class Manipulatable
-virtual void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y ) = 0;
-virtual void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap ) = 0;
+virtual void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const AABB bounds, const Vector3 transform_origin ) = 0;
+virtual void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap, const bool snapbbox ) = 0;
void transform_local2object( Matrix4& object, const Matrix4& local, const Matrix4& local2object ){
RotateFree( Rotatable& rotatable )
: m_rotatable( rotatable ){
-void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y ){
+void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const AABB bounds, const Vector3 transform_origin ){
point_on_sphere( m_start, device2manip, x, y );
vector3_normalise( m_start );
-void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap ){
+void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap, const bool snapbbox ){
Vector3 current;
point_on_sphere( current, device2manip, x, y );
RotateAxis( Rotatable& rotatable )
: m_rotatable( rotatable ){
-void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y ){
+void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const AABB bounds, const Vector3 transform_origin ){
point_on_sphere( m_start, device2manip, x, y );
constrain_to_axis( m_start, m_axis );
/// \brief Converts current position to a normalised vector orthogonal to axis.
-void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap ){
+void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap, const bool snapbbox ){
Vector3 current;
point_on_sphere( current, device2manip, x, y );
constrain_to_axis( current, m_axis );
Vector3 m_start;
Vector3 m_axis;
Translatable& m_translatable;
+AABB m_bounds;
TranslateAxis( Translatable& translatable )
: m_translatable( translatable ){
-void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y ){
+void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const AABB bounds, const Vector3 transform_origin ){
point_on_axis( m_start, m_axis, device2manip, x, y );
+ m_bounds = bounds;
-void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap ){
+void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap, const bool snapbbox ){
Vector3 current;
point_on_axis( current, m_axis, device2manip, x, y );
current = vector3_scaled( m_axis, distance_for_axis( m_start, current, m_axis ) );
translation_local2object( current, current, manip2object );
- vector3_snap( current, GetSnapGridSize() );
+ if( snapbbox ){
+ float grid = GetSnapGridSize();
+ Vector3 maxs( m_bounds.origin + m_bounds.extents );
+ Vector3 mins( m_bounds.origin - m_bounds.extents );
+// globalOutputStream() << "current: " << current << "\n";
+ for( std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i ){
+ if( m_axis[i] != 0.f ){
+ float snapto1 = float_snapped( maxs[i] + current[i] , grid );
+ float snapto2 = float_snapped( mins[i] + current[i] , grid );
+ float dist1 = fabs( fabs( maxs[i] + current[i] ) - fabs( snapto1 ) );
+ float dist2 = fabs( fabs( mins[i] + current[i] ) - fabs( snapto2 ) );
+// globalOutputStream() << "maxs[i] + current[i]: " << maxs[i] + current[i] << " snapto1: " << snapto1 << " dist1: " << dist1 << "\n";
+// globalOutputStream() << "mins[i] + current[i]: " << mins[i] + current[i] << " snapto2: " << snapto2 << " dist2: " << dist2 << "\n";
+ current[i] = dist2 > dist1 ? snapto1 - maxs[i] : snapto2 - mins[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ vector3_snap( current, GetSnapGridSize() );
+ }
m_translatable.translate( current );
Vector3 m_start;
Translatable& m_translatable;
+AABB m_bounds;
TranslateFree( Translatable& translatable )
: m_translatable( translatable ){
-void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y ){
+void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const AABB bounds, const Vector3 transform_origin ){
point_on_plane( m_start, device2manip, x, y );
+ m_bounds = bounds;
-void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap ){
+void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap, const bool snapbbox ){
Vector3 current;
point_on_plane( current, device2manip, x, y );
current = vector3_subtracted( current, m_start );
translation_local2object( current, current, manip2object );
- vector3_snap( current, GetSnapGridSize() );
+ if( snapbbox ){
+ float grid = GetSnapGridSize();
+ Vector3 maxs( m_bounds.origin + m_bounds.extents );
+ Vector3 mins( m_bounds.origin - m_bounds.extents );
+// globalOutputStream() << "current: " << current << "\n";
+ for( std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i ){
+ if( current[i] != 0.f ){
+ float snapto1 = float_snapped( maxs[i] + current[i] , grid );
+ float snapto2 = float_snapped( mins[i] + current[i] , grid );
+ float dist1 = fabs( fabs( maxs[i] + current[i] ) - fabs( snapto1 ) );
+ float dist2 = fabs( fabs( mins[i] + current[i] ) - fabs( snapto2 ) );
+ current[i] = dist2 > dist1 ? snapto1 - maxs[i] : snapto2 - mins[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ vector3_snap( current, GetSnapGridSize() );
+ }
m_translatable.translate( current );
-void GetSelectionAABB( AABB& bounds );
-const Matrix4& SelectionSystem_GetPivot2World();
class Scalable
Scalable& m_scalable;
Vector3 m_choosen_extent;
+AABB m_bounds;
ScaleAxis( Scalable& scalable )
: m_scalable( scalable ){
-void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y ){
+void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const AABB bounds, const Vector3 transform_origin ){
point_on_axis( m_start, m_axis, device2manip, x, y );
- AABB aabb;
- GetSelectionAABB( aabb );
- Vector3 transform_origin = vector4_to_vector3( SelectionSystem_GetPivot2World().t() );
m_choosen_extent = Vector3(
- std::max( aabb.origin[0] + aabb.extents[0] - transform_origin[0], - aabb.origin[0] + aabb.extents[0] + transform_origin[0] ),
- std::max( aabb.origin[1] + aabb.extents[1] - transform_origin[1], - aabb.origin[1] + aabb.extents[1] + transform_origin[1] ),
- std::max( aabb.origin[2] + aabb.extents[2] - transform_origin[2], - aabb.origin[2] + aabb.extents[2] + transform_origin[2] )
+ std::max( bounds.origin[0] + bounds.extents[0] - transform_origin[0], - bounds.origin[0] + bounds.extents[0] + transform_origin[0] ),
+ std::max( bounds.origin[1] + bounds.extents[1] - transform_origin[1], - bounds.origin[1] + bounds.extents[1] + transform_origin[1] ),
+ std::max( bounds.origin[2] + bounds.extents[2] - transform_origin[2], - bounds.origin[2] + bounds.extents[2] + transform_origin[2] )
+ m_bounds = bounds;
-void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap ){
+void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap, const bool snapbbox ){
//globalOutputStream() << "manip2object: " << manip2object << " device2manip: " << device2manip << " x: " << x << " y:" << y <<"\n";
Vector3 current;
point_on_axis( current, m_axis, device2manip, x, y );
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++ ){
- if( m_choosen_extent[i] > 0.0625f ){ //epsilon to prevent super high scale for set of models, having really small extent, formed by origins
+ if( m_choosen_extent[i] > 0.0625f && m_axis[i] != 0.f ){ //epsilon to prevent super high scale for set of models, having really small extent, formed by origins
scale[i] = ( m_choosen_extent[i] + delta[i] ) / m_choosen_extent[i];
+ if( snapbbox ){
+ float snappdwidth = float_snapped( scale[i] * m_bounds.extents[i] * 2.f, GetSnapGridSize() );
+ scale[i] = snappdwidth / ( m_bounds.extents[i] * 2.f );
+ }
if( snap ){
Scalable& m_scalable;
Vector3 m_choosen_extent;
+AABB m_bounds;
ScaleFree( Scalable& scalable )
: m_scalable( scalable ){
-void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y ){
+void Construct( const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const AABB bounds, const Vector3 transform_origin ){
point_on_plane( m_start, device2manip, x, y );
- AABB aabb;
- GetSelectionAABB( aabb );
- Vector3 transform_origin = vector4_to_vector3( SelectionSystem_GetPivot2World().t() );
m_choosen_extent = Vector3(
- std::max( aabb.origin[0] + aabb.extents[0] - transform_origin[0], - aabb.origin[0] + aabb.extents[0] + transform_origin[0] ),
- std::max( aabb.origin[1] + aabb.extents[1] - transform_origin[1], - aabb.origin[1] + aabb.extents[1] + transform_origin[1] ),
- std::max( aabb.origin[2] + aabb.extents[2] - transform_origin[2], - aabb.origin[2] + aabb.extents[2] + transform_origin[2] )
+ std::max( bounds.origin[0] + bounds.extents[0] - transform_origin[0], - bounds.origin[0] + bounds.extents[0] + transform_origin[0] ),
+ std::max( bounds.origin[1] + bounds.extents[1] - transform_origin[1], - bounds.origin[1] + bounds.extents[1] + transform_origin[1] ),
+ std::max( bounds.origin[2] + bounds.extents[2] - transform_origin[2], - bounds.origin[2] + bounds.extents[2] + transform_origin[2] )
+ m_bounds = bounds;
-void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap ){
+void Transform( const Matrix4& manip2object, const Matrix4& device2manip, const float x, const float y, const bool snap, const bool snapbbox ){
Vector3 current;
point_on_plane( current, device2manip, x, y );
Vector3 delta = vector3_subtracted( current, m_start );
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++ ){
if( m_choosen_extent[i] > 0.0625f ){
scale[i] = ( m_choosen_extent[i] + delta[i] ) / m_choosen_extent[i];
+ if( snapbbox && start[i] != 0.f ){
+ float snappdwidth = float_snapped( scale[i] * m_bounds.extents[i] * 2.f, GetSnapGridSize() );
+ scale[i] = snappdwidth / ( m_bounds.extents[i] * 2.f );
+ }
//globalOutputStream() << "pre snap scale: " << scale <<"\n";
Manipulatable* GetManipulatable(){
+ //globalOutputStream() << ( m_dragSelectable.isSelected() ? "m_freeDrag\n" : "m_freeResize\n" );
return m_dragSelectable.isSelected() ? &m_freeDrag : &m_freeResize;
selector.addSelectable( SelectionIntersection( 0, 0 ), ( *i ) );
m_dragSelectable.setSelected( true );
+ if( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelectedComponents() != 0 ){
+ m_dragSelectable.setSelected( true );
+ }
for ( SelectionPool::iterator i = selector.begin(); i != selector.end(); ++i )
void ConstructPivot() const;
void setCustomPivotOrigin( Vector3& point ) const;
-void getSelectionAABB( AABB& bounds ) const;
+AABB getSelectionAABB() const;
mutable bool m_pivotChanged;
bool m_pivot_moving;
Matrix4 device2manip;
ConstructDevice2Manip( device2manip, m_pivot2world_start, view.GetModelview(), view.GetProjection(), view.GetViewport() );
- m_manipulator->GetManipulatable()->Construct( device2manip, device_point[0], device_point[1] );
+ m_manipulator->GetManipulatable()->Construct( device2manip, device_point[0], device_point[1], getSelectionAABB(), vector4_to_vector3( GetPivot2World().t() ) );
m_undo_begun = false;
-void MoveSelected( const View& view, const float device_point[2], bool snap ){
+void MoveSelected( const View& view, const float device_point[2], bool snap, bool snapbbox ){
if ( m_manipulator->isSelected() ) {
if ( !m_undo_begun ) {
m_undo_begun = true;
Matrix4 device2manip;
ConstructDevice2Manip( device2manip, m_pivot2world_start, view.GetModelview(), view.GetProjection(), view.GetViewport() );
- m_manipulator->GetManipulatable()->Transform( m_manip2pivot_start, device2manip, device_point[0], device_point[1], snap );
+ m_manipulator->GetManipulatable()->Transform( m_manip2pivot_start, device2manip, device_point[0], device_point[1], snap, snapbbox );
-void RadiantSelectionSystem::getSelectionAABB( AABB& bounds ) const {
+AABB RadiantSelectionSystem::getSelectionAABB() const {
+ AABB bounds;
if ( !nothingSelected() ) {
if ( Mode() == eComponent ) {
Scene_BoundsSelectedComponent( GlobalSceneGraph(), bounds );
Scene_BoundsSelected( GlobalSceneGraph(), bounds );
-void GetSelectionAABB( AABB& bounds ){
- getSelectionSystem().getSelectionAABB( bounds );
-const Matrix4& SelectionSystem_GetPivot2World(){
- return getSelectionSystem().GetPivot2World();
+ return bounds;
void RadiantSelectionSystem::renderSolid( Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume ) const {
void mouseMoved( DeviceVector position ){
- getSelectionSystem().MoveSelected( *m_view, &position[0], ( m_state & c_modifierShift ) == c_modifierShift );
+ getSelectionSystem().MoveSelected( *m_view, &position[0], ( m_state & c_modifierShift ) == c_modifierShift, ( m_state & c_modifierControl ) == c_modifierControl );
typedef MemberCaller1<Manipulator_, DeviceVector, &Manipulator_::mouseMoved> MouseMovedCaller;