cvar_t r_lockpvs = {0, "r_lockpvs", "0", "disables pvs switching, allows you to walk around and inspect what is visible from a given location in the map (anything not visible from your current location will not be drawn)"};
cvar_t r_lockvisibility = {0, "r_lockvisibility", "0", "disables visibility updates, allows you to walk around and inspect what is visible from a given viewpoint in the map (anything offscreen at the moment this is enabled will not be drawn)"};
cvar_t r_useportalculling = {0, "r_useportalculling", "2", "improve framerate with r_novis 1 by using portal culling - still not as good as compiled visibility data in the map, but it helps (a value of 2 forces use of this even with vis data, which improves framerates in maps without too much complexity, but hurts in extremely complex maps, which is why 2 is not the default mode)"};
-cvar_t r_usesurfaceculling = {0, "r_usesurfaceculling", "1", "improve framerate by culling offscreen surfaces"};
+cvar_t r_usesurfaceculling = {0, "r_usesurfaceculling", "1", "skip off-screen surfaces (1 = cull surfaces if the map is likely to benefit, 2 = always cull surfaces)"};
cvar_t r_q3bsp_renderskydepth = {0, "r_q3bsp_renderskydepth", "0", "draws sky depth masking in q3 maps (as in q1 maps), this means for example that sky polygons can hide other things"};
+static void R_View_WorldVisibility_CullSurfaces(void)
+ int surfaceindex;
+ int surfaceindexstart;
+ int surfaceindexend;
+ unsigned char *surfacevisible;
+ msurface_t *surfaces;
+ dp_model_t *model = r_refdef.scene.worldmodel;
+ if (!model)
+ return;
+ if (r_trippy.integer)
+ return;
+ if (r_usesurfaceculling.integer < 1)
+ return;
+ surfaceindexstart = model->firstmodelsurface;
+ surfaceindexend = surfaceindexstart + model->nummodelsurfaces;
+ surfaces = model->data_surfaces;
+ surfacevisible = r_refdef.viewcache.world_surfacevisible;
+ for (surfaceindex = surfaceindexstart;surfaceindex < surfaceindexend;surfaceindex++)
+ if (surfacevisible[surfaceindex] && R_CullBox(surfaces[surfaceindex].mins, surfaces[surfaceindex].maxs))
+ surfacevisible[surfaceindex] = 0;
void R_View_WorldVisibility(qboolean forcenovis)
int i, j, *mark;
r_refdef.viewcache.world_surfacevisible[*mark] = true;
+ R_View_WorldVisibility_CullSurfaces();
- if (r_usesurfaceculling.integer)
- {
- int k = model->firstmodelsurface;
- int l = k + model->nummodelsurfaces;
- unsigned char *visible = r_refdef.viewcache.world_surfacevisible;
- msurface_t *surfaces = model->data_surfaces;
- msurface_t *surface;
- for (;k < l;k++)
- {
- if (visible[k])
- {
- surface = surfaces + k;
- if (R_CullBox(surface->mins, surface->maxs))
- visible[k] = false;
- }
- }
+ R_View_WorldVisibility_CullSurfaces();
void R_Q1BSP_DrawSky(entity_render_t *ent)