MSLE(minigame_board_piece,FIELD(MINIG_SF_CREATE,Byte,team) FIELD(MINIG_SF_UPDATE, Short, minigame_flags) FIELD(MINIG_SF_UPDATE, Vector2D,origin)) \
MSLE(pong_paddle,FIELD(MINIG_SF_CREATE,Byte,team) FIELD(MINIG_SF_CREATE,Float,pong_length) FIELD(MINIG_SF_UPDATE,Vector2D,origin)) \
- MSLE(pong_ball, FIELD(PONG_SF_BALLTEAM,Byte,team) FIELD(MINIG_SF_UPDATE, Vector2D, velocity) FIELD(MINIG_SF_UPDATE, Vector2D, origin)) \
+ MSLE(pong_ball,FIELD(MINIG_SF_CREATE,Float,pong_length) FIELD(PONG_SF_BALLTEAM,Byte,team) FIELD(MINIG_SF_UPDATE, Vector2D, velocity) FIELD(MINIG_SF_UPDATE, Vector2D, origin)) \
MSLE(pong_ai, FIELD(MINIG_SF_CREATE,Byte,team) FIELD(PONG_SF_PLAYERSCORE, Long, pong_score)) \
/*empty line*/
.int pong_score; // (minigame_player) number of goals
.int pong_keys; // (client) pressed keys
.entity pong_paddles[PONG_MAX_PLAYERS];// (minigame) paddles
-.float pong_length; // (pong_paddle) size (0,1)
+.float pong_length; // (pong_paddle/pong_ball) size (0,1)
.entity pong_ai_paddle; // (pong_ai) controlled paddle entity
#ifdef SVQC
-bool pong_paddlemiss(float ball_coord, float pad_coord, float pad_len)
+// get point in the box nearest to the given one (2D)
+vector box_nearest(vector box_min, vector box_max, vector p)
- return ball_coord < pad_coord - pad_len/2 || ball_coord > pad_coord + pad_len/2;
+ return eX * ( p_x > box_max_x ? box_max_x : ( p_x < box_min_x ? box_min_x : p_x ) )
+ + eY * ( p_y > box_max_y ? box_max_y : ( p_y < box_min_y ? box_min_y : p_y ) );
+void pong_paddle_bounce(entity ball, int pteam)
+ switch(pteam)
+ {
+ case 1: ball.velocity_x = -fabs(ball.velocity_x); break;
+ case 2: ball.velocity_x = fabs(ball.velocity_x); break;
+ case 3: ball.velocity_y = fabs(ball.velocity_y); break;
+ case 4: ball.velocity_y = -fabs(ball.velocity_y); break;
+ }
+ float angle = atan2(ball.velocity_y, ball.velocity_x);
+ angle += ( random() - 0.5 ) * 2 * M_PI/6;
+ float speed = vlen(ball.velocity);
+ ball.velocity_y = speed * sin(angle);
+ ball.velocity_x = speed * cos(angle);
+// checks if the ball hit the paddle for the given team
+bool pong_paddle_hit(entity ball, int pteam)
+ entity paddle = ball.owner.pong_paddles[pteam-1];
+ if (!paddle)
+ return false;
+ vector near_point = box_nearest(paddle.mins+paddle.origin,
+ paddle.maxs+paddle.origin, ball.origin);
+ return vlen(near_point-ball.origin) <= ball.pong_length ;
// Checks for a goal, when that happes adds scores and resets the ball
if (!paddle)
return false;
- if ( (pteam > 2 && pong_paddlemiss(ball.origin_x,paddle.origin_x,paddle.pong_length)) ||
- pong_paddlemiss(ball.origin_y,paddle.origin_y,paddle.pong_length) )
+ if ( !pong_paddle_hit(ball, pteam) )
pong_add_score(ball.owner ,ball.team, pteam, 1);
return true;
- else
- {
- ball.team = pteam;
- ball.SendFlags |= PONG_SF_BALLTEAM;
- }
return false;
self.origin_x += self.velocity_x * think_speed;
self.origin_y += self.velocity_y * think_speed;
+ self.SendFlags |= MINIG_SF_UPDATE;
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 1; i <= PONG_MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
+ if ( pong_paddle_hit(self, i) )
+ {
+ pong_paddle_bounce(self,i);
+ self.team = i;
+ self.SendFlags |= PONG_SF_BALLTEAM;
+ return;
+ }
- // TODO consider the ball's radius (and add cvar for that)
- if ( self.origin_y <= 0 )
+ if ( self.origin_y <= self.pong_length )
if ( !pong_goal(self,3) )
- self.origin_y = 0;
+ self.origin_y = self.pong_length;
self.velocity_y *= -1;
- else if ( self.origin_y >= 1 )
+ else if ( self.origin_y >= 1-self.pong_length )
if ( !pong_goal(self,4) )
- self.origin_y = 1;
+ self.origin_y = 1-self.pong_length;
self.velocity_y *= -1;
- if ( self.origin_x <= 0 )
+ if ( self.origin_x <= self.pong_length )
if ( !pong_goal(self,2) )
- self.origin_x = 0;
+ self.origin_x = self.pong_length;
self.velocity_x *= -1;
- else if ( self.origin_x >= 1 )
+ else if ( self.origin_x >= 1-self.pong_length )
if ( !pong_goal(self,1) )
- self.origin_x = 1;
+ self.origin_x = 1-self.pong_length;
self.velocity_x *= -1;
- self.SendFlags |= MINIG_SF_UPDATE;
// AI action
+vector pong_team_to_box_halfsize(int nteam, float length, float width)
+ if ( nteam > 2 )
+ return eY*width/2 + eX*length/2;
+ return eX*width/2 + eY*length/2;
vector pong_team_to_paddlepos(int nteam)
paddle.think = pong_paddle_think;
paddle.nextthink = time;
paddle.team = pl_team;
+ paddle.mins = pong_team_to_box_halfsize(pl_team,-paddle.pong_length,-1/16);
+ paddle.maxs = pong_team_to_box_halfsize(pl_team,paddle.pong_length,1/16);
if ( real_player == world )
minigame.SendFlags |= MINIG_SF_UPDATE;
entity ball = msle_spawn(minigame,"pong_ball");
+ ball.pong_length = autocvar_sv_minigames_pong_ball_radius;
return true;
entity e;
vector obj_pos;
- vector ball_size = minigame_hud_denormalize_size('1 1 0' / 16,pos,mySize);
+ vector ball_size;
vector paddle_size;
if ( e.classname == "pong_ball" )
+ ball_size = minigame_hud_denormalize_size('2 2 0'*e.pong_length,pos,mySize);
obj_pos = minigame_hud_denormalize(e.origin,pos,mySize);
minigame_drawpic_centered( obj_pos, minigame_texture("pong/ball"),
ball_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL );