-// This code written in 2010 by Forest Hale (lordhavoc ghdigital com), and placed into public domain.
+// This code written in 2010 by Forest Hale (darkplacesengine gmail com), and placed into public domain.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
-// This code written in 2010 by Forest Hale (lordhavoc ghdigital com), and placed into public domain.
+// This code written in 2010 by Forest Hale (darkplacesengine gmail com), and placed into public domain.
// Based on information in http://zach.in.tu-clausthal.de/papers/vrst02.html (in particular vrst02_boxtree.pdf)
I am not very good at writing documentation, so this readme is organized as a feature list, with information on each feature, I hope it is still adequate documentation.
-If you have any suggestions for features to document in detail in the readme or any other questions/comments/bugreports/suggestions/etc, send me an email with the address lordhavoc ghdigital com (add @ and . characters as appropriate)
+If you have any suggestions for features to document in detail in the readme or any other questions/comments/bugreports/suggestions/etc, send me an email with the address darkplacesengine gmail com (add @ and . characters as appropriate)
M_Print(x, 146, " More than 255 players??");
M_Print(x, 154, " First, question your ");
M_Print(x, 162, " sanity, then email ");
- M_Print(x, 170, " lordhavoc@ghdigital.com");
+ M_Print(x, 170, "darkplacesengine@gmail.com");
m_serverInfoMessage = false;