return lit;
-static void RSurfShader_Sky(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- // sky rendering transparently would be too difficult
- if (ent->flags & RENDER_TRANSPARENT)
- return;
- if (skyrendernow)
- {
- skyrendernow = false;
- if (skyrendermasked)
- R_Sky();
- }
- // LordHavoc: HalfLife maps have freaky skypolys...
- if (ent->model->brush.ishlbsp)
- return;
- R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix);
- GL_Color(fogcolor[0], fogcolor[1], fogcolor[2], 1);
- if (skyrendermasked)
- {
- // depth-only (masking)
- GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,0);
- // just to make sure that braindead drivers don't draw anything
- // despite that colormask...
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ZERO, GL_ONE);
- }
- else
- {
- // fog sky
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- }
- GL_DepthMask(true);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
- GL_ColorMask(r_refdef.colormask[0], r_refdef.colormask[1], r_refdef.colormask[2], 1);
static void RSurfShader_Transparent_Callback(const void *calldata1, int calldata2)
const entity_render_t *ent = calldata1;
-static void RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseCombine_TextureLightmapDetailGlow(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- int lightmaptexturenum;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- GL_DepthMask(true);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.base);
- m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture((**surfchain).lightmaptexture);
- m.texrgbscale[1] = 2;
- m.tex[2] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.detail);
- m.texrgbscale[2] = 2;
- if (texture->skin.glow)
- {
- m.tex[3] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.glow);
- m.texcombinergb[3] = GL_ADD;
- }
- GL_Color(r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[0], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[1], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[2], 1);
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- lightmaptexturenum = R_GetTexture(surf->lightmaptexture);
- m.tex[1] = lightmaptexturenum;
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[2] = surf->mesh.data_texcoorddetail2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[3] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
-static void RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseCombine_TextureLightmapDetail(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- int lightmaptexturenum;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- GL_DepthMask(true);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.base);
- m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture((**surfchain).lightmaptexture);
- m.texrgbscale[1] = 2;
- m.tex[2] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.detail);
- m.texrgbscale[2] = 2;
- GL_Color(r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[0], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[1], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[2], 1);
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- lightmaptexturenum = R_GetTexture(surf->lightmaptexture);
- m.tex[1] = lightmaptexturenum;
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[2] = surf->mesh.data_texcoorddetail2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
-static void RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseCombine_TextureLightmap(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- int lightmaptexturenum;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- GL_DepthMask(true);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.base);
- m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture((**surfchain).lightmaptexture);
- m.texrgbscale[1] = 2;
- GL_Color(r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[0], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[1], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[2], 1);
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- lightmaptexturenum = R_GetTexture(surf->lightmaptexture);
- m.tex[1] = lightmaptexturenum;
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
-static void RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseTexture(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- GL_DepthMask(true);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.base);
- if (ent->flags & RENDER_LIGHT)
- GL_Color(r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[0], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[1], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[2], 1);
- else
- GL_Color(ent->colormod[0], ent->colormod[1], ent->colormod[2], 1);
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
-static void RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseLightmap(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- int lightmaptexturenum;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- GL_DepthMask(false);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture((**surfchain).lightmaptexture);
- GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- lightmaptexturenum = R_GetTexture(surf->lightmaptexture);
- m.tex[0] = lightmaptexturenum;
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
-static void RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseAmbient(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- GL_DepthMask(false);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.base);
- GL_Color(r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 128.0f) * ent->colormod[0], r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 128.0f) * ent->colormod[1], r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 128.0f) * ent->colormod[2], 1);
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
-static void RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_Fog(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- float modelorg[3];
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg);
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- GL_DepthMask(false);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- m.pointer_color = varray_color4f;
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- if (m.tex[0])
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- RSurf_FogPassColors_Vertex3f_Color4f(surf->mesh.data_vertex3f, varray_color4f, fogcolor[0], fogcolor[1], fogcolor[2], 1, 1, surf->mesh.num_vertices, modelorg);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
-static void RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseDetail(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- GL_DepthMask(false);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.detail);
- GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surf->mesh.data_texcoorddetail2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
-static void RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_Glow(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- GL_DepthMask(false);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.glow);
- GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
-static void RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_OpaqueGlow(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- GL_DepthMask(true);
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.glow);
- if (m.tex[0])
- GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
- else
- GL_Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
-static void RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseLightmapOnly(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- const msurface_t *surf;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- int lightmaptexturenum;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- GL_DepthMask(true);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture((**surfchain).lightmaptexture);
- GL_Color(r_lightmapintensity, r_lightmapintensity, r_lightmapintensity, 1);
- while((surf = *surfchain++) != NULL)
- {
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- lightmaptexturenum = R_GetTexture(surf->lightmaptexture);
- m.tex[0] = lightmaptexturenum;
- m.pointer_vertex = surf->mesh.data_vertex3f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surf->mesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, surf->mesh.num_vertices);
- R_Mesh_Draw(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
void R_UpdateTextureInfo(entity_render_t *ent)
int i, texframe, alttextures;
-void R_UpdateLightmapInfo(entity_render_t *ent)
+void R_DrawSurfaceList(entity_render_t *ent, texture_t *texture, int texturenumsurfaces, msurface_t **texturesurfacelist)
- int i;
- msurface_t *surface, **surfacechain;
- model_t *model = ent->model;
- if (!model)
- return;
- if (r_dynamic.integer && !r_rtdlight)
- R_MarkLights(ent);
- for (i = 0;i < model->brushq1.light_styles;i++)
+ int texturesurfaceindex;
+ vec3_t center, modelorg;
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg);
+ rmeshstate_t m;
+ if (gl_lightmaps.integer)
- if (model->brushq1.light_stylevalue[i] != d_lightstylevalue[model->brushq1.light_style[i]])
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ GL_DepthMask(true);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
- model->brushq1.light_stylevalue[i] = d_lightstylevalue[model->brushq1.light_style[i]];
- if ((surfacechain = model->brushq1.light_styleupdatechains[i]))
- for (;(surface = *surfacechain);surfacechain++)
- surface->cached_dlight = true;
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(surface->lightmaptexture);
+ m.pointer_vertex = surface->mesh.data_vertex3f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, surface->mesh.num_vertices);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
-void R_DrawSurfaceList(entity_render_t *ent, texture_t *texture, msurface_t **surfchain)
- vec3_t center;
- msurface_t *surf, **chain;
- if (gl_lightmaps.integer)
- RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseLightmapOnly(ent, texture, surfchain);
else if (texture->rendertype != SURFRENDER_OPAQUE)
// transparent vertex shaded from lightmap
- for (chain = surfchain;(surf = *chain) != NULL;chain++)
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- {
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->matrix, surf->poly_center, center);
- R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(ent->effects & EF_NODEPTHTEST ? r_vieworigin : center, RSurfShader_Transparent_Callback, ent, surf - ent->model->brushq1.surfaces);
- }
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->matrix, surface->poly_center, center);
+ R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(ent->effects & EF_NODEPTHTEST ? r_vieworigin : center, RSurfShader_Transparent_Callback, ent, surface - ent->model->brushq1.surfaces);
else if (texture->flags & SURF_LIGHTMAP)
qboolean doglow = texture->skin.glow != NULL;
qboolean dofog = fogenabled;
// multitexture cases
- if (r_textureunits.integer >= 4 && gl_combine.integer && dobase && dolightmap && !doambient && dodetail && doglow)
- {
- RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseCombine_TextureLightmapDetailGlow(ent, texture, surfchain);
- dobase = false;
- dolightmap = false;
- dodetail = false;
- doglow = false;
- }
- if (r_textureunits.integer >= 3 && gl_combine.integer && dobase && dolightmap && !doambient)
- {
- RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseCombine_TextureLightmapDetail(ent, texture, surfchain);
- dobase = false;
- dolightmap = false;
- dodetail = false;
- }
if (r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && gl_combine.integer && dobase && dolightmap)
- RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseCombine_TextureLightmap(ent, texture, surfchain);
dobase = false;
dolightmap = false;
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ GL_DepthMask(true);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GL_Color(r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[0], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[1], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[2], 1);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.base);
+ m.texrgbscale[1] = 2;
+ if (r_textureunits.integer >= 3 && !doambient && dodetail)
+ {
+ m.tex[2] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.detail);
+ m.texrgbscale[2] = 2;
+ dodetail = false;
+ if (r_textureunits.integer >= 3 && texture->skin.glow)
+ {
+ m.tex[3] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.glow);
+ m.texcombinergb[3] = GL_ADD;
+ doglow = false;
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
+ {
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture(surface->lightmaptexture);
+ m.pointer_vertex = surface->mesh.data_vertex3f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[2] = surface->mesh.data_texcoorddetail2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[3] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, surface->mesh.num_vertices);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
+ {
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture(surface->lightmaptexture);
+ m.pointer_vertex = surface->mesh.data_vertex3f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[2] = surface->mesh.data_texcoorddetail2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, surface->mesh.num_vertices);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (r_textureunits.integer >= 3 && !doambient && !dodetail && doglow)
+ {
+ m.tex[2] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.glow);
+ m.texcombinergb[2] = GL_ADD;
+ doglow = false;
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
+ {
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture(surface->lightmaptexture);
+ m.pointer_vertex = surface->mesh.data_vertex3f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[2] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, surface->mesh.num_vertices);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
// anything not handled above
if (dobase)
- RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseTexture(ent, texture, surfchain);
+ {
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ GL_DepthMask(true);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ if (ent->flags & RENDER_LIGHT)
+ GL_Color(r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[0], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[1], r_lightmapintensity * ent->colormod[2], 1);
+ else
+ GL_Color(ent->colormod[0], ent->colormod[1], ent->colormod[2], 1);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.base);
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
+ {
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ m.pointer_vertex = surface->mesh.data_vertex3f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, surface->mesh.num_vertices);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
if (dolightmap)
- RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseLightmap(ent, texture, surfchain);
+ {
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.base);
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
+ {
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(surface->lightmaptexture);
+ m.pointer_vertex = surface->mesh.data_vertex3f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, surface->mesh.num_vertices);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
if (doambient)
- RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseAmbient(ent, texture, surfchain);
+ {
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ GL_Color(r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 128.0f) * ent->colormod[0], r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 128.0f) * ent->colormod[1], r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 128.0f) * ent->colormod[2], 1);
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.base);
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
+ {
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ m.pointer_vertex = surface->mesh.data_vertex3f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, surface->mesh.num_vertices);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
if (dodetail)
- RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_BaseDetail(ent, texture, surfchain);
+ {
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.detail);
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
+ {
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ m.pointer_vertex = surface->mesh.data_vertex3f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, surface->mesh.num_vertices);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
if (doglow)
- RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_Glow(ent, texture, surfchain);
+ {
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.glow);
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
+ {
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ m.pointer_vertex = surface->mesh.data_vertex3f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, surface->mesh.num_vertices);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
if (dofog)
- RSurfShader_OpaqueWall_Pass_Fog(ent, texture, surfchain);
+ {
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_color = varray_color4f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture->skin.glow);
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
+ {
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ m.pointer_vertex = surface->mesh.data_vertex3f;
+ if (m.tex[0])
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ RSurf_FogPassColors_Vertex3f_Color4f(surface->mesh.data_vertex3f, varray_color4f, fogcolor[0], fogcolor[1], fogcolor[2], 1, 1, surface->mesh.num_vertices, modelorg);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, surface->mesh.num_vertices);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
else if (texture->flags & SURF_DRAWTURB)
- for (chain = surfchain;(surf = *chain) != NULL;chain++)
- if (surf->visframe == r_framecount)
- RSurfShader_Transparent_Callback(ent, surf - ent->model->brushq1.surfaces);
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
+ {
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ RSurfShader_Transparent_Callback(ent, surface - ent->model->brushq1.surfaces);
+ }
else if (texture->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY)
- RSurfShader_Sky(ent, texture, surfchain);
+ {
+ if (skyrendernow)
+ {
+ skyrendernow = false;
+ if (skyrendermasked)
+ R_Sky();
+ }
+ // LordHavoc: HalfLife maps have freaky skypolys...
+ if (!ent->model->brush.ishlbsp)
+ {
+ R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix);
+ GL_Color(fogcolor[0], fogcolor[1], fogcolor[2], 1);
+ if (skyrendermasked)
+ {
+ // depth-only (masking)
+ GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,0);
+ // just to make sure that braindead drivers don't draw anything
+ // despite that colormask...
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ZERO, GL_ONE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // fog sky
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ }
+ GL_DepthMask(true);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++)
+ {
+ msurface_t *surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex];
+ m.pointer_vertex = surface->mesh.data_vertex3f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, surface->mesh.num_vertices);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
+ GL_ColorMask(r_refdef.colormask[0], r_refdef.colormask[1], r_refdef.colormask[2], 1);
+ }
+ }
-void R_DrawSurfaces(entity_render_t *ent, int flagsmask)
+void R_DrawSurfaces(entity_render_t *ent, qboolean skysurfaces)
- int i, numsurfaces, *surfacevisframes, texturenumber, f;
- msurface_t *surf, *surfaces, **surfchain;
+ int i, *surfacevisframes, texturenumber, flagsmask;
+ msurface_t *surface, **surfacechain;
texture_t *t, *texture;
model_t *model = ent->model;
vec3_t modelorg;
+ const int maxsurfacelist = 1024;
+ int numsurfacelist = 0;
+ msurface_t *surfacelist[1024];
if (model == NULL)
Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg);
- numsurfaces = model->nummodelsurfaces;
- surfaces = model->brushq1.surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface;
- surfacevisframes = model->brushq1.surfacevisframes + model->firstmodelsurface;
- for (i = 0, surf = surfaces;i < numsurfaces;i++, surf++)
+ if (ent != r_refdef.worldentity)
- if (surfacevisframes[i] == r_framecount)
+ // because bmodels can be reused, we have to decide which things to render
+ // from scratch every time
+ int *mark = model->brushq1.surfacevisframes + model->firstmodelsurface;
+ surface = model->brushq1.surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface;
+ for (i = 0;i < model->nummodelsurfaces;i++, mark++, surface++)
- // mark any backface surfaces as not visible
- if (PlaneDist(modelorg, surf->plane) < surf->plane->dist)
- {
- if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- surfacevisframes[i] = -1;
- }
- else
+ *mark = r_framecount;
+ surface->dlightframe = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // update light styles
+ if (!skysurfaces)
+ {
+ if (r_dynamic.integer && !r_rtdlight)
+ R_MarkLights(ent);
+ for (i = 0;i < model->brushq1.light_styles;i++)
+ {
+ if (model->brushq1.light_stylevalue[i] != d_lightstylevalue[model->brushq1.light_style[i]])
- if ((surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- surfacevisframes[i] = -1;
+ model->brushq1.light_stylevalue[i] = d_lightstylevalue[model->brushq1.light_style[i]];
+ if ((surfacechain = model->brushq1.light_styleupdatechains[i]))
+ for (;(surface = *surfacechain);surfacechain++)
+ surface->cached_dlight = true;
- if (surfacevisframes[i] == r_framecount)
+ }
+ }
+ R_UpdateTextureInfo(ent);
+ surfacevisframes = model->brushq1.surfacevisframes;
+ flagsmask = skysurfaces ? SURF_DRAWSKY : (SURF_DRAWTURB | SURF_LIGHTMAP);
+ for (texturenumber = 0, t = model->brushq1.textures;texturenumber < model->brushq1.numtextures;texturenumber++, t++)
+ {
+ if ((t->flags & flagsmask) && (texture = t->currentframe) && (surfacechain = model->brushq1.pvstexturechains[texturenumber]) != NULL)
+ {
+ numsurfacelist = 0;
+ for (i = 0;(surface = surfacechain[i]);i++)
- c_faces++;
- surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- if (surf->cached_dlight && surf->lightmaptexture != NULL)
- R_BuildLightMap(ent, surf);
+ if (surfacevisframes[surface - model->brushq1.surfaces] == r_framecount)
+ {
+ // mark any backface surfaces as not visible
+ if (PlaneDist(modelorg, surface->plane) < surface->plane->dist)
+ {
+ if (!(surface->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
+ surfacevisframes[surface - model->brushq1.surfaces] = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((surface->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
+ surfacevisframes[surface - model->brushq1.surfaces] = -1;
+ }
+ // add face to draw list and update lightmap if necessary
+ c_faces++;
+ surface->visframe = r_framecount;
+ if (surface->cached_dlight && surface->lightmaptexture != NULL)
+ R_BuildLightMap(ent, surface);
+ surfacelist[numsurfacelist++] = surface;
+ if (numsurfacelist >= maxsurfacelist)
+ {
+ R_DrawSurfaceList(ent, texture, numsurfacelist, surfacelist);
+ numsurfacelist = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (numsurfacelist)
+ R_DrawSurfaceList(ent, texture, numsurfacelist, surfacelist);
- for (texturenumber = 0, t = model->brushq1.textures;texturenumber < model->brushq1.numtextures;texturenumber++, t++)
- if ((f = t->flags & flagsmask) && (texture = t->currentframe) && (surfchain = model->brushq1.pvstexturechains[texturenumber]) != NULL)
- R_DrawSurfaceList(ent, texture, surfchain);
static void R_DrawPortal_Callback(const void *calldata1, int calldata2)
-void R_PrepareBrushModel(entity_render_t *ent)
- int i, numsurfaces, *surfacevisframes, *surfacepvsframes;
- msurface_t *surf;
- model_t *model;
- vec3_t modelorg;
- // because bmodels can be reused, we have to decide which things to render
- // from scratch every time
- model = ent->model;
- if (model == NULL)
- return;
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg);
- numsurfaces = model->nummodelsurfaces;
- surf = model->brushq1.surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface;
- surfacevisframes = model->brushq1.surfacevisframes + model->firstmodelsurface;
- surfacepvsframes = model->brushq1.surfacepvsframes + model->firstmodelsurface;
- for (i = 0;i < numsurfaces;i++, surf++)
- {
- // mark any backface surfaces as not visible
- if (PlaneDist(modelorg, surf->plane) < surf->plane->dist)
- {
- if ((surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- surfacevisframes[i] = r_framecount;
- }
- else if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- surfacevisframes[i] = r_framecount;
- surfacevisframes[i] = r_framecount;
- surf->dlightframe = -1;
- }
- R_UpdateTextureInfo(ent);
- R_UpdateLightmapInfo(ent);
-void R_SurfaceWorldNode (void)
+void R_WorldVisibility(void)
- int i, *surfacevisframes, *surfacepvsframes, surfnum;
- msurface_t *surf;
+ int i, j, *mark;
mleaf_t *leaf;
- model_t *model;
+ mleaf_t *viewleaf;
+ model_t *model = r_refdef.worldmodel;
+ int *surfacevisframes = model->brushq1.surfacevisframes;
- // equivilant to quake's RecursiveWorldNode but faster and more effective
- model = r_refdef.worldmodel;
- if (model == NULL)
+ if (!model || !model->brushq1.PointInLeaf)
- surfacevisframes = model->brushq1.surfacevisframes + model->firstmodelsurface;
- surfacepvsframes = model->brushq1.surfacepvsframes + model->firstmodelsurface;
- for (leaf = model->brushq1.pvsleafchain;leaf;leaf = leaf->pvschain)
- {
- if (!R_CullBox (leaf->mins, leaf->maxs))
- {
- c_leafs++;
- leaf->visframe = r_framecount;
- }
- }
+ viewleaf = model->brushq1.PointInLeaf(model, r_vieworigin);
+ if (!viewleaf)
+ return;
- for (i = 0;i < model->brushq1.pvssurflistlength;i++)
+ if (model->brushq1.pvsviewleaf != viewleaf || model->brushq1.pvsviewleafnovis != r_novis.integer)
- surfnum = model->brushq1.pvssurflist[i];
- surf = model->brushq1.surfaces + surfnum;
- if (PlaneDist(r_vieworigin, surf->plane) < surf->plane->dist)
- {
- if ((surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) && !R_CullBox (surf->poly_mins, surf->poly_maxs))
- surfacevisframes[surfnum] = r_framecount;
- }
- else
+ int *surfacepvsframes = model->brushq1.surfacepvsframes;
+ model->brushq1.pvsframecount++;
+ model->brushq1.pvsviewleaf = viewleaf;
+ model->brushq1.pvsviewleafnovis = r_novis.integer;
+ model->brushq1.pvsleafchain = NULL;
+ model->brushq1.pvssurflistlength = 0;
+ for (j = 0, leaf = model->brushq1.data_leafs;j < model->brushq1.num_leafs;j++, leaf++)
- if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) && !R_CullBox (surf->poly_mins, surf->poly_maxs))
- surfacevisframes[surfnum] = r_framecount;
+ if (CHECKPVSBIT(r_pvsbits, leaf->clusterindex))
+ {
+ leaf->pvsframe = model->brushq1.pvsframecount;
+ leaf->pvschain = model->brushq1.pvsleafchain;
+ model->brushq1.pvsleafchain = leaf;
+ // mark surfaces bounding this leaf as visible
+ for (i = 0, mark = leaf->firstmarksurface;i < leaf->nummarksurfaces;i++, mark++)
+ surfacepvsframes[*mark] = model->brushq1.pvsframecount;
+ }
- if (!R_CullBox (surf->poly_mins, surf->poly_maxs))
- surfacevisframes[surfnum] = r_framecount;
+ model->brushq1.BuildPVSTextureChains(model);
-static void R_PortalWorldNode(mleaf_t *viewleaf)
- int c, leafstackpos, *mark, *surfacevisframes;
- int n;
- msurface_t *surf;
- mleaf_t *leaf, *leafstack[8192];
- mportal_t *p;
- msurface_t *surfaces;
- model_t *model = r_refdef.worldmodel;
- if (model == NULL)
- return;
- // LordHavoc: portal-passage worldnode with PVS;
- // follows portals leading outward from viewleaf, does not venture
- // offscreen or into leafs that are not visible, faster than Quake's
- // RecursiveWorldNode
- surfaces = model->brushq1.surfaces;
- surfacevisframes = model->brushq1.surfacevisframes;
- viewleaf->worldnodeframe = r_framecount;
- leafstack[0] = viewleaf;
- leafstackpos = 1;
- while (leafstackpos)
+ if (r_surfaceworldnode.integer || viewleaf->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID)
- c_leafs++;
- leaf = leafstack[--leafstackpos];
- leaf->visframe = r_framecount;
- // draw any surfaces bounding this leaf
- if (leaf->nummarksurfaces)
+ // equivilant to quake's RecursiveWorldNode but faster and more effective
+ for (leaf = model->brushq1.pvsleafchain;leaf;leaf = leaf->pvschain)
- for (c = leaf->nummarksurfaces, mark = leaf->firstmarksurface;c;c--)
+ if (!R_CullBox (leaf->mins, leaf->maxs))
- n = *mark++;
- if (surfacevisframes[n] != r_framecount)
- {
- surf = surfaces + n;
- if (PlaneDist(r_vieworigin, surf->plane) < surf->plane->dist)
- {
- if ((surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- surfacevisframes[n] = r_framecount;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- surfacevisframes[n] = r_framecount;
- }
- }
- surfacevisframes[*mark++] = r_framecount;
+ c_leafs++;
+ leaf->visframe = r_framecount;
- // follow portals into other leafs
- for (p = leaf->portals;p;p = p->next)
+ for (i = 0;i < model->brushq1.pvssurflistlength;i++)
- // LordHavoc: this DotProduct hurts less than a cache miss
- // (which is more likely to happen if backflowing through leafs)
- if (DotProduct(r_vieworigin, p->plane.normal) < (p->plane.dist + 1))
- {
- leaf = p->past;
- if (leaf->worldnodeframe != r_framecount)
- {
- leaf->worldnodeframe = r_framecount;
- // FIXME: R_CullBox is absolute, should be done relative
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(r_pvsbits, leaf->clusterindex) && !R_CullBox(leaf->mins, leaf->maxs))
- leafstack[leafstackpos++] = leaf;
- }
- }
+ int surfacenum = model->brushq1.pvssurflist[i];
+ msurface_t *surface = model->brushq1.surfaces + surfacenum;
+ if (!R_CullBox (surface->poly_mins, surface->poly_maxs))
+ surfacevisframes[surfacenum] = r_framecount;
-void R_PVSUpdate (mleaf_t *viewleaf)
- int j, c, *surfacepvsframes, *mark;
- mleaf_t *leaf;
- model_t *model;
- model = r_refdef.worldmodel;
- if (model && (model->brushq1.pvsviewleaf != viewleaf || model->brushq1.pvsviewleafnovis != r_novis.integer))
+ else
- model->brushq1.pvsframecount++;
- model->brushq1.pvsviewleaf = viewleaf;
- model->brushq1.pvsviewleafnovis = r_novis.integer;
- model->brushq1.pvsleafchain = NULL;
- model->brushq1.pvssurflistlength = 0;
- if (viewleaf)
+ int leafstackpos;
+ mportal_t *p;
+ mleaf_t *leafstack[8192];
+ // LordHavoc: portal-passage worldnode with PVS;
+ // follows portals leading outward from viewleaf, does not venture
+ // offscreen or into leafs that are not visible, faster than Quake's
+ // RecursiveWorldNode
+ leafstack[0] = viewleaf;
+ leafstackpos = 1;
+ while (leafstackpos)
- surfacepvsframes = model->brushq1.surfacepvsframes;
- for (j = 0, leaf = model->brushq1.data_leafs;j < model->brushq1.num_leafs;j++, leaf++)
- {
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(r_pvsbits, leaf->clusterindex))
- {
- leaf->pvsframe = model->brushq1.pvsframecount;
- leaf->pvschain = model->brushq1.pvsleafchain;
- model->brushq1.pvsleafchain = leaf;
- // mark surfaces bounding this leaf as visible
- for (c = leaf->nummarksurfaces, mark = leaf->firstmarksurface;c;c--, mark++)
- surfacepvsframes[*mark] = model->brushq1.pvsframecount;
- }
- }
- model->brushq1.BuildPVSTextureChains(model);
+ c_leafs++;
+ leaf = leafstack[--leafstackpos];
+ leaf->visframe = r_framecount;
+ // draw any surfaces bounding this leaf
+ if (leaf->nummarksurfaces)
+ for (i = 0, mark = leaf->firstmarksurface;i < leaf->nummarksurfaces;i++, mark++)
+ surfacevisframes[*mark] = r_framecount;
+ // follow portals into other leafs
+ for (p = leaf->portals;p;p = p->next)
+ if (DotProduct(r_vieworigin, p->plane.normal) < (p->plane.dist + 1) && p->past->visframe != r_framecount && !R_CullBox(p->mins, p->maxs) && CHECKPVSBIT(r_pvsbits, p->past->clusterindex))
+ leafstack[leafstackpos++] = p->past;
-void R_WorldVisibility(void)
- mleaf_t *viewleaf;
- viewleaf = (r_refdef.worldmodel && r_refdef.worldmodel->brushq1.PointInLeaf) ? r_refdef.worldmodel->brushq1.PointInLeaf(r_refdef.worldmodel, r_vieworigin) : NULL;
- R_PVSUpdate(viewleaf);
- if (!viewleaf)
- return;
- if (r_surfaceworldnode.integer || viewleaf->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID)
- R_SurfaceWorldNode();
- else
- R_PortalWorldNode(viewleaf);
if (r_drawportals.integer)
if (ent->model == NULL)
- if (ent != r_refdef.worldentity)
- R_PrepareBrushModel(ent);
- R_DrawSurfaces(ent, SURF_DRAWSKY);
+ R_DrawSurfaces(ent, true);
void R_Q1BSP_Draw(entity_render_t *ent)
if (ent->model == NULL)
- if (ent != r_refdef.worldentity)
- R_PrepareBrushModel(ent);
- R_UpdateTextureInfo(ent);
- R_UpdateLightmapInfo(ent);
+ R_DrawSurfaces(ent, false);
void R_Q1BSP_GetLightInfo(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs, int *outclusterlist, qbyte *outclusterpvs, int *outnumclusterspointer, int *outsurfacelist, qbyte *outsurfacepvs, int *outnumsurfacespointer)