center = CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(head);
// find the closest point on the enemy to the center of the attack
- float ang; // angle between shotdir and h
float h; // hypotenuse, which is the distance between attacker to head
float a; // adjacent side, which is the distance between attacker and the point on w_shotdir that is closest to head.origin
h = vlen(center - self.origin);
- ang = acos(dotproduct(normalize(center - self.origin), w_shotdir));
- a = h * cos(ang);
+ a = h * (normalize(center - self.origin) * w_shotdir);
vector nearest_on_line = (w_shotorg + a * w_shotdir);
vector nearest_to_attacker = WarpZoneLib_NearestPointOnBox(center + head.mins, center + head.maxs, nearest_on_line);
// find the closest point on the enemy to the center of the attack
- float ang; // angle between shotdir and h
float h; // hypotenuse, which is the distance between attacker to head
float a; // adjacent side, which is the distance between attacker and the point on w_shotdir that is closest to head.origin
h = vlen(head_center - passer_center);
- ang = acos(dotproduct(normalize(head_center - passer_center), v_forward));
- a = h * cos(ang);
+ a = h * (normalize(head_center - passer_center) * v_forward);
vector nearest_on_line = (passer_center + a * v_forward);
float distance_from_line = vlen(nearest_to_passer - nearest_on_line);