const char* pakname;
- pakname = GetLatestVersionOfUnvPak( "tex-common" );
- if ( pakname ) LoadPakWithDeps( pakname );
pakname = GetLatestVersionOfUnvPak( "radiant" );
if ( pakname ) LoadPakWithDeps( pakname );
- pakname = GetCurrentMapPakName();
- if ( pakname && !string_empty( pakname ) ) {
- LoadPakWithDeps( pakname );
+ // prevent VFS double start, for MapName="" and MapName=""
+ if ( string_length( GlobalRadiant().getMapName() ) ){
+ // map's tex-* paks have precedence over any other tex-* paks
+ char* mappakname = GetCurrentMapPakName();
+ if ( mappakname ) {
+ LoadPakWithDeps( mappakname );
+ string_release( mappakname, string_length( mappakname ) );
+ }
+ for ( PakfilePaths::iterator i = g_pakfile_paths.begin(); i != g_pakfile_paths.end(); ++i ) {
+ if ( strncmp( i->first.c_str(), "tex-", 4 ) != 0 ) continue;
+ // firstly load latest version of pak
+ const char *paknamever = i->first.c_str();
+ const char *c = strchr( paknamever, '_' );
+ char *paknameonly;
+ if ( c ) paknameonly = string_clone_range( StringRange( paknamever, c ) );
+ pakname = GetLatestVersionOfUnvPak( paknameonly );
+ LoadPakWithDeps( pakname );
+ if ( c ) string_release( paknameonly, string_length( paknameonly ) );
+ // then load this specific version
+ LoadPakWithDeps( paknamever );
+ }