(Commit created by redmine exporter script from page "Community_development" version 33)
h1. Community development
Dokujisan is forming a group called the XCT or Xonotic Community Team
This will be made up of a group of select people from each regional community (North america, Europe, Australia.
So far, we have the following XCT members. These groups will group and change overtime.
h2. North America
* Dokujisan
* Nifrek
* PCLizard
* Agama
h2. Europe
* Kojn
* SinSniper
* thyr4ne
* atheros
h2. Australia
* Hew
* rabs
h2. Latin America
* mand1nga
* iR3ul
* Kita
h2. Southeast Asia
* to-be-determined
h2. Russian
* to-be-determined