// ================================================
#ifndef MENUQC
+#ifdef CSQC
+#define GENTLE (autocvar_cl_gentle || autocvar_cl_gentle_messages)
+#define GENTLE autocvar_sv_gentle
// select between the normal or the gentle message string based on client (or server) settings
string normal_or_gentle(string normal, string gentle)
- #ifdef CSQC
- if(autocvar_cl_gentle || autocvar_cl_gentle_messages)
- #else
- if(autocvar_sv_gentle)
- #endif
+ if(GENTLE)
return ((gentle != "") ? gentle : normal);
return normal;
float f2 = (((stringcount + 1) < count) ? ...((stringcount + 1), float) : NO_FL_ARG);
float f3 = (((stringcount + 2) < count) ? ...((stringcount + 2), float) : NO_FL_ARG);
float f4 = (((stringcount + 3) < count) ? ...((stringcount + 3), float) : NO_FL_ARG);
+ string tmp_s;
dprint("Local_Notification(", ftos(net_type), ", ", Get_Field_Value(F_NAME, net_type, net_name), strcat(", ", s1, ", ", s2, ", ", s3, ", ", s4, ", "), strcat(ftos(f1), strcat(", ", ftos(f2), ", ", ftos(f3), ", ", ftos(f4), ");\n")));
dprint(" ^--: stringcount: ", ftos(stringcount), ", floatcount: ", ftos(floatcount), ".\n");
#define MSG_INFO_NOTIF(name,strnum,flnum,args,hudargs,icon,normal,gentle) \
{ NOTIF_MATCH(name, net_name) CHECK_AUTOCVAR(name) \
{ \
- if(notif_checkstring(normal)) { print(sprintf(CCR(normal_or_gentle(normal, gentle)), args)); } \
- #ifdef CSQC \
- if(notif_checkstring(icon)) { HUD_Notify_Push(icon, hudargs); } \
- #endif \
+ tmp_s = normal_or_gentle(normal, gentle); \
+ if(tmp_s != "") \
+ { \
+ if(substring(tmp_s, (strlen(tmp_s) - 1), 1) == "\n") { print(sprintf(CCR(tmp_s), args)); } \
+ else { backtrace(strcat("^1MISSING/BROKEN NEW LINE AT END OF NOTIFICATION: ^7net_type = MSG_INFO, net_name = ", Get_Field_Value(F_NAME, net_type, net_name), (GENTLE ? ", GENTLE string" : ", NORMAL string"), ".\n")); } \
+ #ifdef CSQC \
+ if(notif_checkstring(icon)) { HUD_Notify_Push(icon, hudargs); } \
+ #endif \
+ } \
+ else { backtrace(strcat("^1EMPTY NOTIFICATION: ^7net_type = MSG_INFO, net_name = ", Get_Field_Value(F_NAME, net_type, net_name), ".\n")); } \
} }
#define MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(name,strnum,flnum,args,cpid,durcnt,normal,gentle) \
{ NOTIF_MATCH(name, net_name) CHECK_AUTOCVAR(name) \
{ \
- if(notif_checkstring(normal)) { centerprint_generic(HANDLE_CPID(cpid), sprintf(CCR(normal_or_gentle(normal, gentle)), args), durcnt); } \
+ tmp_s = normal_or_gentle(normal, gentle); \
+ if(tmp_s != "") { centerprint_generic(HANDLE_CPID(cpid), sprintf(CCR(tmp_s), args), durcnt); } \
+ else { backtrace(strcat("^1EMPTY NOTIFICATION: ^7net_type = MSG_CENTER, net_name = ", Get_Field_Value(F_NAME, net_type, net_name), ".\n")); } \
} }
float f4 = ((floatcount == 4) ? ReadLong() : NO_FL_ARG);
if(is_new) { Local_Notification_Without_VarArgs(net_type, net_name, stringcount, floatcount, s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4); }
- else { print("received old notification? net_name = ", ftos(net_name), ".\n"); }
+ else { print("received old notification? net_name = ", Get_Field_Value(F_NAME, net_type, net_name), ".\n"); }