# built to give the executable a proper date string
OBJ_GLX= builddate.c sys_linux.o vid_glx.o $(OBJ_LINUXCD) $(OBJ_LINUXSOUND) $(COMMONOBJECTS)
OBJ_DED= builddate.c sys_linux.o vid_null.o cd_null.o snd_null.o $(COMMONOBJECTS)
+OBJ_SDL= builddate.c sys_sdl.o vid_sdl.o cd_null.o snd_null.o $(COMMONOBJECTS)
OBJ_WGL_EXE= builddate.c sys_win.o vid_wgl.o conproc.o cd_shared.o cd_win.o snd_win.o snd_dma.o snd_mix.o snd_mem.o ogg.o $(COMMONOBJECTS)
OBJ_DED_EXE= builddate.c sys_linux.o vid_null.o cd_null.o snd_null.o $(COMMONOBJECTS)
# on the linker line, and that -lm must always be last
LDFLAGS_GLX=-ldl -lm
LDFLAGS_DED=-ldl -lm
+LDFLAGS_SDL=-ldl -lm
LDFLAGS_WGL_EXE=-mwindows -lwinmm -lwsock32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -ldxguid -ldinput -lcomctl32
LDFLAGS_DED_EXE=-mconsole -lwinmm -lwsock32
@echo "* $(MAKE) ded-debug : make dedicated server (debug version)"
@echo "* $(MAKE) ded-profile : make dedicated server (profile version)"
@echo "* $(MAKE) ded-release : make dedicated server (release version)"
+ @echo "* $(MAKE) sdl-debug : make SDL client (debug version)"
+ @echo "* $(MAKE) sdl-profile : make SDL client (profile version)"
+ @echo "* $(MAKE) sdl-release : make SDL client (release version)"
@echo "* $(MAKE) exedebug : make WGL and dedicated binaries (debug versions)"
@echo "* $(MAKE) exeprofile : make WGL and dedicated binaries (profile versions)"
@echo "* $(MAKE) exerelease : make WGL and dedicated binaries (release versions)"
ded-release :
+sdl-debug :
+sdl-profile :
+sdl-release :
wglexe-debug :
vid_glx.o: vid_glx.c
$(DO_CC) -I/usr/X11R6/include
+vid_sdl.o: vid_sdl.c
+ $(DO_CC) `sdl-config --cflags`
+sys_sdl.o: sys_sdl.c
+ $(DO_CC) `sdl-config --cflags`
+ $(DO_LD) `sdl-config --libs`
$(DO_LD) -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXext -lXxf86dga -lXxf86vm $(LINUXSOUNDLIB)
--- /dev/null
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include "conio.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "quakedef.h"
+#include <SDL.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+cvar_t sys_usetimegettime = {CVAR_SAVE, "sys_usetimegettime", "1"};
+// =======================================================================
+// General routines
+// =======================================================================
+void Sys_Quit (void)
+ Host_Shutdown();
+#ifndef WIN32
+ fcntl (0, F_SETFL, fcntl (0, F_GETFL, 0) & ~FNDELAY);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ exit(0);
+void Sys_Error (const char *error, ...)
+ va_list argptr;
+ char string[1024];
+// change stdin to non blocking
+#ifndef WIN32
+ fcntl (0, F_SETFL, fcntl (0, F_GETFL, 0) & ~FNDELAY);
+ va_start (argptr,error);
+ vsnprintf (string, sizeof (string), error, argptr);
+ va_end (argptr);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", string);
+ Host_Shutdown ();
+ exit (1);
+void Sys_Print(const char *text)
+ printf("%s", text);
+double Sys_DoubleTime (void)
+ static int first = true;
+ static double oldtime = 0.0, curtime = 0.0;
+ double newtime;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ // LordHavoc: note to people modifying this code, DWORD is specifically defined as an unsigned 32bit number, therefore the 65536.0 * 65536.0 is fine.
+ if (sys_usetimegettime.integer)
+ {
+ static int firsttimegettime = true;
+ // timeGetTime
+ // platform:
+ // Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
+ // features:
+ // reasonable accuracy (millisecond)
+ // issues:
+ // wraps around every 47 days or so (but this is non-fatal to us, odd times are rejected, only causes a one frame stutter)
+ // make sure the timer is high precision, otherwise different versions of windows have varying accuracy
+ if (firsttimegettime)
+ {
+ timeBeginPeriod (1);
+ firsttimegettime = false;
+ }
+ newtime = (double) timeGetTime () / 1000.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // QueryPerformanceCounter
+ // platform:
+ // Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
+ // features:
+ // very accurate (CPU cycles)
+ // known issues:
+ // does not necessarily match realtime too well (tends to get faster and faster in win98)
+ // wraps around occasionally on some platforms (depends on CPU speed and probably other unknown factors)
+ double timescale;
+ LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceFreq;
+ LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceCount;
+ if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&PerformanceFreq))
+ Sys_Error ("No hardware timer available");
+ QueryPerformanceCounter (&PerformanceCount);
+ #ifdef __BORLANDC__
+ timescale = 1.0 / ((double) PerformanceFreq.u.LowPart + (double) PerformanceFreq.u.HighPart * 65536.0 * 65536.0);
+ newtime = ((double) PerformanceCount.u.LowPart + (double) PerformanceCount.u.HighPart * 65536.0 * 65536.0) * timescale;
+ #else
+ timescale = 1.0 / ((double) PerformanceFreq.LowPart + (double) PerformanceFreq.HighPart * 65536.0 * 65536.0);
+ newtime = ((double) PerformanceCount.LowPart + (double) PerformanceCount.HighPart * 65536.0 * 65536.0) * timescale;
+ #endif
+ }
+ struct timeval tp;
+ gettimeofday(&tp, NULL);
+ newtime = (double) tp.tv_sec + tp.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
+ if (first)
+ {
+ first = false;
+ oldtime = newtime;
+ }
+ if (newtime < oldtime)
+ {
+ // warn if it's significant
+ if (newtime - oldtime < -0.01)
+ Con_Printf("Sys_DoubleTime: time stepped backwards (went from %f to %f, difference %f)\n", oldtime, newtime, newtime - oldtime);
+ }
+ else
+ curtime += newtime - oldtime;
+ oldtime = newtime;
+ return curtime;
+char *Sys_ConsoleInput(void)
+ if (cls.state == ca_dedicated)
+ {
+ static char text[256];
+ int len = 0;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ int c;
+ // read a line out
+ while (_kbhit ())
+ {
+ c = _getch ();
+ putch (c);
+ if (c == '\r')
+ {
+ text[len] = 0;
+ putch ('\n');
+ len = 0;
+ return text;
+ }
+ if (c == 8)
+ {
+ if (len)
+ {
+ putch (' ');
+ putch (c);
+ len--;
+ text[len] = 0;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ text[len] = c;
+ len++;
+ text[len] = 0;
+ if (len == sizeof (text))
+ len = 0;
+ }
+ fd_set fdset;
+ struct timeval timeout;
+ FD_ZERO(&fdset);
+ FD_SET(0, &fdset); // stdin
+ timeout.tv_sec = 0;
+ timeout.tv_usec = 0;
+ if (select (1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout) != -1 && FD_ISSET(0, &fdset))
+ {
+ len = read (0, text, sizeof(text));
+ if (len >= 1)
+ {
+ // rip off the \n and terminate
+ text[len-1] = 0;
+ return text;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void Sys_Sleep(void)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ Sleep (1);
+ usleep(1);
+int SDL_main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ double frameoldtime, framenewtime;
+ signal(SIGFPE, SIG_IGN);
+ com_argc = argc;
+ com_argv = argv;
+#ifndef WIN32
+ fcntl(0, F_SETFL, fcntl (0, F_GETFL, 0) | FNDELAY);
+ Sys_Shared_EarlyInit();
+ Host_Init();
+ Sys_Shared_LateInit();
+ frameoldtime = Sys_DoubleTime () - 0.1;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ // find time spent rendering last frame
+ framenewtime = Sys_DoubleTime ();
+ Host_Frame (framenewtime - frameoldtime);
+ frameoldtime = framenewtime;
+ }
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 T. Joseph Carter
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <SDL.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "quakedef.h"
+// Tell startup code that we have a client
+int cl_available = true;
+static SDL_Surface *screen;
+void *GL_GetProcAddress(const char *name)
+ void *p = NULL;
+ p = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(name);
+ return p;
+void VID_Init (void)
+ if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0)
+ printf ("Failed to init video: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
+int VID_InitMode(int fullscreen, int width, int height, int bpp)
+ int i;
+ int flags = SDL_OPENGL;
+ char *drivername;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ drivername = "opengl32.dll";
+#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
+ drivername = "OpenGL.framework";
+ drivername = "libGL.so.1";
+ i = COM_CheckParm("-gl_driver");
+ if (i && i < com_argc - 1)
+ drivername = com_argv[i + 1];
+ if (!SDL_GL_LoadLibrary(drivername))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Unable to load GL driver \"%s\"\n: ", drivername, SDL_GetError());
+ return false;
+ }
+ qglGetString = GL_GetProcAddress("glGetString");
+ // Knghtbrd: should do platform-specific extension string function here
+ if (qglGetString == NULL)
+ {
+ VID_Shutdown();
+ Con_Printf("Required OpenGL function glGetString not found\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+// if (fullscreen)
+// flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute (SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 1);
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute (SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 1);
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute (SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 1);
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute (SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);
+ screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, bpp, flags);
+ if (screen == NULL)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Failed to set video mode to %ix%i: %s\n", width, height, SDL_GetError);
+ VID_Shutdown();
+ return false;
+ }
+ gl_renderer = qglGetString(GL_RENDERER);
+ gl_vendor = qglGetString(GL_VENDOR);
+ gl_version = qglGetString(GL_VERSION);
+ gl_extensions = qglGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
+ gl_platform = "SDL";
+ // Knghtbrd: should assign platform-specific extensions here
+ gl_platformextensions = "";
+ GL_Init();
+ vid_hidden = false;
+ return true;
+void VID_Shutdown (void)
+// SDL_Quit();
+int VID_SetGamma (unsigned short *ramps)
+ return false;
+int VID_GetGamma (unsigned short *ramps)
+ return false;
+void VID_GetWindowSize (int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height)
+ *x = *y = 0;
+ *width = screen->w;
+ *height = screen->h;
+void VID_Finish (void)
+ qglFinish();
+ SDL_GL_SwapBuffers();
+void IN_Commands (void)
+void IN_Move (usercmd_t *cmd)
+void Sys_SendKeyEvents (void)