alias localprint "qc_cmd_cl localprint ${* ?}" // Create your own centerprint sent to yourself
//alias mv_download "qc_cmd_cl mv_download ${* ?}" // Retrieve mapshot picture from the server
alias sendcvar "qc_cmd_cl sendcvar ${* ?}" // Send a cvar to the server (like weaponpriority)
-//alias vyes "qc_cmd_cl vyes ${* ?}" // COMPATIBILITY COMMAND FOR 0.5 CLIENTS
-//alias vno "qc_cmd_cl vno ${* ?}" // COMPATIBILITY COMMAND FOR 0.5 CLIENTS
// other aliases for local commands
alias hud_configure "qc_cmd_cl hud configure"
// ===================================
alias ban "qc_cmd_sv ban ${* ?}" // Ban an IP address or a range of addresses (like 1.2.3)
alias banlist "qc_cmd_sv banlist ${* ?}" // List all existing bans
-alias bans "qc_cmd_sv bans ${* ?}" // COMPATIBILITY COMMAND FOR 0.5 CLIENTS
alias kickban "qc_cmd_sv kickban ${* ?}" // Disconnect a client and ban it at the same time
alias unban "qc_cmd_sv unban ${* ?}" // Remove an existing ban
alias vmaster "qc_cmd_cmd vote master"
alias vlogin "qc_cmd_cmd vote master login ${* ?}"
alias vdo "qc_cmd_cmd vote master do ${* ?}"
-alias vyes "qc_cmd_cl handlevote yes; cl_cmd vyes" // NOTE: COMPATIBILITY FOR 0.5 IS ADDED HERE WITH "VYES", REMOVE LATER
-alias vno "qc_cmd_cl handlevote no; cl_cmd vno" // ^^^ same, see above
+alias vyes "qc_cmd_cl handlevote yes"
+alias vno "qc_cmd_cl handlevote no"
alias vdontcare "qc_cmd_cmd vote abstain"
alias vabstain "qc_cmd_cmd vote abstain"
// ==================================
// Normally do not hard code aliases for these, instead create them in commands.cfg... also: keep in alphabetical order, please ;)
-// but for 0.5 compat, we need vyes and vno here as they were replaced... REMOVE THEM AFTER 0.6 RELEASE!!!!
#define CLIENT_COMMANDS(request,arguments) \
CLIENT_COMMAND("blurtest", LocalCommand_blurtest(request), "Feature for testing blur postprocessing") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("debugmodel", LocalCommand_debugmodel(request, arguments), "Spawn a debug model manually") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("localprint", LocalCommand_localprint(request, arguments), "Create your own centerprint sent to yourself") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("mv_download", LocalCommand_mv_download(request, arguments), "Retrieve mapshot picture from the server") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("sendcvar", LocalCommand_sendcvar(request, arguments), "Send a cvar to the server (like weaponpriority)") \
- CLIENT_COMMAND("vyes", LocalCommand_handlevote(request, tokenize_console("handlevote yes")), "") \
- CLIENT_COMMAND("vno", LocalCommand_handlevote(request, tokenize_console("handlevote no")), "") \
/* nothing */
void LocalCommand_macro_help()