if(frag_target != frag_attacker)
- if(frag_damage <= 0 && GetResource(frag_target, RES_HEALTH) > 0) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, frag_attacker, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_SECONDARY_NODAMAGE); }
frag_force = '0 0 0';
this.nade_altbutton = true;
if(time > this.nade_refire)
- Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_NADE_THROW);
this.nade_refire = time + autocvar_g_nades_nade_refire;
float killcount_bonus = ((CS(frag_attacker).killcount >= 1) ? bound(0, autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_minor * CS(frag_attacker).killcount, autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_medium)
: autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_minor);
+ if (frag_attacker == frag_target)
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, frag_attacker, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_NADE_THROW);
if (SAME_TEAM(frag_attacker, frag_target) || frag_attacker == frag_target)
else if(GameRules_scoring_is_vip(frag_target))
if(!STAT(FROZEN, frag_target))
- Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, frag_attacker, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_SECONDARY_NODAMAGE);
M_ARGV(6, vector) = '0 0 0'; // force
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(RACE_FINISHLAP, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_RACE_FINISHLAP, "0 0", _("^F2The race is over, finish your lap!"), "")
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SECONDARY_NODAMAGE, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_Null, "0 0", _("^BGSecondary fire inflicts no damage!"), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SEQUENCE_COMPLETED, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_Null, "0 0", _("^BGSequence completed!"), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SEQUENCE_COUNTER, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_Null, "0 0", _("^BGThere are more to go..."), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SEQUENCE_COUNTER_FEWMORE, N_ENABLE, 0, 1, "f1", CPID_Null, "0 0", _("^BGOnly %s^BG more to go..."), "")