-// EXTRESPONSE SYSTEM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// URI SYSTEM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-float _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_RequestsSent;
-float _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_VersionHandled;
+float _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_Queried;
string _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo;
-float _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_RetryTime;
-float _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_RetryTime_LastDelay;
-void() Item_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_SendQuery =
+float URI_GET_DISCARD = 0;
+void UpdateNotification_URI_Get_Callback(float id, float status, string data);
+void URI_Get_Callback(float id, float status, string data)
- dprint("Sending extended response requests...\n");
- localcmd(strcat("packet \"getExtResponse checkUpdates xonotic ", cvar_string("g_xonoticversion"), "\"\n"));
- _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_RequestsSent = TRUE;
- _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_RetryTime_LastDelay = _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_RetryTime_LastDelay * 2 + 1;
- _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_RetryTime = time + _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_RetryTime_LastDelay;
+ if (id == URI_GET_DISCARD)
+ {
+ // discard
+ }
+ {
+ // online ban list
+ UpdateNotification_URI_Get_Callback(id, status, data);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print("Received HTTP request data for an invalid id ", ftos(id), ".\n");
+ }
-void(float argc) Item_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_Parse =
+void UpdateNotification_URI_Get_Callback(float id, float status, string data)
- dprint("Received extended response packet from ", argv(0), "\n");
- if(!_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_RequestsSent)
+ float n;
+ if(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo)
- dprint(" But I haven't sent a request yet! Ignoring.\n");
+ print("error: UpdateNotification_URI_Get_Callback has been called before\n");
- if(argv(1) == "noUpdateAvailable")
+ if(status != 0)
- if(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_VersionHandled)
- {
- dprint(" duplicated update notice, ignored\n");
- return;
- }
- _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_VersionHandled = 1;
+ print(sprintf("error receiving update notification: status is %d\n", status));
+ return;
- else if(argv(1) == "updateAvailable")
+ if(substring(data, 0, 1) == "<")
- if(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_VersionHandled)
- {
- dprint(" duplicated update notice, ignored\n");
- return;
- }
- _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_VersionHandled = 1;
- _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo = strzone(argv(2)); // note: only one packet can be handled, so this can't be a leak
+ print("error: received HTML instead of an update notification\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(strstrofs(data, "\r", 0) != -1)
+ {
+ print("error: received carriage returns from update notification server\n");
+ return;
- else
- dprint(" UNKNOWN RESPONSE TYPE: ", argv(1), "\n");
-void() Item_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_CheckForResponse =
- local string s;
- local float argc;
- while(strlen((s = getextresponse())))
+ if(data == "")
+ n = 0;
+ else
+ n = tokenizebyseparator(data, "\n");
+ if(n >= 1)
- argc = tokenize_console(s);
- Item_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_Parse(argc);
+ _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo = argv(0);
+ if(vercmp(cvar_string("g_xonoticversion"), _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo) >= 0)
+ {
+ _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo = ""; // no update needed
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // update needed
+ if(n >= 2)
+ print(sprintf("Update can be downloaded at:\n%s\n", argv(1)));
+ }
+ _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo = strzone(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo);
-// END OF EXTRESPONSE SYSTEM /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// END OF URI SYSTEM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
float preMenuInit()
- Item_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_CheckForResponse();
- if(!_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_VersionHandled)
- if(time > _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_RetryTime)
- Item_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_SendQuery();
+ if(!_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_Queried)
+ {
+ _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_Queried = 1;
+ uri_get(sprintf("", uri_escape(cvar_string("g_xonoticversion"))), URI_GET_UPDATENOTIFICATION);
+ }
if(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo != "")
+ // TODO rather turn this into a dialog
fs = ((1/draw_scale_x) * eX + (1/draw_scale_y) * eY) * 12;
line = eY * fs_y;
sz_x = draw_TextWidth(" ", 0, fs);
sz_y = 3 * fs_y;
- draw_alpha = sin(time * 0.112 - 0.3) * 0.7;
+ draw_alpha = sin(time * 0.112 - 0.3) * 10;
mid = eX * (0.5 + 0.5 * (1 - sz_x) * cos(time * 0.071))
+ eY * (0.5 + 0.5 * (1 - sz_y) * sin(time * 0.071));
draw_Fill(mid - 0.5 * sz, sz, '1 1 0', 1);
draw_CenterText(mid - 1 * line, strcat("Update to ", _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo, " now!"), fs, '1 0 0', 1, 0);
- draw_CenterText(mid - 0 * line, "", fs, '0 0 1', 1, 0);
+ draw_CenterText(mid - 0 * line, "", fs, '0 0 1', 1, 0);
if not(campaign_name_previous)
campaign_name_previous = strzone(strcat(campaign_name, "x")); // force unequal