float bestspeed;
float maxaccel_phys = onground ? PHYS_ACCELERATE(strafeplayer) : PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer);
float maxaccel = !autocvar__hud_configure ? maxaccel_phys : 1;
+ float airstopaccel = PHYS_AIRSTOPACCELERATE(strafeplayer);
+ float aircontrol = PHYS_AIRCONTROL(strafeplayer);
+ bool aircontrol_backwards = PHYS_AIRCONTROL_BACKWARDS(strafeplayer) == 1;
+ bool airaccel_qw = PHYS_AIRACCEL_QW(strafeplayer) == 1;
// change the range from 0° - 360° to -180° - 180° to match how view_angle represents angles
float vel_angle = vectoangles(strafeplayer.velocity).y - (vectoangles(strafeplayer.velocity).y > 180 ? 360 : 0);
float view_angle = PHYS_INPUT_ANGLES(strafeplayer).y;
float angle;
vector movement = PHYS_INPUT_MOVEVALUES(strafeplayer);
- bool fwd;
+ bool fwd; // left & right variables are flipped when !fwd
int keys_fwd;
float wishangle;
int direction;
+ float strafity = 0;
// HUD
int mode;
vector currentangle_size;
float bestangle;
float prebestangle;
+ float overturn_angle;
float odd_bestangle;
- float bestangle_offset;
- float switch_bestangle_offset;
+ float bestangle_offset = 0;
+ float switch_bestangle_offset = 0;
bool odd_angles = false;
float odd_bestangle_offset = 0;
float switch_odd_bestangle_offset = 0;
- float bestangle_width;
+ float switch_bestangle_width = 0;
+ float wturn_bestangle = 0;
+ float wturn_left_bestangle_offset = 0;
+ float wturn_right_bestangle_offset = 0;
+ float wturn_bestangle_width = 0;
float accelzone_left_offset;
float accelzone_right_offset;
float accelzone_width;
float overturn_offset;
float overturn_width;
float slickdetector_height;
- vector direction_size_vertical;
- vector direction_size_horizontal;
+ vector direction_size_vertical = '0 0 0';
+ vector direction_size_horizontal = '0 0 0';
float range_minangle;
float text_offset_top = 0;
float text_offset_bottom = 0;
// real_* variables which are always positive with no wishangle offset
- float real_bestangle;
- float real_prebestangle;
+ float real_bestangle;
+ float real_prebestangle;
+ float real_overturn_angle;
+ float real_wturn_bestangle = 0;
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode >= 0 && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode <= 1)
mode = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode;
wishangle = 0; // wraps at 180°
- strafekeys = fabs(wishangle) > 45;
- // determine minimum required angle to display full strafe range
- range_minangle = fabs(wishangle) % 90; // maximum range is 90 degree
- if(range_minangle > 45) range_minangle = 45 - fabs(wishangle) % 45; // minimum angle range is 45
- range_minangle = 90 - range_minangle; // calculate value which is never >90 or <45
- range_minangle *= 2; // multiply to accommodate for both sides of the hud
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_range == 0)
- {
- if(autocvar__hud_configure)
- hudangle = 90;
- else
- hudangle = range_minangle; // use minimum angle required if dynamically setting hud angle
- }
- else
- {
- hudangle = bound(0, fabs(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_range), 360); // limit HUD range to 360 degrees, higher values don't make sense
- }
+ float real_wishangle = fabs(wishangle); // unmodified by side strafing code
+ strafekeys = real_wishangle > 45;
// detect air strafe turning
if((!strafekeys && vlen(vec2(movement)) > 0) || onground || autocvar__hud_configure)
else if(turn_expired)
turn = false;
- if(turn) // CPMA turning
+ if(turn) // side strafing (A/D)
// calculate the maximum air strafe speed and acceleration
- float strafity = 1 - (90 - fabs(wishangle)) / 45;
+ strafity = 1 - (90 - fabs(wishangle)) / 45;
if(PHYS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED(strafeplayer) != 0)
maxspeed = min(maxspeed, GeomLerp(PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer), strafity, PHYS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED(strafeplayer)));
+ if(airstopaccel == 0)
+ airstopaccel = 1; // values of 0 are equivalent to 1
// best angle to strafe at
- // in case of ground friction we may decelerate if the acceleration is smaller than the speed loss from friction
- real_bestangle = bestangle = (strafespeed > bestspeed ? acos(bestspeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG : 0);
- real_prebestangle = prebestangle = (strafespeed > movespeed ? acos(movespeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG : 0);
+ if(immobile)
+ {
+ // these are unused (neutral fills whole strafe bar)
+ prebestangle = bestangle = 0;
+ overturn_angle = 180;
+ }
+ else if(onground && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_onground_friction)
+ {
+ // draw ground angles
+ {
+ // delta_opt = acos((s - a) / v_f), same in air
+ bestangle = strafespeed > bestspeed
+ ? acos(bestspeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG // case 1
+ : 0; // case 2
+ // case 1: normal. case 2: low speed, best angle is forwards
+ }
+ {
+ // needed later if autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn != STRAFEHUD_WTURN_NONE,
+ // ... so calculate even if autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_preaccel == 0
+ float prebestangle_sqrt = movespeed * movespeed + strafespeed * strafespeed - speed * speed;
+ // delta_min = acos(sqrt(s^2 - v_f^2 + v^2) / v_f), or just acos(s / v) in air
+ prebestangle = (prebestangle_sqrt > 0 && strafespeed > sqrt(prebestangle_sqrt))
+ ? acos(sqrt(prebestangle_sqrt) / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG // case 1
+ : (prebestangle_sqrt > 0 ? 0 : 90); // case 2 : case 3
+ // case 1: normal. case 2: low speed, best angle is forwards. case 3: landed at high speed, neutral zone is very large (see explanation below)
+ }
+ {
+ float overturn_numer = speed * speed - strafespeed * strafespeed - maxaccel * maxaccel;
+ float overturn_denom = 2 * maxaccel * strafespeed;
+ // delta_max = acos((v^2 - v_f^2 - a^2) / (2av_f)), or just acos(-a / 2v) if in air
+ overturn_angle = overturn_denom > fabs(overturn_numer)
+ ? acos(overturn_numer / overturn_denom) * RAD2DEG // case 1
+ : (overturn_numer < 0 ? 180 : 0); // case 2 : case 3
+ // case 1: normal. case 2: low speed, turning anywhere will gain speed. case 3: landed at high speed, turning anywhere will lose speed (due to friction)
+ }
+ if(overturn_angle < bestangle || bestangle < prebestangle)
+ {
+ // these conditions occur when you land at high speed (above max onground speed), such that every wishangle will result in a speed loss due to friction
+ if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_onground_mode == STRAFEHUD_ONGROUND_OVERTURN)
+ {
+ // make overturn fill the whole strafe bar
+ // most correct option by the true definition of accel, since every angle results in deceleration
+ prebestangle = bestangle = 0;
+ overturn_angle = 0;
+ }
+ else if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_onground_mode == STRAFEHUD_ONGROUND_GROUND)
+ {
+ /* k9er: these aren't the true angles -- the real ones are very convoluted and difficult to understand
+ * essentially the prior definitions of the zones now overlap,
+ * ... with the overturn zone extending below bestangle, and eventually covering the whole hud
+ * ... and somehow the neutral zone extends above bestangle, and eventually covers the whole hud (i think)
+ * overall showing it accurately is just confusing and unnecessary to add
+ * thankfully the bestangle formula is unchanged, so the least confusing option is likely as follows:
+ */
+ overturn_angle = bestangle;
+ prebestangle = bestangle;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // use angles as if in air
+ // no need to check if numerator < denominator, since all numerators < max onground speed < speed = all denominators
+ bestangle = acos(bestspeed / speed) * RAD2DEG;
+ prebestangle = acos(movespeed / speed) * RAD2DEG;
+ overturn_angle = acos(-(airstopaccel * maxaccel / 2) / speed) * RAD2DEG;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // draw airborne angles. see above for documentation
+ bestangle = speed > bestspeed
+ ? acos(bestspeed / speed) * RAD2DEG
+ : 0;
+ prebestangle = speed > movespeed
+ ? acos(movespeed / speed) * RAD2DEG
+ : 0;
+ // with airstopaccel, delta_max = acos(airstopaccel * -a / 2v), only in air
+ overturn_angle = speed > airstopaccel * maxaccel / 2
+ ? acos(-(airstopaccel * maxaccel / 2) / speed) * RAD2DEG
+ : 180;
+ }
+ real_bestangle = bestangle;
+ real_prebestangle = prebestangle;
+ real_overturn_angle = overturn_angle;
+ /*
+ * k9er: proper W-turn angle assuming sv_aircontrol_power == 2 is acos(-speed/a * (cos((acos(V) + M_PI * 2) / 3) * 2 + 1)) rad,
+ * ... where a=dt*32*aircontrol, and V=1-(a*a)/(speed*speed),
+ * ... but this very quickly loses accuracy -- should be a strictly decreasing function, yet it increases at only speed=722 with 125 fps
+ * also note this is only valid when such angle is not in the accelzone, formula taking acceleration into account is unfathomably complicated
+ * afaik there's no simplified version of this formula that doesn't involve complex numbers, other than one valid for only speed<27.1 roughly
+ * furthermore, this function quite rapidly approaches its asymptote of ~35.26, e.g. being ~0.68 away when at only speed=600
+ * this asymptote is independent of whether the player is crouching or has haste, although they must be airborne
+ * thus, the best option is to just draw the asymptote (acos(sqrt(2/3))),
+ * ... but the proper angle can be drawn too if the player wants (hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_proper 1)
+ * this is only enabled if sv_airaccel_qw == 1 since otherwise W-turning gives acceleration, unless hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_unrestricted 1
+ * when sv_aircontrol_power != 2 (abbr. "p"), the asymptote is instead acos(sqrt(p/(p+1))). full formula is too difficult to calculate,
+ * ... so the angle will only be shown with hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_proper 0
+ * this doesn't have support for sv_aircontrol_sideways == 1
+ */
+ bool wturning = !onground && wishangle == 0 && (keys_fwd == STRAFEHUD_KEYS_FORWARD || (aircontrol_backwards && keys_fwd == STRAFEHUD_KEYS_BACKWARD));
+ bool wturn_valid = aircontrol && PHYS_AIRCONTROL_PENALTY(strafeplayer) == 0 && (airaccel_qw || autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_unrestricted == 1);
+ bool wturn_check = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn && !immobile && wturn_valid;
+ if(wturn_check)
+ {
+ float wturn_power = PHYS_AIRCONTROL_POWER(strafeplayer);
+ if(wturn_power == 2)
+ {
+ float wturn_a = 32 * aircontrol * dt;
+ float wturn_V = 1 - (wturn_a * wturn_a) / (speed * speed);
+ if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_proper && wturn_a > 1 && wturn_V < 1 && wturn_V > -1)
+ wturn_bestangle = acos(-speed / wturn_a * (cos((acos(wturn_V) + M_PI * 2) / 3) * 2 + 1)) * RAD2DEG;
+ else
+ wturn_bestangle = ACOS_SQRT2_3_DEG;
+ real_wturn_bestangle = wturn_bestangle;
+ }
+ else if(!autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_proper && wturn_power >= 0)
+ {
+ wturn_bestangle = acos(sqrt(wturn_power / (wturn_power + 1))) * RAD2DEG;
+ real_wturn_bestangle = wturn_bestangle;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wturn_valid = false;
+ wturn_check = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // draw the switch indicators as if strafing normally (W+A style), while W-turning or side strafing
+ float n_bestangle = 0;
+ float n_odd_bestangle;
+ float n_bestangle_offset = 0;
+ float n_switch_bestangle_offset = 0;
+ float n_odd_bestangle_offset = 0;
+ float n_switch_odd_bestangle_offset = 0;
+ bool draw_normal = ((autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch >= STRAFEHUD_SWITCH_NORMAL && wturning)
+ || (autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch == STRAFEHUD_SWITCH_SIDESTRAFE && turn));
+ if(draw_normal)
+ {
+ // recalculate bestangle as if strafing normally
+ float n_maxspeed = PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer) * maxspeed_mod;
+ float n_movespeed = n_maxspeed;
+ float n_maxaccel = PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer) * dt * n_movespeed;
+ float n_bestspeed = max(n_movespeed - n_maxaccel, 0);
+ n_bestangle = speed > n_bestspeed
+ ? acos(n_bestspeed / speed) * RAD2DEG - 45
+ : -45;
+ }
+ // determine the minimal required HUD angle to contain the full strafing angle range
+ // this is useful for the velocity centered mode where the zones do not follow the strafing angle
+ // how it works:
+ // the angle where the most acceleration occurs moves relative to the player velocity
+ // from 0 - wishangle to real_overturn_angle - wishangle
+ // the angle farther away from the center is the maximum the optimal strafing angle can
+ // diverge from the direction of velocity
+ // this angle has to be multiplied by two since the HUD extends in both directions which
+ // halves the amount it extends in a single direction
+ range_minangle = max(real_wishangle, real_overturn_angle - real_wishangle) * 2;
+ float range_normal = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_range;
+ float range_side = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_range_sidestrafe;
+ float range_used;
+ if(range_normal == 0)
+ range_normal = autocvar__hud_configure ? 90 : range_minangle; // use minimum angle required if dynamically setting hud angle
+ if(range_side == -1) // use the normal range
+ range_used = range_normal;
+ else
+ {
+ if(range_side == 0)
+ range_side = autocvar__hud_configure ? 90 : range_minangle;
+ range_used = GeomLerp(range_normal, strafity, range_side);
+ }
+ hudangle = bound(0, fabs(range_used), 360); // limit HUD range to 360 degrees, higher values don't make sense
if(direction == STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_LEFT) // the angle becomes negative in case we strafe left
+ n_bestangle *= -1;
bestangle *= -1;
prebestangle *= -1;
+ overturn_angle *= -1;
odd_bestangle = -bestangle - wishangle;
+ n_odd_bestangle = -n_bestangle - wishangle;
bestangle -= wishangle;
prebestangle -= wishangle;
+ overturn_angle -= wishangle;
// various offsets and size calculations of hud indicator elements
// how much is hidden by the current hud angle
currentangle_offset = angle / hudangle * panel_size.x;
currentangle_offset = bound(-hudangle / 2, angle, hudangle / 2) / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
// best strafe acceleration angle
- bestangle_offset = bestangle / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
- switch_bestangle_offset = -bestangle / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
- bestangle_width = panel_size.x * autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_width;
- if(!autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_uncapped)
- bestangle_width = max(bestangle_width, 1);
+ if((autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch || autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle) && speed >= minspeed)
+ {
+ bestangle_offset = bestangle / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
+ switch_bestangle_offset = -bestangle / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
+ switch_bestangle_width = panel_size.x * autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_width;
+ if(!autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_uncapped)
+ switch_bestangle_width = max(switch_bestangle_width, 1);
- if((angle > -wishangle && direction == STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_LEFT) || (angle < -wishangle && direction == STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_RIGHT))
+ if((angle > -wishangle && direction == STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_LEFT) || (angle < -wishangle && direction == STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_RIGHT))
+ {
+ odd_angles = true;
+ odd_bestangle_offset = odd_bestangle / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
+ switch_odd_bestangle_offset = (odd_bestangle + bestangle * 2) / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
+ }
+ if(draw_normal)
+ {
+ n_bestangle_offset = n_bestangle / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
+ n_switch_bestangle_offset = -n_bestangle / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
+ if(odd_angles)
+ {
+ n_odd_bestangle_offset = n_odd_bestangle / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
+ n_switch_odd_bestangle_offset = (n_odd_bestangle + n_bestangle * 2) / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // best angle to aim at when W-turning to maximally rotate velocity vector
+ if(wturn_check)
- odd_angles = true;
- odd_bestangle_offset = odd_bestangle / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
- switch_odd_bestangle_offset = (odd_bestangle + bestangle * 2) / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
+ bool wturn_show = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn == STRAFEHUD_WTURN_SIDESTRAFE ? (fwd || aircontrol_backwards)
+ : autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn == STRAFEHUD_WTURN_NORMAL ? ((fwd || aircontrol_backwards) && !turn)
+ : autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn == STRAFEHUD_WTURN_NONE ? false
+ : wturning;
+ if(wturn_show && real_wturn_bestangle < real_prebestangle && !onground)
+ {
+ wturn_left_bestangle_offset = wturn_bestangle / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
+ wturn_right_bestangle_offset = -wturn_bestangle / hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x / 2;
+ wturn_bestangle_width = panel_size.x * autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_width;
+ if(!autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_uncapped)
+ wturn_bestangle_width = max(wturn_bestangle_width, 1);
+ }
- // direction indicator
- direction_size_vertical.x = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_width;
- if(!autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_uncapped)
- direction_size_vertical.x = min(direction_size_vertical.x, 1);
- direction_size_vertical.x *= panel_size.y;
- if(!autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_uncapped)
- direction_size_vertical.x = max(direction_size_vertical.x, 1);
- direction_size_vertical.y = panel_size.y + direction_size_vertical.x * 2;
- direction_size_vertical.z = 0;
- direction_size_horizontal.x = panel_size.x * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_length, .5);
- direction_size_horizontal.y = direction_size_vertical.x;
- direction_size_horizontal.z = 0;
// the neutral zone fills the whole strafe bar
// calculate various zones of the strafe-o-meter
- preaccelzone_width = (fabs(bestangle - prebestangle)) / hudangle * panel_size.x;
+ preaccelzone_width = fabs(real_bestangle - real_prebestangle) / hudangle * panel_size.x;
preaccelzone_width = 0;
- accelzone_width = (90 - fabs(bestangle + wishangle)) / hudangle * panel_size.x;
- overturn_width = 180 / hudangle * panel_size.x;
+ accelzone_width = (real_overturn_angle - real_bestangle) / hudangle * panel_size.x;
+ overturn_width = (360 - real_overturn_angle * 2) / hudangle * panel_size.x;
neutral_width = 360 / hudangle * panel_size.x - accelzone_width * 2 - preaccelzone_width * 2 - overturn_width;
switch_bestangle_offset += shift_offset;
odd_bestangle_offset += shift_offset;
switch_odd_bestangle_offset += shift_offset;
+ n_bestangle_offset += shift_offset;
+ n_switch_bestangle_offset += shift_offset;
+ n_odd_bestangle_offset += shift_offset;
+ n_switch_odd_bestangle_offset += shift_offset;
+ wturn_left_bestangle_offset += shift_offset;
+ wturn_right_bestangle_offset += shift_offset;
shift_offset += -360 / hudangle * panel_size.x;
overturn_offset += shift_offset;
// draw left acceleration zone
- HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(
- accelzone_left_offset, accelzone_width, hidden_width,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_accel_color,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_accel_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_LEFT);
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_preaccel)
+ if(accelzone_width > 0)
- preaccelzone_left_offset, preaccelzone_width, hidden_width,
+ accelzone_left_offset, accelzone_width, hidden_width,
autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_accel_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_RIGHT);
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_LEFT, false);
- // draw right acceleration zone
- HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(
- accelzone_right_offset, accelzone_width, hidden_width,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_accel_color,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_accel_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_RIGHT);
+ if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_preaccel && preaccelzone_width > 0)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(
+ preaccelzone_left_offset, preaccelzone_width, hidden_width,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_preaccel_color,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_preaccel_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_RIGHT, false);
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_preaccel)
+ // draw right acceleration zone
+ if(accelzone_width > 0)
- preaccelzone_right_offset, preaccelzone_width, hidden_width,
+ accelzone_right_offset, accelzone_width, hidden_width,
autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_accel_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_LEFT);
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_RIGHT, false);
+ if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_preaccel && preaccelzone_width > 0)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(
+ preaccelzone_right_offset, preaccelzone_width, hidden_width,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_preaccel_color,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_preaccel_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_LEFT, false);
// draw overturn zone
- // this is technically incorrect
- // acceleration decreases at 90 degrees but speed loss happens a little bit after 90 degrees,
- // however due to sv_airstopaccelerate that's hard to calculate
- HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(
- overturn_offset, overturn_width, hidden_width,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_overturn_color,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_overturn_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_BOTH);
+ if(overturn_width > 0)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(
+ overturn_offset, overturn_width, hidden_width,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_overturn_color,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_overturn_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_BOTH, false);
// draw neutral zone
- HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(
- neutral_offset, neutral_width, hidden_width,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_neutral_color,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_neutral_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
- autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_NONE);
- // only draw indicators if minspeed is reached
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch && speed >= minspeed && bestangle_width > 0 && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_alpha > 0)
+ if(neutral_width > 0)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(
+ neutral_offset, neutral_width, hidden_width,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_neutral_color,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_neutral_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_NONE, false);
+ // only draw switch indicators if minspeed is reached (switch_bestangle_width init to 0)
+ if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch && switch_bestangle_width > 0 && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_alpha > 0)
// draw the switch indicator(s)
- float offset = !odd_angles ? bestangle_offset : odd_bestangle_offset;
- float switch_offset = !odd_angles ? switch_bestangle_offset : switch_odd_bestangle_offset;
- // remove switch indicator width from offset
- {
- if(!odd_angles)
- offset -= bestangle_width;
- else
- switch_offset -= bestangle_width;
- }
- else
- {
- if(!odd_angles)
- switch_offset -= bestangle_width;
- else
- offset -= bestangle_width;
- }
+ float offset = draw_normal
+ ? (odd_angles ? n_odd_bestangle_offset : n_bestangle_offset)
+ : (odd_angles ? odd_bestangle_offset : bestangle_offset);
+ float switch_offset = draw_normal
+ ? (odd_angles ? n_switch_odd_bestangle_offset : n_switch_bestangle_offset)
+ : (odd_angles ? switch_odd_bestangle_offset : switch_bestangle_offset);
- switch_offset, bestangle_width, hidden_width,
+ switch_offset, switch_bestangle_width, hidden_width,
autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
+ if(direction == STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_NONE || draw_normal)
- offset, bestangle_width, hidden_width,
+ offset, switch_bestangle_width, hidden_width,
autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
+ }
+ // only draw wturn indicators if conditions were met (wturn_bestangle_width init to 0)
+ if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn && wturn_bestangle_width > 0 && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_alpha > 0)
+ {
+ // draw the wturn indicators
+ HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(
+ wturn_left_bestangle_offset, wturn_bestangle_width, hidden_width,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_color,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
+ HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(
+ wturn_right_bestangle_offset, wturn_bestangle_width, hidden_width,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_color,
+ autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_wturn_alpha * panel_fg_alpha,
text_offset_top = text_offset_bottom = slickdetector_height;
+ // direction indicator
+ if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction)
+ {
+ direction_size_vertical.x = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_width;
+ if(!autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_uncapped)
+ direction_size_vertical.x = min(direction_size_vertical.x, 1);
+ direction_size_vertical.x *= panel_size.y;
+ if(!autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_uncapped)
+ direction_size_vertical.x = max(direction_size_vertical.x, 1);
+ direction_size_vertical.y = panel_size.y + direction_size_vertical.x * 2;
+ direction_size_vertical.z = 0;
+ direction_size_horizontal.x = panel_size.x * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_length, .5);
+ direction_size_horizontal.y = direction_size_vertical.x;
+ direction_size_horizontal.z = 0;
+ }
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction &&
direction_size_vertical.x > 0 &&
float moveangle = fabs(angle + wishangle);
+ if(moveangle > 180) moveangle = 360 - moveangle; // restricted to between 0 and 180
float strafe_ratio = 0;
// player is overturning
- if(moveangle >= 90)
+ if(moveangle >= real_overturn_angle)
- currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_overturn_color;
- strafe_ratio = (moveangle - 90) / 90;
- if(strafe_ratio > 1) strafe_ratio = 2 - strafe_ratio;
- strafe_ratio *= -1;
+ if(moveangle == real_overturn_angle && real_overturn_angle == 180)
+ ; // everywhere gives acceleration, keep strafe_ratio as 0
+ else
+ {
+ currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_overturn_color;
+ strafe_ratio = (moveangle - real_overturn_angle) / (180 - real_overturn_angle);
+ // moveangle is always <= 180, so this code won't run if real_overturn_angle == 180
+ strafe_ratio *= -1;
+ }
// player gains speed by strafing
else if(moveangle >= real_bestangle)
currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_accel_color;
- strafe_ratio = (90 - moveangle) / (90 - real_bestangle);
+ strafe_ratio = (real_overturn_angle - moveangle) / (real_overturn_angle - real_bestangle);
+ // if real_overturn_angle == real_bestangle, this code won't run, no need to check if their difference is 0
else if(moveangle >= real_prebestangle)
- currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_accel_color;
+ currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_preaccel_color;
strafe_ratio = (moveangle - real_prebestangle) / (real_bestangle - real_prebestangle);
float angleheight_offset = currentangle_size.y;
float ghost_offset = 0;
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle && direction != STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_NONE)
+ bool draw_bestangle = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle && (autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle == 1 || turn) && direction != STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_NONE;
+ if(draw_bestangle)
ghost_offset = bound(0, (odd_angles ? odd_bestangle_offset : bestangle_offset), panel_size.x);
if(currentangle_size.x > 0 && currentangle_size.y > 0)
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle && direction != STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_NONE)
+ if(draw_bestangle)
panel_pos - eY * ((currentangle_size.y - panel_size.y) / 2) + eX * (ghost_offset - currentangle_size.x / 2),
currentangle_size, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle_color,
if(i + line_size.y * 2 >= currentangle_size.y)
line_size.y = currentangle_size.y - i;
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle && direction != STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_NONE)
+ if(draw_bestangle)
panel_pos - eY * ((currentangle_size.y - panel_size.y) / 2 - i) + eX * (ghost_offset - line_size.x / 2),
line_size, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle_color,
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow == 1 || autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow >= 3)
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle && direction != STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_NONE)
+ if(draw_bestangle)
panel_pos + eY * ((panel_size.y - angleheight_offset) / 2) + eX * ghost_offset,
arrow_size, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle_color,
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow >= 2)
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle && direction != STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_NONE)
+ if(draw_bestangle)
panel_pos + eY * ((panel_size.y - angleheight_offset) / 2 + angleheight_offset) + eX * ghost_offset,
arrow_size, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle_color,
// functions to make hud elements align perfectly in the hud area
-void HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(float offset, float width, float hidden_width, vector color, float alpha, int type, int gradientType)
+void HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(float offset, float width, float hidden_width, vector color, float alpha, int type, int gradientType, bool offset_centered)
float mirror_offset, mirror_width;
vector size = panel_size;
float overflow_width = 0, overflow_mirror_width = 0;
float original_width = width; // required for gradient
+ if(offset_centered) // offset gives the center of the bar, not left edge
+ offset -= original_width / 2;