* -brightness 0..alot, def 1: mimics q3map_lightmapBrightness, but globally + affects vertexlight
* -contrast -255..255, def 0: lighting contrast
* packer improvements
* entity inspector: Tab enters Key field, toggles between key/value fields; Del deletes keys; Esc quits
* improved mwheel 2d zoom by Neumond
* +makeRoom: like hollow, but extrudes faces outwards; for making rooms
* deactivating tex dirs tree after loading dir, so SPACE and ENTER aren't broken for 2D after that
* Regular, RegularLeft layouts: smaller console, bigger tex browser
* Rotate, Scale dialogs: values aren't erased on Enter, OK, Apply (are on cancel, esc)
* Rotate dialog: fix: new value in focused field wasn't taking in account on Enter
* +updating texture directories list on 'flush and reload shaders' (reloading shaderlist aswell)
* NumLock perspective window fix
* ctrl+k(ConnectEntities): friendlier to complex connections, takes in account existing keys
(priority: target > targetname > none)
* +'all Supported formats' default option in open dialogs
* defaulted show light radii
* camera fov: 90->110
* cubic clip: off by default; bigger def dist; fixed button's shortcut tip
* prefs: Min & Max texture thumbnail size + dependant on scale;
def = *scale .5, min 48, max 160 (makes range 96-320 visually differentiated)
gboolean PressedKeys_key_press( GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventKey* event, PressedKeys* pressedKeys ){
//globalOutputStream() << "pressed: " << event->keyval << "\n";
- return event->state == 0 && Keys_press( pressedKeys->keys, event->keyval );
+ //return event->state == 0 && Keys_press( pressedKeys->keys, event->keyval );
+ //NumLock perspective window fix
+ return ( event->state & ALLOWED_MODIFIERS ) == 0 && Keys_press( pressedKeys->keys, event->keyval );
gboolean PressedKeys_key_release( GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventKey* event, PressedKeys* pressedKeys ){
// we should add all important paths as shortcut folder...
// gtk_file_chooser_add_shortcut_folder(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), "/tmp/", NULL);
+ if ( open && masks.m_filters.size() > 1 ){
+ GtkFileFilter* filter = gtk_file_filter_new();
+ gtk_file_filter_set_name( filter, "Supported formats" );
+ for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < masks.m_filters.size(); ++i )
+ {
+ gtk_file_filter_add_pattern( filter, masks.m_filters[i].c_str() );
+ }
+ gtk_file_chooser_add_filter( GTK_FILE_CHOOSER( dialog ), filter );
+ }
for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < masks.m_filters.size(); ++i )
if ( !string_equal( pattern, "*" ) ) {
GtkFileFilter* filter = gtk_file_chooser_get_filter( GTK_FILE_CHOOSER( dialog ) );
- if ( filter != 0 ) { // no filter set? some file-chooser implementations may allow the user to set no filter, which we treat as 'all files'
+ if ( filter != 0 && !string_equal( gtk_file_filter_get_name( filter ), "Supported formats" ) ) { // no filter set? some file-chooser implementations may allow the user to set no filter, which we treat as 'all files'
type = masks.GetTypeForGTKMask( gtk_file_filter_get_name( filter ) ).m_type;
// last ext separator
const char* extension = path_get_extension( g_file_dialog_file );
bool g_showNames = true;
bool g_showAngles = true;
bool g_newLightDraw = true;
-bool g_lightRadii = false;
+bool g_lightRadii = true;
class ConnectEntities
ConnectEntities connector( e1, e2, index );
- const char* value = e2->getKeyValue( "targetname" );
- if ( !string_empty( value ) ) {
- connector.connect( value );
+ //killconnect
+ if( index == 1 ){
+ const char* value = e2->getKeyValue( "targetname" );
+ if ( !string_empty( value ) ) {
+ connector.connect( value );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const char* type = e2->getKeyValue( "classname" );
+ if ( string_empty( type ) ) {
+ type = "t";
+ }
+ StringOutputStream key( 64 );
+ key << type << "1";
+ GlobalNamespace().makeUnique( key.c_str(), ConnectEntities::ConnectCaller( connector ) );
+ }
- else
- {
- const char* type = e2->getKeyValue( "classname" );
- if ( string_empty( type ) ) {
- type = "t";
+ //normal connect
+ else{
+ //prioritize existing target key
+ //checking, if ent got other connected ones already, could be better solution
+ const char* value = e1->getKeyValue( "target" );
+ if ( !string_empty( value ) ) {
+ connector.connect( value );
+ }
+ else{
+ value = e2->getKeyValue( "targetname" );
+ if ( !string_empty( value ) ) {
+ connector.connect( value );
+ }
+ else{
+ const char* type = e2->getKeyValue( "classname" );
+ if ( string_empty( type ) ) {
+ type = "t";
+ }
+ StringOutputStream key( 64 );
+ key << type << "1";
+ GlobalNamespace().makeUnique( key.c_str(), ConnectEntities::ConnectCaller( connector ) );
+ }
- StringOutputStream key( 64 );
- key << type << "1";
- GlobalNamespace().makeUnique( key.c_str(), ConnectEntities::ConnectCaller( connector ) );
void setLightRadii( bool lightRadii ){
m_nAngleSpeed( 3 ),
m_bCamInverseMouse( false ),
m_bCamDiscrete( true ),
- m_bCubicClipping( true ),
+ m_bCubicClipping( false ),
m_showStats( true ),
m_nStrafeMode( 0 ){
color( 0, 0, 0 ),
movementflags( 0 ),
m_keymove_handler( 0 ),
- fieldOfView( 90.0f ),
+ fieldOfView( 110.0f ),
m_mouseMove( motionDelta, this ),
m_view( view ),
m_update( update ){
void CamWnd_constructToolbar( GtkToolbar* toolbar ){
- toolbar_append_toggle_button( toolbar, "Cubic clip the camera view (\\)", "view_cubicclipping.bmp", "ToggleCubicClip" );
+ toolbar_append_toggle_button( toolbar, "Cubic clip the camera view (Ctrl + \\)", "view_cubicclipping.bmp", "ToggleCubicClip" );
void CamWnd_registerShortcuts(){
camwindow_globals_t() :
color_cameraback( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ),
color_selbrushes3d( 1.0f, 0.f, 0.f ),
- m_nCubicScale( 13 ){
+ m_nCubicScale( 14 ){
#include "brushmanip.h"
#include "brushnode.h"
#include "grid.h"
void Face_makeBrush( Face& face, const Brush& brush, brush_vector_t& out, float offset ){
if ( face.contributes() ) {
out.push_back( new Brush( brush ) );
Face* newFace = out.back()->addFace( face );
+ face.getPlane().offset( -offset );
+ face.planeChanged();
if ( newFace != 0 ) {
newFace->getPlane().offset( offset );
-void Face_makeBrush( Face& face, const Brush& brush, brush_vector_t& out, float offset ){
+void Face_extrude( Face& face, const Brush& brush, brush_vector_t& out, float offset ){
if ( face.contributes() ) {
+ face.getPlane().offset( offset );
out.push_back( new Brush( brush ) );
- //face.getPlane().offset( -offset );
- //face.planeChanged();
+ face.getPlane().offset( -offset );
Face* newFace = out.back()->addFace( face );
if ( newFace != 0 ) {
- newFace->getPlane().offset( offset );
class FaceMakeBrush
const Brush& brush;
brush_vector_t& out;
float offset;
+bool room;
-FaceMakeBrush( const Brush& brush, brush_vector_t& out, float offset )
- : brush( brush ), out( out ), offset( offset ){
+FaceMakeBrush( const Brush& brush, brush_vector_t& out, float offset, bool room )
+ : brush( brush ), out( out ), offset( offset ), room( room ){
void operator()( Face& face ) const {
- Face_makeBrush( face, brush, out, offset );
+ if( room ){
+ Face_extrude( face, brush, out, offset );
+ }
+ else{
+ Face_makeBrush( face, brush, out, offset );
+ }
-void Brush_makeHollow( const Brush& brush, brush_vector_t& out, float offset ){
- Brush_forEachFace( brush, FaceMakeBrush( brush, out, offset ) );
+void Brush_makeHollow( const Brush& brush, brush_vector_t& out, float offset, bool room ){
+ Brush_forEachFace( brush, FaceMakeBrush( brush, out, offset, room ) );
class BrushHollowSelectedWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker
float m_offset;
+bool room;
-BrushHollowSelectedWalker( float offset )
- : m_offset( offset ){
+BrushHollowSelectedWalker( float offset, bool room )
+ : m_offset( offset ), room( room ){
bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const {
if ( path.top().get().visible() ) {
&& Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected()
&& path.size() > 1 ) {
brush_vector_t out;
- Brush_makeHollow( *brush, out, m_offset );
+ Brush_makeHollow( *brush, out, m_offset, room );
for ( brush_vector_t::const_iterator i = out.begin(); i != out.end(); ++i )
( *i )->removeEmptyFaces();
-void Scene_BrushMakeHollow_Selected( scene::Graph& graph ){
- GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushHollowSelectedWalker( GetGridSize() ) );
+void Scene_BrushMakeHollow_Selected( scene::Graph& graph, bool room ){
+ GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushHollowSelectedWalker( GetGridSize(), room ) );
GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushDeleteSelected() );
void CSG_MakeHollow( void ){
UndoableCommand undo( "brushHollow" );
- Scene_BrushMakeHollow_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph() );
+ Scene_BrushMakeHollow_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), false );
+ SceneChangeNotify();
+void CSG_MakeRoom( void ){
+ UndoableCommand undo( "makeRoom" );
+ Scene_BrushMakeHollow_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), true );
void CSG_MakeHollow( void );
+void CSG_MakeRoom( void );
void CSG_Subtract( void );
void CSG_Merge( void );
+static gint EntityInspector_clearKeyValueKB( GtkEntry* widget, GdkEventKey* event, gpointer data ){
+ if ( event->keyval == GDK_Delete ) {
+ // Get current selection text
+ StringOutputStream key( 64 );
+ key << gtk_entry_get_text( g_entityKeyEntry );
+ if ( strcmp( key.c_str(), "classname" ) != 0 ) {
+ StringOutputStream command;
+ command << "entityDeleteKey -key " << key.c_str();
+ UndoableCommand undo( command.c_str() );
+ Scene_EntitySetKeyValue_Selected( key.c_str(), "" );
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
void EntityInspector_clearAllKeyValues(){
UndoableCommand undo( "entityClear" );
return TRUE;
+ if ( event->keyval == GDK_Tab ) {
+ if ( widget == g_entityKeyEntry ) {
+ gtk_window_set_focus( GTK_WINDOW( gtk_widget_get_toplevel( GTK_WIDGET( widget ) ) ), GTK_WIDGET( g_entityValueEntry ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gtk_window_set_focus( GTK_WINDOW( gtk_widget_get_toplevel( GTK_WIDGET( widget ) ) ), GTK_WIDGET( g_entityKeyEntry ) );
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
if ( event->keyval == GDK_Escape ) {
- gtk_window_set_focus( GTK_WINDOW( gtk_widget_get_toplevel( GTK_WIDGET( widget ) ) ), NULL );
+ //gtk_window_set_focus( GTK_WINDOW( gtk_widget_get_toplevel( GTK_WIDGET( widget ) ) ), NULL );
+ GroupDialog_showPage( g_page_entity );
return TRUE;
+static gint EntityInspector_destroyWindowKB( GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventKey* event, gpointer data ){
+ //if ( event->keyval == GDK_Escape && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE( GTK_WIDGET( widget ) ) ) {
+ if ( event->keyval == GDK_Escape ) {
+ //globalErrorStream() << "Doom3Light_getBounds: failed to parse default light radius\n";
+ GroupDialog_showPage( g_page_entity );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( event->keyval == GDK_Tab ) {
+ gtk_window_set_focus( GTK_WINDOW( gtk_widget_get_toplevel( GTK_WIDGET( widget ) ) ), GTK_WIDGET( g_entityKeyEntry ) );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
GtkWidget* EntityInspector_constructWindow( GtkWindow* toplevel ){
GtkWidget* vbox = gtk_vbox_new( FALSE, 2 );
gtk_widget_show( vbox );
gtk_container_set_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER( vbox ), 2 );
+ g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( toplevel ), "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK( EntityInspector_destroyWindowKB ), 0 );
g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( vbox ), "destroy", G_CALLBACK( EntityInspector_destroyWindow ), 0 );
GtkWidget* view = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model( GTK_TREE_MODEL( store ) );
gtk_tree_view_set_enable_search( GTK_TREE_VIEW( view ), FALSE );
gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible( GTK_TREE_VIEW( view ), FALSE );
+ g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( view ), "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK( EntityInspector_clearKeyValueKB ), 0 );
GtkCellRenderer* renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
if ( lib != 0 ) {
void ( WINAPI *qDwmEnableComposition )( bool bEnable ) = ( void (WINAPI *) ( bool bEnable ) )GetProcAddress( lib, "DwmEnableComposition" );
if ( qDwmEnableComposition ) {
+ // disable Aero
qDwmEnableComposition( FALSE );
FreeLibrary( lib );
toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "CSG Subtract (SHIFT + U)", "selection_csgsubtract.bmp", "CSGSubtract" );
toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "CSG Merge (CTRL + U)", "selection_csgmerge.bmp", "CSGMerge" );
toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Hollow", "selection_makehollow.bmp", "CSGHollow" );
+ toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Room", "selection_makeroom.bmp", "CSGroom" );
void ComponentModes_constructToolbar( GtkToolbar* toolbar ){
if ( CurrentStyle() == eRegular || CurrentStyle() == eRegularLeft ) {
- GtkWidget* vsplit = gtk_vpaned_new();
- m_vSplit = vsplit;
- gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( vbox ), vsplit, TRUE, TRUE, 0 );
- gtk_widget_show( vsplit );
- // console
- GtkWidget* console_window = Console_constructWindow( window );
- gtk_paned_pack2( GTK_PANED( vsplit ), console_window, FALSE, TRUE );
+ GtkWidget* hsplit = gtk_hpaned_new();
+ m_hSplit = hsplit;
+ gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( vbox ), hsplit, TRUE, TRUE, 0 );
+ gtk_widget_show( hsplit );
- GtkWidget* hsplit = gtk_hpaned_new();
- gtk_widget_show( hsplit );
- m_hSplit = hsplit;
- gtk_paned_add1( GTK_PANED( vsplit ), hsplit );
+ GtkWidget* vsplit = gtk_vpaned_new();
+ gtk_widget_show( vsplit );
+ m_vSplit = vsplit;
+ GtkWidget* vsplit2 = gtk_vpaned_new();
+ gtk_widget_show( vsplit2 );
+ m_vSplit2 = vsplit2;
+ if ( CurrentStyle() == eRegular ){
+ gtk_paned_add1( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), vsplit );
+ gtk_paned_add2( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), vsplit2 );
+ }
+ else{
+ gtk_paned_add2( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), vsplit );
+ gtk_paned_add1( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), vsplit2 );
+ }
+ // console
+ GtkWidget* console_window = Console_constructWindow( window );
+ gtk_paned_pack2( GTK_PANED( vsplit ), console_window, FALSE, TRUE );
// xy
m_pXYWnd = new XYWnd();
m_pXYWnd->SetViewType( XY );
GtkWidget* xy_window = GTK_WIDGET( create_framed_widget( m_pXYWnd->GetWidget() ) );
+ gtk_paned_add1( GTK_PANED( vsplit ), xy_window );
- GtkWidget* vsplit2 = gtk_vpaned_new();
- gtk_widget_show( vsplit2 );
- m_vSplit2 = vsplit2;
- if ( CurrentStyle() == eRegular ) {
- gtk_paned_add1( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), xy_window );
- gtk_paned_add2( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), vsplit2 );
- }
- else
- {
- gtk_paned_add1( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), vsplit2 );
- gtk_paned_add2( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), xy_window );
- }
// camera
m_pCamWnd = NewCamWnd();
GlobalCamera_setCamWnd( *m_pCamWnd );
GlobalCommands_insert( "CSGSubtract", FreeCaller<CSG_Subtract>(), Accelerator( 'U', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "CSGMerge", FreeCaller<CSG_Merge>(), Accelerator( 'U', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "CSGHollow", FreeCaller<CSG_MakeHollow>() );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "CSGroom", FreeCaller<CSG_MakeRoom>() );
page.appendRadio( "Mouse Type", g_glwindow_globals.m_nMouseType, STRING_ARRAY_RANGE( buttons ) );
page.appendCheckBox( "Right Button", "Activates Context Menu", g_xywindow_globals.m_bRightClick );
+ page.appendCheckBox( "", "Improved mousewheel zoom", g_xywindow_globals.m_bImprovedWheelZoom );
void Mouse_constructPage( PreferenceGroup& group ){
PreferencesPage page( group.createPage( "Mouse", "Mouse Preferences" ) );
static gboolean rotatedlg_apply( GtkWidget *widget, RotateDialog* rotateDialog ){
Vector3 eulerXYZ;
+ gtk_spin_button_update ( rotateDialog->x );
+ gtk_spin_button_update ( rotateDialog->y );
+ gtk_spin_button_update ( rotateDialog->z );
eulerXYZ[0] = static_cast<float>( gtk_spin_button_get_value( rotateDialog->x ) );
eulerXYZ[1] = static_cast<float>( gtk_spin_button_get_value( rotateDialog->y ) );
eulerXYZ[2] = static_cast<float>( gtk_spin_button_get_value( rotateDialog->z ) );
static gboolean rotatedlg_ok( GtkWidget *widget, RotateDialog* rotateDialog ){
rotatedlg_apply( widget, rotateDialog );
- rotatedlg_cancel( widget, rotateDialog );
+// rotatedlg_cancel( widget, rotateDialog );
+ gtk_widget_hide( GTK_WIDGET( rotateDialog->window ) );
return TRUE;
static gboolean scaledlg_ok( GtkWidget *widget, ScaleDialog* scaleDialog ){
scaledlg_apply( widget, scaleDialog );
- scaledlg_cancel( widget, scaleDialog );
+ //scaledlg_cancel( widget, scaleDialog );
+ gtk_widget_hide( GTK_WIDGET( scaleDialog->window ) );
return TRUE;
bool g_TextureBrowser_shaderlistOnly = false;
-bool g_TextureBrowser_fixedSize = false;
+bool g_TextureBrowser_fixedSize = true;
bool g_TextureBrowser_filterNotex = false;
bool m_tags;
// The uniform size (in pixels) that textures are resized to when m_resizeTextures is true.
int m_uniformTextureSize;
+int m_uniformTextureMinSize;
// Return the display width of a texture in the texture browser
-int getTextureWidth( qtexture_t* tex ){
- int width;
+/*void getTextureWH( qtexture_t* tex, int *width, int *height ){
if ( !g_TextureBrowser_fixedSize ) {
// Don't use uniform size
- width = (int)( tex->width * ( (float)m_textureScale / 100 ) );
+ *width = (int)( tex->width * ( (float)m_textureScale / 100 ) );
+ *height = (int)( tex->height * ( (float)m_textureScale / 100 ) );
- else if
- ( tex->width >= tex->height ) {
+ else if ( tex->width >= tex->height ) {
// Texture is square, or wider than it is tall
- width = m_uniformTextureSize;
+ if ( tex->width >= m_uniformTextureSize ){
+ *width = m_uniformTextureSize;
+ *height = (int)( m_uniformTextureSize * ( (float)tex->height / tex->width ) );
+ }
+ else if ( tex->width <= m_uniformTextureMinSize ){
+ *width = m_uniformTextureMinSize;
+ *height = (int)( m_uniformTextureMinSize * ( (float)tex->height / tex->width ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ *width = tex->width;
+ *height = tex->height;
+ }
else {
- // Otherwise, preserve the texture's aspect ratio
- width = (int)( m_uniformTextureSize * ( (float)tex->width / tex->height ) );
+ // Texture taller than it is wide
+ if ( tex->height >= m_uniformTextureSize ){
+ *height = m_uniformTextureSize;
+ *width = (int)( m_uniformTextureSize * ( (float)tex->width / tex->height ) );
+ }
+ else if ( tex->height <= m_uniformTextureMinSize ){
+ *height = m_uniformTextureMinSize;
+ *width = (int)( m_uniformTextureMinSize * ( (float)tex->width / tex->height ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ *width = tex->width;
+ *height = tex->height;
+ }
- return width;
-// Return the display height of a texture in the texture browser
-int getTextureHeight( qtexture_t* tex ){
- int height;
- if ( !g_TextureBrowser_fixedSize ) {
+void getTextureWH( qtexture_t* tex, int *width, int *height ){
// Don't use uniform size
- height = (int)( tex->height * ( (float)m_textureScale / 100 ) );
- }
- else if ( tex->height >= tex->width ) {
- // Texture is square, or taller than it is wide
- height = m_uniformTextureSize;
- }
- else {
- // Otherwise, preserve the texture's aspect ratio
- height = (int)( m_uniformTextureSize * ( (float)tex->height / tex->width ) );
+ *width = (int)( tex->width * ( (float)m_textureScale / 100 ) );
+ *height = (int)( tex->height * ( (float)m_textureScale / 100 ) );
+ if ( g_TextureBrowser_fixedSize ){
+ int W = *width;
+ int H = *height;
+ if ( W >= H ) {
+ // Texture is square, or wider than it is tall
+ if ( W >= m_uniformTextureSize ){
+ *width = m_uniformTextureSize;
+ *height = m_uniformTextureSize * H / W;
+ }
+ else if ( W <= m_uniformTextureMinSize ){
+ *width = m_uniformTextureMinSize;
+ *height = m_uniformTextureMinSize * H / W;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Texture taller than it is wide
+ if ( H >= m_uniformTextureSize ){
+ *height = m_uniformTextureSize;
+ *width = m_uniformTextureSize * W / H;
+ }
+ else if ( H <= m_uniformTextureMinSize ){
+ *height = m_uniformTextureMinSize;
+ *width = m_uniformTextureMinSize * W / H;
+ }
+ }
- return height;
TextureBrowser() :
m_rmbSelected( false ),
m_searchedTags( false ),
m_tags( false ),
- m_uniformTextureSize( 128 ){
+ m_uniformTextureSize( 160 ),
+ m_uniformTextureMinSize( 48 ){
void Texture_NextPos( TextureBrowser& textureBrowser, TextureLayout& layout, qtexture_t* current_texture, int *x, int *y ){
qtexture_t* q = current_texture;
- int nWidth = textureBrowser.getTextureWidth( q );
- int nHeight = textureBrowser.getTextureHeight( q );
+ int nWidth, nHeight;
+ textureBrowser.getTextureWH( q, &nWidth, &nHeight );
if ( layout.current_x + nWidth > textureBrowser.width - 8 && layout.current_row ) { // go to the next row unless the texture is the first on the row
layout.current_x = 8;
layout.current_y -= layout.current_row + TextureBrowser_fontHeight( textureBrowser ) + 4;
int x, y;
Texture_NextPos( textureBrowser, layout, shader->getTexture(), &x, &y );
- textureBrowser.m_nTotalHeight = std::max( textureBrowser.m_nTotalHeight, abs( layout.current_y ) + TextureBrowser_fontHeight( textureBrowser ) + textureBrowser.getTextureHeight( shader->getTexture() ) + 4 );
+ int nWidth, nHeight;
+ textureBrowser.getTextureWH( shader->getTexture(), &nWidth, &nHeight );
+ textureBrowser.m_nTotalHeight = std::max( textureBrowser.m_nTotalHeight, abs( layout.current_y ) + TextureBrowser_fontHeight( textureBrowser ) + nHeight + 4 );
g_activeShadersChangedCallbacks.connectLast( handler );
+void TextureBrowser_constructTreeStore();
class ShadersObserver : public ModuleObserver
Signal0 m_realiseCallbacks;
void realise(){
+ TextureBrowser_constructTreeStore();
void unrealise(){
- int nWidth = textureBrowser.getTextureWidth( q );
- int nHeight = textureBrowser.getTextureHeight( q );
+ int nWidth, nHeight;
+ textureBrowser.getTextureWH( q, &nWidth, &nHeight );
if ( mx > x && mx - x < nWidth
&& my < y && y - my < nHeight + TextureBrowser_fontHeight( textureBrowser ) ) {
return shader;
- int nWidth = textureBrowser.getTextureWidth( q );
- int nHeight = textureBrowser.getTextureHeight( q );
+ int nWidth, nHeight;
+ textureBrowser.getTextureWH( q, &nWidth, &nHeight );
if ( y != last_y ) {
last_y = y;
TextureBrowser_queueDraw( textureBrowser );
+void TextureBrowser_setUniformSize( TextureBrowser& textureBrowser, std::size_t scale ){
+ textureBrowser.m_uniformTextureSize = scale;
+ TextureBrowser_queueDraw( textureBrowser );
+void TextureBrowser_setUniformMinSize( TextureBrowser& textureBrowser, std::size_t scale ){
+ textureBrowser.m_uniformTextureMinSize = scale;
+ TextureBrowser_queueDraw( textureBrowser );
void TextureBrowser_MouseWheel( TextureBrowser& textureBrowser, bool bUp ){
int originy = TextureBrowser_getOriginY( textureBrowser );
ScopeDisableScreenUpdates disableScreenUpdates( dirName, "Loading Textures" );
TextureBrowser_ShowDirectory( GlobalTextureBrowser(), dirName );
TextureBrowser_queueDraw( GlobalTextureBrowser() );
+ //deactivate, so SPACE and RETURN wont be broken for 2d
+ gtk_window_set_focus( GTK_WINDOW( gtk_widget_get_toplevel( GTK_WIDGET( treeview ) ) ), NULL );
typedef ReferenceCaller1<TextureBrowser, const IntImportCallback&, TextureScaleExport> TextureScaleExportCaller;
+void UniformTextureSizeImport( TextureBrowser& textureBrowser, int value ){
+ if ( value >= 16 )
+ TextureBrowser_setUniformSize( textureBrowser, value );
+typedef ReferenceCaller1<TextureBrowser, int, UniformTextureSizeImport> UniformTextureSizeImportCaller;
+void UniformTextureMinSizeImport( TextureBrowser& textureBrowser, int value ){
+ if ( value >= 16 )
+ TextureBrowser_setUniformMinSize( textureBrowser, value );
+typedef ReferenceCaller1<TextureBrowser, int, UniformTextureMinSizeImport> UniformTextureMinSizeImportCaller;
void TextureBrowser_constructPreferences( PreferencesPage& page ){
"", "Texture scrollbar",
IntExportCallback( TextureScaleExportCaller( GlobalTextureBrowser() ) )
+ page.appendSpinner( "Thumbnails Max Size", GlobalTextureBrowser().m_uniformTextureSize, GlobalTextureBrowser().m_uniformTextureSize, 16, 8192 );
+ page.appendSpinner( "Thumbnails Min Size", GlobalTextureBrowser().m_uniformTextureMinSize, GlobalTextureBrowser().m_uniformTextureMinSize, 16, 8192 );
page.appendEntry( "Mousewheel Increment", GlobalTextureBrowser().m_mouseWheelScrollIncrement );
const char* startup_shaders[] = { "None", TextureBrowser_getComonShadersName() };
makeSizeStringImportCallback( TextureBrowserSetScaleCaller( g_TextureBrowser ) ),
SizeExportStringCaller( g_TextureBrowser.m_textureScale )
+ GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "UniformTextureSize",
+ makeIntStringImportCallback(UniformTextureSizeImportCaller(g_TextureBrowser)),
+ IntExportStringCaller(g_TextureBrowser.m_uniformTextureSize) );
+ GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "UniformTextureMinSize",
+ makeIntStringImportCallback(UniformTextureMinSizeImportCaller(g_TextureBrowser)),
+ IntExportStringCaller(g_TextureBrowser.m_uniformTextureMinSize) );
GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "TextureScrollbar",
makeBoolStringImportCallback( TextureBrowserImportShowScrollbarCaller( g_TextureBrowser ) ),
BoolExportStringCaller( GlobalTextureBrowser().m_showTextureScrollbar )
XYWnd_Update( *this );
-void XYWnd_ZoomIn( XYWnd* xy ){
+void XYWnd::ZoomIn(){
float max_scale = 64;
- float scale = xy->Scale() * 5.0f / 4.0f;
+ float scale = Scale() * 5.0f / 4.0f;
if ( scale > max_scale ) {
- if ( xy->Scale() != max_scale ) {
- xy->SetScale( max_scale );
+ if ( Scale() != max_scale ) {
+ SetScale( max_scale );
- xy->SetScale( scale );
+ SetScale( scale );
// NOTE: the zoom out factor is 4/5, we could think about customizing it
// we don't go below a zoom factor corresponding to 10% of the max world size
// (this has to be computed against the window size)
-void XYWnd_ZoomOut( XYWnd* xy ){
- float min_scale = MIN( xy->Width(),xy->Height() ) / ( 1.1f * ( g_MaxWorldCoord - g_MinWorldCoord ) );
- float scale = xy->Scale() * 4.0f / 5.0f;
+void XYWnd::ZoomOut(){
+ float min_scale = MIN( Width(), Height() ) / ( 1.1f * ( g_MaxWorldCoord - g_MinWorldCoord ) );
+ float scale = Scale() * 4.0f / 5.0f;
if ( scale < min_scale ) {
- if ( xy->Scale() != min_scale ) {
- xy->SetScale( min_scale );
+ if ( Scale() != min_scale ) {
+ SetScale( min_scale );
- xy->SetScale( scale );
+ SetScale( scale );
+ }
+void XYWnd::ZoomInWithMouse( int pointx, int pointy ){
+ float old_scale = Scale();
+ ZoomIn();
+ if ( g_xywindow_globals.m_bImprovedWheelZoom ) {
+ float scale_diff = 1.0 / old_scale - 1.0 / Scale();
+ int nDim1 = ( m_viewType == YZ ) ? 1 : 0;
+ int nDim2 = ( m_viewType == XY ) ? 1 : 2;
+ Vector3 origin = GetOrigin();
+ origin[nDim1] += scale_diff * (pointx - 0.5 * Width());
+ origin[nDim2] -= scale_diff * (pointy - 0.5 * Height());
+ SetOrigin( origin );
gboolean xywnd_wheel_scroll( GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventScroll* event, XYWnd* xywnd ){
if ( event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP ) {
- XYWnd_ZoomIn( xywnd );
+ xywnd->ZoomInWithMouse( (int)event->x, (int)event->y );
else if ( event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN ) {
- XYWnd_ZoomOut( xywnd );
+ xywnd->ZoomOut();
return FALSE;
void XYWnd_zoomDelta( int x, int y, unsigned int state, void* data ){
if ( y != 0 ) {
g_dragZoom += y;
while ( abs( g_dragZoom ) > 8 )
if ( g_dragZoom > 0 ) {
- XYWnd_ZoomOut( reinterpret_cast<XYWnd*>( data ) );
+ reinterpret_cast<XYWnd*>( data )->ZoomOut();
g_dragZoom -= 8;
- XYWnd_ZoomIn( reinterpret_cast<XYWnd*>( data ) );
+ reinterpret_cast<XYWnd*>( data )->ZoomIn();
g_dragZoom += 8;
void XY_ZoomIn(){
- XYWnd_ZoomIn( g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY() );
+ g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()->ZoomIn();
// NOTE: the zoom out factor is 4/5, we could think about customizing it
// we don't go below a zoom factor corresponding to 10% of the max world size
// (this has to be computed against the window size)
void XY_ZoomOut(){
- XYWnd_ZoomOut( g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY() );
+ g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()->ZoomOut();
GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "ClipCaulk", BoolImportStringCaller( g_clip_useCaulk ), BoolExportStringCaller( g_clip_useCaulk ) );
GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "NewRightClick", BoolImportStringCaller( g_xywindow_globals.m_bRightClick ), BoolExportStringCaller( g_xywindow_globals.m_bRightClick ) );
+ GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "ImprovedWheelZoom", BoolImportStringCaller( g_xywindow_globals.m_bImprovedWheelZoom ), BoolExportStringCaller( g_xywindow_globals.m_bImprovedWheelZoom ) );
GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "ChaseMouse", BoolImportStringCaller( g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bChaseMouse ), BoolExportStringCaller( g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bChaseMouse ) );
GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "SizePainting", BoolImportStringCaller( g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bSizePaint ), BoolExportStringCaller( g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bSizePaint ) );
GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "ShowCrosshair", BoolImportStringCaller( g_bCrossHairs ), BoolExportStringCaller( g_bCrossHairs ) );
bool m_zoom_started;
guint m_zoom_focusOut;
+void ZoomIn();
+void ZoomOut();
+void ZoomInWithMouse( int pointx, int pointy );
void SetActive( bool b ){
m_bActive = b;
bool m_bRightClick;
bool m_bNoStipple;
+ bool m_bImprovedWheelZoom;
xywindow_globals_t() :
color_gridback( 0.77f, 0.77f, 0.77f ),
AxisColorY( 0.f, 1.f, 0.f ),
AxisColorZ( 0.f, 0.f, 1.f ),
m_bRightClick( true ),
- m_bNoStipple( false ){
+ m_bNoStipple( false ),
+ m_bImprovedWheelZoom( true ){
size_t stacksize;
int start, end;
- int i = 0, status = 0;
+ int i = 0;
start = I_FloatTime();
pacifier = showpacifier;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numthreads ; i++ )
- if ( pthread_join( work_threads[i], (void **)&status ) != 0 ) {
+ if ( pthread_join( work_threads[i], NULL ) != 0 ) {
Error( "pthread_join failed" );
+ /* Lighting brightness */
+ else if( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-brightness" ) ){
+ f = atof( argv[ i + 1 ] );
+ lightmapBrightness = f;
+ Sys_Printf( "Lighting brightness set to %f\n", lightmapBrightness );
+ i++;
+ }
+ /* Lighting contrast */
+ else if( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-contrast" ) ){
+ f = atof( argv[ i + 1 ] );
+ lightmapContrast = f;
+ if( lightmapContrast > 255 ){
+ lightmapContrast = 255;
+ }
+ else if( lightmapContrast < -255 ){
+ lightmapContrast = -255;
+ }
+ Sys_Printf( "Lighting contrast set to %f\n", lightmapContrast );
+ i++;
+ /* change to factor in range of 0 to 129.5 */
+ lightmapContrast = ( 259 * ( lightmapContrast + 255 ) ) / ( 255 * ( 259 - lightmapContrast ) );
+ }
/* ydnar switches */
else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-bounce" ) ) {
bounce = atoi( argv[ i + 1 ] );
if ( scale <= 0.0f ) {
scale = 1.0f;
+ /* globally */
+ scale *= lightmapBrightness;
/* make a local copy */
VectorScale( color, scale, sample );
/* compensate for ingame overbrighting/bitshifting */
VectorScale( sample, ( 1.0f / lightmapCompensate ), sample );
+ /* contrast */
+ if ( lightmapContrast != 1.0f ){
+ for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ){
+ sample[i] = lightmapContrast * ( sample[i] - 128 ) + 128;
+ if ( sample[i] < 0 ){
+ sample[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( sample[0] > 255 ) || ( sample[1] > 255 ) || ( sample[2] > 255 ) ) {
+ max = sample[0] > sample[1] ? sample[0] : sample[1];
+ max = max > sample[2] ? max : sample[2];
+ sample[0] = sample[0] * 255 / max;
+ sample[1] = sample[1] * 255 / max;
+ sample[2] = sample[2] * 255 / max;
+ }
+ }
/* sRGB lightmaps */
if ( lightmapsRGB ) {
sample[0] = floor( Image_sRGBFloatFromLinearFloat( sample[0] * ( 1.0 / 255.0 ) ) * 255.0 + 0.5 );
temp, scriptline, token );
+ qboolean hasmap = qfalse;
while ( 1 )
/* get the next token */
if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) {
+ if ( !strcmp( token, "{" ) ) {
+ Sys_Printf( "WARNING9: %s : line %d : opening brace inside shader stage\n", temp, scriptline );
+ }
+ if ( !stricmp( token, "mapComp" ) || !stricmp( token, "mapNoComp" ) || !stricmp( token, "animmapcomp" ) || !stricmp( token, "animmapnocomp" ) ){
+ Sys_Printf( "WARNING7: %s : line %d : unsupported '%s' map directive\n", temp, scriptline, token );
+ }
/* skip the shader */
if ( !wantShader ) continue;
/* digest any images */
if ( !stricmp( token, "map" ) ||
!stricmp( token, "clampMap" ) ) {
+ hasmap = qtrue;
/* get an image */
GetToken( qfalse );
if ( token[ 0 ] != '*' && token[ 0 ] != '$' ) {
else if ( !stricmp( token, "animMap" ) ||
!stricmp( token, "clampAnimMap" ) ) {
+ hasmap = qtrue;
GetToken( qfalse );// skip num
while ( TokenAvailable() ){
GetToken( qfalse );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "videoMap" ) ){
+ hasmap = qtrue;
GetToken( qfalse );
FixDOSName( token );
if ( strchr( token, '/' ) == NULL && strchr( token, '\\' ) == NULL ){
+ else if ( !strnicmp( token, "implicit", 8 ) ){
+ Sys_Printf( "WARNING5: %s : line %d : unsupported %s shader\n", temp, scriptline, token );
+ }
/* skip the shader */
else if ( !wantShader ) continue;
/* skyparms <outer image> <cloud height> <inner image> */
else if ( !stricmp( token, "skyParms" ) ) {
+ hasmap = qtrue;
/* get image base */
GetToken( qfalse );
GetToken( qfalse );
GetToken( qfalse );
+ else if ( !stricmp( token, "fogparms" ) ){
+ hasmap = qtrue;
+ }
//exclude shader
+ if ( !hasmap ){
+ wantShader = qfalse;
+ }
if ( wantShader ){
if ( ShaderFileExcluded ){
if ( reasonShaderFile != NULL ){
- repack multiple maps, strip only required shaders
+ repack multiple maps, strip out only required shaders
works for Q3 type of shaders and ents
strcat( shaderText, "\n\t}" );
+ if ( !strcmp( token, "{" ) ) {
+ strcat( shaderText, "\n\t{" );
+ Sys_Printf( "WARNING9: %s : line %d : opening brace inside shader stage\n", temp, scriptline );
+ }
/* skip the shader */
if ( !wantShader ) continue;
//exclude shader
- if ( wantShader && !hasmap ){
- Sys_Printf( "WARNING8: %s : shader has no known maps\n", pk3Shaders + shader*65 );
- wantShader = qfalse;
- *( pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) = '\0';
- }
if ( wantShader ){
for ( j = 0; j < ExShadersN; j++ ){
if ( !stricmp( ExShaders + j*65, pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) ){
+ if ( wantShader && !hasmap ){
+ Sys_Printf( "WARNING8: %s : shader has no known maps\n", pk3Shaders + shader*65 );
+ wantShader = qfalse;
+ *( pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) = '\0';
+ }
if ( wantShader ){
strcat( allShaders, shaderText );
*( pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) = '\0';
vec3_t min = { 999999, 999999, 999999 }, max = { -999999, -999999, -999999 };
vec3_t avgDirection = { 0, 0, 0 };
int axis;
- #define nonax_clip_dbg 1
+ #define nonax_clip_dbg 0
/* temp hack */
if ( !si->clipModel && !( si->compileFlags & C_SOLID ) ) {
Q_EXTERN float colorsRGB Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN float lightmapExposure Q_ASSIGN( 0.0f );
Q_EXTERN float lightmapCompensate Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
+Q_EXTERN float lightmapBrightness Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
+Q_EXTERN float lightmapContrast Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
/* ydnar: for runtime tweaking of falloff tolerance */
Q_EXTERN float falloffTolerance Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );