSTEPS)
- else
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!IS_PLAYER(this)) return; // no fall sounds for observers thank you very much
+ if (!IS_ONGROUND(this)) return;
+ if (!this.wasFlying) return;
+ this.wasFlying = false;
+ if (this.waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING) return;
+ if (time < this.ladder_time) return;
+ if (this.hook) return;
+ this.nextstep = time + 0.3 + random() * 0.1;
+ trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = 0;
+ tracebox(this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs, this.origin - '0 0 1', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this);
+ if ((trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOSTEPS)) return;
+ entity fall = (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_METALSTEPS) ? GS_FALL_METAL : GS_FALL;
#ifndef SOUND_H
#define SOUND_H
+// negative = SVQC autochannels
+// positive = one per entity
const int CH_INFO = 0;
-const int CH_TRIGGER = -3;
const int CH_WEAPON_A = -1;
+const int CH_WEAPON_B = -1;
const int CH_WEAPON_SINGLE = 1;
const int CH_VOICE = -2;
-const int CH_BGM_SINGLE = 8;
-const int CH_AMBIENT = -9;
+// const int CH_VOICE_SINGLE = 2;
+const int CH_TRIGGER = -3;
const int CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE = 3;
const int CH_SHOTS = -4;
const int CH_SHOTS_SINGLE = 4;
-const int CH_WEAPON_B = -1;
+// const int CH_TUBA = -5;
+const int CH_TUBA_SINGLE = 5;
const int CH_PAIN = -6;
const int CH_PAIN_SINGLE = 6;
const int CH_PLAYER = -7;
const int CH_PLAYER_SINGLE = 7;
-const int CH_TUBA_SINGLE = 5;
+// const int CH_BGM_SINGLE = -8;
+const int CH_BGM_SINGLE = 8;
+const int CH_AMBIENT = -9;
+// const int CH_AMBIENT_SINGLE = 9;
const float ATTEN_NONE = 0;
const float ATTEN_MIN = 0.015625;
#ifdef CSQC
- [[accumulate]] NET_HANDLE(id, bool) \
+ [[accumulate]] NET_HANDLE(id, bool isnew) \
{ \
this = self; \
this.sourceLocFile = __FILE__; \
this.sourceLocLine = __LINE__; \
+ if (!this) isnew = true; \
} \
REGISTER(RegisterLinkedEntities, NET, LinkedEntities, id, m_id, new(net_linked_packet)) \
{ \
return ret;
-int GetVoiceMessageVoiceType(string type)
- if (type == "taunt") return VOICETYPE_TAUNT;
- if (type == "teamshoot") return VOICETYPE_LASTATTACKER;
-.string GetVoiceMessageSampleField(string type)
- GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = false;
- switch (type)
- {
-#define X(m) case #m: return playersound_##m;
-#undef X
- }
- GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = true;
- return playersound_taunt;
-.string GetPlayerSoundSampleField(string type)
- GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = false;
- switch (type)
- {
-#define X(m) case #m: return playersound_##m;
-#undef X
- }
- GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = true;
- return playersound_taunt;
-void PrecacheGlobalSound(string sample)
- int n;
- {
- string s = cdr(sample);
- if (s) n = stof(s);
- else n = 0;
- }
- sample = car(sample);
- if (n > 0)
- {
- for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
- precache_sound(sprintf("%s%d.wav", sample, i));
- }
- else
- {
- precache_sound(sprintf("%s.wav", sample));
- }
-string allvoicesamples;
-void PrecachePlayerSounds(string f)
- int fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ);
- if (fh < 0)
- {
- LOG_WARNINGF("Player sound file not found: %s\n", f);
- return;
- }
- for (string s; (s = fgets(fh)); )
- {
- int n = tokenize_console(s);
- if (n != 3)
- {
- if (n != 0) LOG_WARNINGF("Invalid sound info line: %s\n", s);
- continue;
- }
- string file = argv(1);
- string variants = argv(2);
- PrecacheGlobalSound(strcat(file, " ", variants));
- }
- fclose(fh);
- if (!allvoicesamples)
- {
-#define X(m) allvoicesamples = strcat(allvoicesamples, " ", #m);
-#undef X
- allvoicesamples = strzone(substring(allvoicesamples, 1, -1));
- }
-void ClearPlayerSounds(entity this)
-#define X(m) if (this.playersound_##m) { strunzone(this.playersound_##m); this.playersound_##m = string_null; }
-#undef X
-bool LoadPlayerSounds(string f, bool strict)
- int fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ);
- if (fh < 0)
- {
- if (strict) LOG_WARNINGF("Player sound file not found: %s\n", f);
- return false;
- }
- for (string s; (s = fgets(fh)); )
- {
- int n = tokenize_console(s);
- if (n != 3)
- {
- if (n != 0) LOG_WARNINGF("Invalid sound info line: %s\n", s);
- continue;
- }
- string key = argv(0);
- var .string field = GetPlayerSoundSampleField(key);
- if (GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound) field = GetVoiceMessageSampleField(key);
- if (GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound)
- {
- LOG_TRACEF("Invalid sound info field: %s\n", key);
- continue;
- }
- string file = argv(1);
- string variants = argv(2);
- if (self.(field)) strunzone(self.(field));
- self.(field) = strzone(strcat(file, " ", variants));
- }
- fclose(fh);
- return true;
-.int modelindex_for_playersound;
-.int skin_for_playersound;
-void UpdatePlayerSounds(entity this)
- if (this.modelindex == this.modelindex_for_playersound && this.skin == this.skin_for_playersound) return;
- this.modelindex_for_playersound = this.modelindex;
- this.skin_for_playersound = this.skin;
- ClearPlayerSounds(this);
- LoadPlayerSounds("sound/player/default.sounds", true);
- if (autocvar_g_debug_defaultsounds) return;
- if (!LoadPlayerSounds(get_model_datafilename(this.model, this.skin, "sounds"), false))
- LoadPlayerSounds(get_model_datafilename(this.model, 0, "sounds"), true);
-void _GlobalSound(string sample, int chan, int voicetype, bool fake)
- if (sample == "") return;
- int n;
- {
- string s = cdr(sample);
- if (s) n = stof(s);
- else n = 0;
- }
- sample = car(sample);
- if (n > 0) sample = sprintf("%s%d.wav", sample, floor(random() * n + 1)); // randomization
- else sample = sprintf("%s.wav", sample);
- switch (voicetype)
- {
- {
- if (!fake)
- {
- if (!this.pusher) break;
- msg_entity = this.pusher;
- if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(msg_entity))
- {
- float atten = (msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional == 1) ? ATTEN_MIN : ATTEN_NONE;
- soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten);
- }
- }
- if (voicetype == VOICETYPE_LASTATTACKER_ONLY) break;
- msg_entity = this;
- if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(msg_entity)) soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NONE);
- break;
- }
- {
- #define X() \
- do \
- { \
- float atten = (msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional == 1) ? ATTEN_MIN : ATTEN_NONE; \
- soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
- } \
- while (0)
- if (fake) { msg_entity = this; X(); }
- else
- {
- {
- if (!teamplay || msg_entity.team == this.team) X();
- }
- }
- #undef X
- break;
- }
- {
- if (voicetype == VOICETYPE_AUTOTAUNT) if (!sv_autotaunt) { break; }else {}
- else if (IS_PLAYER(this) && this.deadflag == DEAD_NO) animdecide_setaction(this, ANIMACTION_TAUNT, true);
- if (!sv_taunt) break;
- if (autocvar_sv_gentle) break;
- float tauntrand = 0;
- if (voicetype == VOICETYPE_AUTOTAUNT) tauntrand = random();
- #define X() \
- do \
- { \
- if (voicetype != VOICETYPE_AUTOTAUNT || tauntrand < msg_entity.cvar_cl_autotaunt) \
- { \
- float atten = (msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional >= 1) \
- ? bound(ATTEN_MIN, msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation, ATTEN_MAX) \
- soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
- } \
- } \
- while (0)
- if (fake)
- {
- msg_entity = this;
- X();
- }
- else
- {
- {
- X();
- }
- }
- #undef X
- break;
- }
- {
- if (fake)
- {
- msg_entity = this;
- soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
- }
- else
- {
- _sound(this, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- backtrace("Invalid voice type!");
- break;
- }
- }
-void PlayerSound(.string samplefield, int chan, float voicetype)
- _GlobalSound(this.(samplefield), chan, voicetype, false);
-void VoiceMessage(string type, string msg)
- var .string sample = GetVoiceMessageSampleField(type);
- if (GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound)
- {
- sprint(this, sprintf("Invalid voice. Use one of: %s\n", allvoicesamples));
- return;
- }
- int voicetype = GetVoiceMessageVoiceType(type);
- bool ownteam = (voicetype == VOICETYPE_TEAMRADIO);
- int flood = Say(this, ownteam, world, msg, true);
- bool fake;
- if (IS_SPEC(this) || IS_OBSERVER(this) || flood < 0) fake = true;
- else if (flood > 0) fake = false;
- else return;
- _GlobalSound(this.(sample), CH_VOICE, voicetype, fake);
.float muted;
int Say(entity source, float teamsay, entity privatesay, string msgin, float floodcontrol);
-// player sounds, voice messages
-// TODO implemented fall and falling
- X(death) \
- X(drown) \
- X(fall) \
- X(falling) \
- X(gasp) \
- X(jump) \
- X(pain100) \
- X(pain25) \
- X(pain50) \
- X(pain75)
-#define ALLVOICEMSGS(X) \
- X(attack) \
- X(attackinfive) \
- X(coverme) \
- X(defend) \
- X(freelance) \
- X(incoming) \
- X(meet) \
- X(needhelp) \
- X(seenflag) \
- X(taunt) \
- X(teamshoot)
-// reserved sound names for the future (some models lack sounds for them):
-// _VOICEMSG(flagcarriertakingdamage)
-// _VOICEMSG(getflag)
-// reserved sound names for the future (ALL models lack sounds for them):
-// _VOICEMSG(affirmative)
-// _VOICEMSG(attacking)
-// _VOICEMSG(defending)
-// _VOICEMSG(roaming)
-// _VOICEMSG(onmyway)
-// _VOICEMSG(droppedflag)
-// _VOICEMSG(negative)
-// _VOICEMSG(seenenemy)
-#define X(m) .string playersound_##m;
-#undef X
-bool GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound;
-float GetVoiceMessageVoiceType(string type);
-.string GetVoiceMessageSampleField(string type);
-.string GetPlayerSoundSampleField(string type);
-void PrecacheGlobalSound(string samplestring);
-void PrecachePlayerSounds(string f);
-void ClearPlayerSounds(entity this);
-float LoadPlayerSounds(string f, bool strict);
-void UpdatePlayerSounds(entity this);
-#define FakeGlobalSound(sample, chan, voicetype) _GlobalSound(sample, chan, voicetype, true)
-void _GlobalSound(string sample, float chan, float voicetype, bool fake);
-#define GlobalSound(def, chan, voicetype) _GlobalSound((def).m_globalsoundstr, chan, voicetype, false)
-void PlayerSound(.string samplefield, float chan, float voicetype);
-void VoiceMessage(string type, string msg);
-.string m_globalsoundstr;
-REGISTRY(GlobalSounds, BITS(8) - 1)
-#define GlobalSounds_from(i) _GlobalSounds_from(i, NULL)
-#define REGISTER_GLOBALSOUND(id, str) \
- REGISTER(RegisterGlobalSounds, GS, GlobalSounds, id, m_id, new(GlobalSound)) \
- { \
- make_pure(this); \
- this.m_globalsoundstr = str; \
- }
-REGISTRY_SORT(GlobalSounds, 0)
- FOREACH(GlobalSounds, true, LAMBDA(PrecacheGlobalSound(it.m_globalsoundstr)));
-REGISTER_GLOBALSOUND(STEP, "misc/footstep0 6")
-REGISTER_GLOBALSOUND(STEP_METAL, "misc/metalfootstep0 6")
-REGISTER_GLOBALSOUND(FALL, "misc/hitground 4")
-REGISTER_GLOBALSOUND(FALL_METAL, "misc/metalhitground 4")