int i;
qbyte *f, *data = NULL;
char basename[MAX_QPATH], name[MAX_QPATH], *c;
+ if (developer_memorydebug.integer)
+ Mem_CheckSentinelsGlobal();
Image_StripImageExtension(filename, basename); // strip filename extensions to allow replacement by other types
// replace *'s with #, so commandline utils don't get confused when dealing with the external files
for (c = basename;*c;c++)
Con_DPrintf("loaded image %s (%dx%d)\n", name, image_width, image_height);
+ if (developer_memorydebug.integer)
+ Mem_CheckSentinelsGlobal();
return data;
Con_Printf (i == 0 ? "\"%s\"" : (imageformats[i+1].formatstring ? ", \"%s\"" : " or \"%s\".\n"), imageformats[i].formatstring);
+ if (developer_memorydebug.integer)
+ Mem_CheckSentinelsGlobal();
return NULL;