This is the changelog for developers, != changelog for the end user
that we distribute with the binaries. (see changelog)
+- Added Undo/Redo-Toolbarbuttons (Shaderman)
+- Fixed Bug #1078 (sogined)
- Weird shiftvalues are now hidden to the user, shiftvalues will
Shortcuts: warn when duplicate shortcuts are registered
Shortcuts: rename commands in order to group shortcuts list better.
upgrade to new API for SymGetModuleInfo - required for compiling with Visual Studio 8.0
+Doom3: lights should stay in place while resizing
LOW priority features
toolbar_append_button(toolbar, "Save the active map (CTRL + S)", "file_save.bmp", "SaveMap");
+void UndoRedo_constructToolbar(GtkToolbar* toolbar)
+ toolbar_append_button(toolbar, "Undo (CTRL + Z)", "undo.bmp", "Undo");
+ toolbar_append_button(toolbar, "Redo (CTRL + Y)", "redo.bmp", "Redo");
void RotateFlip_constructToolbar(GtkToolbar* toolbar)
toolbar_append_button(toolbar, "x-axis Flip", "brush_flipx.bmp", "MirrorSelectionX");
gtk_toolbar_append_space (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar));
+ UndoRedo_constructToolbar(toolbar);
+ gtk_toolbar_append_space (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar));
gtk_toolbar_append_space (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar));
line = cmd.readline()
if line == "":
raise Exception("failed to obtain revision number")
- if line.startswith("Revision: "):
- revision = int(line[10:])
- return revision
\ No newline at end of file
+ for word in line.split():
+ try:
+ return int(word)
+ except:
+ pass