if(a < ALPHA_MIN_VISIBLE) { delete(this); }
// WEAPONTODO: save this only once when creating the entity
- vector sw_color = entcs_GetColor(this.sv_entnum - 1); // GetTeamRGB(entcs_GetTeam(this.sv_entnum));
+ vector sw_color = entcs_GetColor(this.sv_entnum - 1); // Team_ColorRGB(entcs_GetTeam(this.sv_entnum));
// WEAPONTODO: trace to find what we actually hit
vector endpos = (this.sw_shotorg + (this.sw_shotdir * this.sw_distance));
// evaluate the next goal on the queue
float d = vlen2(this.origin - bot_waypoint_queue_goal.origin);
- LOG_DEBUG(this.netname, " evaluating ", bot_waypoint_queue_goal.classname, " with distance ", ftos(d));
+ LOG_DEBUG(this.netname, " evaluating ", bot_waypoint_queue_goal.classname, " with squared distance ", ftos(d));
set_tracewalk_dest(bot_waypoint_queue_goal, this.origin, false);
if (tracewalk(this, this.origin, STAT(PL_MIN, this), STAT(PL_MAX, this),
tracewalk_dest, tracewalk_dest_height, bot_navigation_movemode))