if (autocvar_chase_active) return;
if (getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0) return;
+ entity view = CSQCModel_server2csqc(player_localentnum);
+ bool clonground = boolean(view.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND);
+ static bool oldonground;
+ static float hitgroundtime;
+ static float lastongroundtime;
+ if (clonground)
+ {
+ float f = time; // cl.movecmd[0].time
+ if (!oldonground)
+ hitgroundtime = f;
+ lastongroundtime = f;
+ }
+ oldonground = clonground;
vector gunorg = '0 0 0', gunangles = '0 0 0';
static vector gunorg_prev = '0 0 0', gunangles_prev = '0 0 0';
- bool teleported = csqcplayer.csqcmodel_teleported;
+ bool teleported = view.csqcmodel_teleported;
// 1. if we teleported, clear the frametime... the lowpass will recover the previous value then
if (teleported)
frametime * autocvar_cl_leanmodel_side_lowpass,
gunangles_adjustment_lowpass, gunangles);
- float xyspeed = bound(0, vlen(vec2(csqcplayer.velocity)), 400);
+ float xyspeed = bound(0, vlen(vec2(view.velocity)), 400);
// vertical view bobbing code
// TODO: cl_bob
float bspeed;
float t = 1;
float s = time * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_speed;
- // TODO
-// if (clonground)
-// {
-// if (time - hitgroundtime < 0.2)
-// {
-// // just hit the ground, speed the bob back up over the next 0.2 seconds
-// t = time - hitgroundtime;
-// t = bound(0, t, 0.2);
-// t *= 5;
-// }
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// // recently left the ground, slow the bob down over the next 0.2 seconds
-// t = time - lastongroundtime;
-// t = 0.2 - bound(0, t, 0.2);
-// t *= 5;
-// }
+ if (clonground)
+ {
+ if (time - hitgroundtime < 0.2)
+ {
+ // just hit the ground, speed the bob back up over the next 0.2 seconds
+ t = time - hitgroundtime;
+ t = bound(0, t, 0.2);
+ t *= 5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // recently left the ground, slow the bob down over the next 0.2 seconds
+ t = time - lastongroundtime;
+ t = 0.2 - bound(0, t, 0.2);
+ t *= 5;
+ }
bspeed = xyspeed * 0.01;
MAKEVECTORS(makevectors, gunangles, forward, right, up);
float bobr = bspeed * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_side * autocvar_cl_viewmodel_scale * sin(s) * t;