[\t ]*
-if[\t ]*\( # the first condition
- (?<cond>
- (?<expr1>
+if(?<ws>[\t ]*) # the first if
+ (?<cond> # the condition itself
+ (?<expr1> # various parts of the condition, not exactly an expression but anything separated by parens
-\)[\t ]*
-(?://.*|/\*.*\*/)? # comments
+(?<comm> # trailing comments
+ [\t ]*
+ (?://.*|/\*.*\*/)?
-(?: # all subsequent conditions with the same indentation
+(?: # all subsequent ifs with the same indentation
- if[\t ]*\(
+ if[\t ]*
+ \(
- \)[\t ]*
- (?://.*|/\*.*\*/)?
+ \)
+ (?<comms>
+ [\t ]*
+ (?://.*|/\*.*\*/)?
+ )
""", regex.VERBOSE)
global total
total += 1
+ indent = match.group('indent')
+ whitespace = match.group('ws')
+ first_cond = match.group('cond')
+ first_comment = match.group('comm')
+ other_conds = match.captures('conds')
+ other_comments = match.captures('comms')
+ assert len(middle_conds) == len(middle_comments)
+ middle_conds = other_conds[0:-1]
+ middle_comments = other_comments[0:-1]
+ last_cond = other_conds[-1]
+ last_comment = other_comments[-1]
+ #logical_ops = '||' in match.group(0) or '^' in match.group(0)
print("whole match:")
print("lines:", len(match.group(0).split('\n')))
- print("captures 1:", match.captures('indent'))
- print("captures 2:", match.captures('cond'))
- print("captures 3:", match.captures('conds'))
- if '||' in match.group(0) or '^' in match.group(0):
- print("WARNING - logical ops")
+ print("indent:", indent)
+ print("first cond:", first_cond)
+ print("first comm:", first_comment)
+ print("other conds:", other_conds)
+ print("other comms:", other_comments)
+ #print("captures expr1:", match.captures('expr1'))
+ #print("captures expr2:", match.captures('expr2'))
+ #if logical_ops: # TODO per cond
+ # print("WARNING - logical ops")
- return str(match.group(0))
+ def fix_logical_ops(cond):
+ if '||' in cond or '^' in cond:
+ return '(' + cond + ')'
+ else:
+ return cond
+ replacement = "\n{}if{}({}){}\n".format(indent, whitespace, fix_logical_ops(first_cond), first_comment)
+ for cond, comm in zip(middle_conds, middle_comments):
+ replacement += "{}if{}({}){}\n".format(indent, whitespace, fix_logical_ops(cond), comm)
+ replacement += "{}if{}({}){}\n".format(indent, whitespace, fix_logical_ops(last_cond), last_comment)
+ #replacement = "\n{}if{}({}{}\n".format(indent, whitespace, fix_logical_ops(first_cond), first_comment)
+ #for cond, comm in zip(middle_conds, middle_comments):
+ # replacement += "{}\t&& {}{}\n".format(indent, fix_logical_ops(cond), comm)
+ #replacement += "{}\t&& {}){}\n".format(indent, fix_logical_ops(last_cond), last_comment)
+ #return str(match.group(0))
+ return replacement
old_code = f.read()
new_code = CHAINED_IF_REGEX.sub(repl, old_code)