float Swallow_condition_check_bot(entity prey)
- // checks the necessary conditions for a bot to swallow another player
+ // checks the necessary conditions for a bot to swallow a player
- if(Swallow_condition_check(prey)) // check the normal conditions imposed by the vore system
+ if(Swallow_condition_check(prey)) // check the normal conditions of the vore system
if not(prey.BUTTON_CHAT) // don't eat players who are chatting
if(self.health > cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_damage_max")) // explained below
return TRUE;
void Vore_AI_Teamheal(entity prey)
// allows bots to use the teamheal feature and heal damaged team mates
- // the prey entity is only used when it's available (a player is detected in-range)
+ // the prey entity is only used when it's available (a player is detected in range)
entity head;
float Swallow_condition_check(entity prey)\r
- // checks the necessary conditions for swallowing another player\r
+ // checks the necessary conditions for swallowing a player\r
if(prey != self)\r
if(prey.classname == "player" && prey.predator.classname != "player" && prey.deadflag == DEAD_NO) // we can't swallow someone who's already in someone else's stomach\r