set sv_fragmessage_information_stats 0 "Enable statistics (health/armor) display information, 0 = Never display; 1 = Always display (Only available for the person who was killed)"\r
set sv_fragmessage_information_typefrag 1 "Enable typefrag display information, 0 = Never display; 1 = Always display"\r
-// use default physics\r
set sv_friction_on_land 0\r
-exec physicsVT.cfg\r
set sv_player_viewoffset "0 0 35" "view offset of the player model"\r
set sv_player_mins "-16 -16 -24" "playermodel mins"\r
seta cl_autoswitch 1 "automatically switch to newly picked up weapons if they are better than what you are carrying"\r
alias autoswitch "set cl_autoswitch $1 ; cmd autoswitch $1"\r
-exec botsVT.cfg\r
// waypoint editor enable\r
set g_waypointeditor 0\r
set g_ctf_flag_capture_effects 1\r
set g_ctf_captimerecord_always 0 "if enabled, assisted CTF records (with other players on the server) are recorded too"\r
-exec ctfscoringVT.cfg\r
// domination\r
seta g_domination 0 "Domination: capture and hold control points to gain points"\r
set g_domination_default_teams 2 "default number of teams for maps that aren't domination-specific"\r
set g_rpg_botattack 1 "bot behavior in RPG. 0 causes bots to never attack, 1 allows bots to swallow you harmlessly, 2 allows bots to attack normally"\r
set g_rpg_turretattack 0 "if disabled, turrets don't attack anyone in RPG games. Otherwise, they attack everyone."\r
-// server game balance settings\r
-// powerup balance settings\r
-// weapon balance settings follow\r
-exec balanceVT.cfg\r
set g_bloodloss 0 "amount of health below which blood loss occurs"\r
set g_footsteps 1 "serverside footstep sounds"\r
set cl_handicap 1 "the higher, the more damage you will receive (client setting)"\r
-exec turretsVT.cfg\r
// must be at the bottom of this file:\r
// alias for switching the teamselect menu\r
alias menu_showteamselect "menu_cmd directmenu TeamSelect"\r