const int RETURN_SPEEDRUN = 4;
const int RETURN_NEEDKILL = 5;
-void ctf_Handle_Throw(entity player, entity receiver, float droptype);
// flag properties
#define ctf_spawnorigin dropped_origin
bool ctf_stalemate; // indicates that a stalemate is active
their_vel = closest.velocity;
their_ang = closest.angles;
- if(closest.ballcarried)
- if(g_keepaway) { ka_DropEvent(closest); }
- else { DropBall(closest.ballcarried, closest.origin, closest.velocity);}
- if(closest.flagcarried) { ctf_Handle_Throw(closest, world, DROP_THROW); }
- if(closest.nade) { toss_nade(closest, '0 0 0', time + 0.05); }
+ Drop_Special_Items(closest);
MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PortalTeleport, self); // initiate flag dropper
.float stat_healing_orb_alpha;
.float nade_show_particles;
-void toss_nade(entity e, vector _velocity, float _time);
// Remove nades that are being thrown
void(entity player) nades_Clear;