#ifdef SVQC
+.float m_chainsaw_damage; // accumulated damage of the missile as it passes trough enemies
+.float m_explosion_damage;
void W_RocketPropelledChainsaw_Explode(entity this, entity directhitentity)
this.event_damage = func_null;
this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- RadiusDamage (this, this.realowner, WEP_CVAR(rpc, damage), WEP_CVAR(rpc, edgedamage), WEP_CVAR(rpc, radius), NULL, NULL, WEP_CVAR(rpc, force), this.projectiledeathtype, directhitentity);
+ this.m_explosion_damage = RadiusDamage(this, this.realowner, WEP_CVAR(rpc, damage), WEP_CVAR(rpc, edgedamage), WEP_CVAR(rpc, radius), NULL, NULL, WEP_CVAR(rpc, force), this.projectiledeathtype, directhitentity);
W_RocketPropelledChainsaw_Explode(this, NULL);
-void W_RocketPropelledChainsaw_Touch (entity this, entity toucher)
+void W_RocketPropelledChainsaw_Touch(entity this, entity toucher)
if(WarpZone_Projectile_Touch(this, toucher))
vector mydir = normalize(this.velocity);
tracebox(this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs, this.origin + mydir * (2 * myspeed_accel), MOVE_NORMAL, this);
- if(IS_PLAYER(trace_ent))
- Damage (trace_ent, this, this.realowner, WEP_CVAR(rpc, damage2), this.projectiledeathtype, this.origin, normalize(this.origin - trace_ent.origin) * WEP_CVAR(rpc, force));
+ if (IS_PLAYER(trace_ent)) {
+ if (accuracy_isgooddamage(this.realowner, trace_ent)) {
+ this.m_chainsaw_damage += WEP_CVAR(rpc, damage2);
+ }
+ Damage(trace_ent, this, this.realowner, WEP_CVAR(rpc, damage2), this.projectiledeathtype, this.origin, normalize(this.origin - trace_ent.origin) * WEP_CVAR(rpc, force));
+ }
this.velocity = mydir * (myspeed + (WEP_CVAR(rpc, speedaccel) * sys_frametime));
this.nextthink = time;
-void W_RocketPropelledChainsaw_Attack (Weapon thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity)
+void chainsaw_dtor(entity this) {
+ if (this.m_chainsaw_damage > 0) {
+ float damage_fired = WEP_CVAR(rpc, damage2);
+ float damage_hit = WEP_CVAR(rpc, damage2); // never go above 100% even if we hit multiple enemies
+ if (!this.m_explosion_damage) {
+ // The fired damage of the explosion (WEP_CVAR(rpc, damage)) is already counted in the statistics (when launching the chainsaw).
+ // We remove it here so that a direct hit that passes through and doesn't damage anytihng by the explosion later is still 100%.
+ damage_fired -= WEP_CVAR(rpc, damage);
+ }
+ accuracy_add(this.realowner, DEATH_WEAPONOF(this.projectiledeathtype).m_id, damage_fired, damage_hit);
+ }
+void W_RocketPropelledChainsaw_Attack(Weapon thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity)
entity missile = spawn(); //WarpZone_RefSys_SpawnSameRefSys(actor);
entity flash = spawn ();
W_DecreaseAmmo(thiswep, actor, WEP_CVAR(rpc, ammo), weaponentity);
- W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize (actor, weaponentity, '-3 -3 -3', '3 3 3', false, 5, SND_ROCKET_FIRE, CH_WEAPON_A, WEP_CVAR(rpc, damage));
+ W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize(actor, weaponentity, '-3 -3 -3', '3 3 3', false, 5, SND_ROCKET_FIRE, CH_WEAPON_A, WEP_CVAR(rpc, damage));
Send_Effect(EFFECT_ROCKET_MUZZLEFLASH, w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
SUB_SetFade (flash, time, 0.1);
W_AttachToShotorg(actor, weaponentity, flash, '5 0 0');
+ missile.m_chainsaw_damage = 0;
+ missile.m_explosion_damage = 0;
+ missile.dtor = chainsaw_dtor;
MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(EditProjectile, actor, missile);
GameRules_scoring_add_team(player, SCORE, f);
-void GiveFrags (entity attacker, entity targ, float f, int deathtype)
+void GiveFrags(entity attacker, entity targ, float f, int deathtype)
// TODO route through PlayerScores instead
if(game_stopped) return;
this.nextthink = time;
-void Freeze (entity targ, float freeze_time, float frozen_type, float show_waypoint)
+void Freeze(entity targ, float freeze_time, float frozen_type, float show_waypoint)
if(!IS_PLAYER(targ) && !IS_MONSTER(targ)) // only specified entities can be freezed
WaypointSprite_Spawn(WP_Frozen, 0, 0, targ, '0 0 64', NULL, targ.team, targ, waypointsprite_attached, true, RADARICON_WAYPOINT);
-void Unfreeze (entity targ)
+void Unfreeze(entity targ)
if(!STAT(FROZEN, targ))
targ.iceblock = NULL;
-void Damage (entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force)
+void Damage(entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force)
float complainteamdamage = 0;
float mirrordamage = 0;
-float RadiusDamageForSource (entity inflictor, vector inflictororigin, vector inflictorvelocity, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity cantbe, entity mustbe, float inflictorselfdamage, float forceintensity, int deathtype, entity directhitentity)
+float RadiusDamageForSource(entity inflictor, vector inflictororigin, vector inflictorvelocity, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity cantbe, entity mustbe, float inflictorselfdamage, float forceintensity, int deathtype, entity directhitentity)
// Returns total damage applies to creatures
entity targ;
if(targ == directhitentity || DEATH_ISSPECIAL(deathtype))
- Damage (targ, inflictor, attacker, finaldmg, deathtype, nearest, force);
+ Damage(targ, inflictor, attacker, finaldmg, deathtype, nearest, force);
- Damage (targ, inflictor, attacker, finaldmg, deathtype | HITTYPE_SPLASH, nearest, force);
+ Damage(targ, inflictor, attacker, finaldmg, deathtype | HITTYPE_SPLASH, nearest, force);
return total_damage_to_creatures;
-float RadiusDamage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity cantbe, entity mustbe, float forceintensity, int deathtype, entity directhitentity)
+float RadiusDamage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity cantbe, entity mustbe, float forceintensity, int deathtype, entity directhitentity)
- return RadiusDamageForSource (inflictor, (inflictor.origin + (inflictor.mins + inflictor.maxs) * 0.5), inflictor.velocity, attacker, coredamage, edgedamage, rad, cantbe, mustbe, false, forceintensity, deathtype, directhitentity);
+ return RadiusDamageForSource(inflictor, (inflictor.origin + (inflictor.mins + inflictor.maxs) * 0.5), inflictor.velocity, attacker, coredamage, edgedamage, rad, cantbe, mustbe, false, forceintensity, deathtype, directhitentity);
float Fire_IsBurning(entity e)
void accuracy_add(entity this, int w, int fired, int hit)
+ LOG_INFOF("fired %d hit %d\n", fired, hit);
if (IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(this)) return;
entity a = CS(this).accuracy;
if (!a) return;
ent.punchangle_x = recoil * -1;
if (snd != SND_Null) {
- sound (ent, chan, snd, (W_DualWielding(ent) ? VOL_BASE * 0.7 : VOL_BASE), ATTN_NORM);
+ sound(ent, chan, snd, (W_DualWielding(ent) ? VOL_BASE * 0.7 : VOL_BASE), ATTN_NORM);