#pragma once
+// This includes some functions useful for debugging.
+// Some more bot-specific ones are in server/pathlib/debug.qc.
+// Look for other useful commands under prvm_* in console (apropos / search).
#ifdef CSQC
.entity tag_entity;
#ifdef GAMEQC
.bool debug;
.int sv_entnum;
#ifdef GAMEQC
#ifdef SVQC
COMMON_COMMAND(debugdraw_sv, "Dump all server entities")
GENERIC_COMMAND(bufstr_get, "Examine a string buffer object")
switch (request)
GENERIC_COMMAND(version, "Print the current version")
switch (request)
#ifdef CSQC
void(float bufhandle, string pattern, string antipattern) buf_cvarlist = #517;
#ifdef SVQC
GENERIC_COMMAND(find, "Search through entities for matching classname")
switch (request)
GENERIC_COMMAND(findat, "Search through entities for matching origin")
switch (request)
+// debug_test() allows drawing text from server on the client anywhere in world coordinates.
+#ifdef GAMEQC
+#ifdef CSQC
+CLASS(DebugText3d, Object)
+ // reusing existing fields
+ ATTRIB(DebugText3d, origin, vector);
+ ATTRIB(DebugText3d, message, string); // the text (i wanted to use the .text field but then this whole macro-based-inheritance thing shat itself)
+ ATTRIB(DebugText3d, hit_time, float); // when it was created
+ ATTRIB(DebugText3d, fade_rate, float); // how fast is should disappear
+ ATTRIB(DebugText3d, velocity, vector);
+ CONSTRUCTOR(DebugText3d, vector pos, string msg, float fade_rate_, vector vel) {
+ CONSTRUCT(DebugText3d);
+ this.origin = pos;
+ this.message = strzone(msg);
+ this.hit_time = time;
+ this.fade_rate = fade_rate_;
+ this.velocity = vel;
+ IL_PUSH(g_drawables_2d, this);
+ }
+ DESTRUCTOR(DebugText3d) {
+ strunzone(this.message);
+ }
+ void DebugText3d_draw2d(DebugText3d this) {
+ float since_created = time - this.hit_time;
+ float alpha_ = 1 - since_created * this.fade_rate;
+ if (alpha_ < 0) {
+ delete(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ vector screen_pos = project_3d_to_2d(this.origin) + since_created * this.velocity;
+ if (screen_pos.z < 0) return; // behind camera
+ screen_pos.z = 0;
+ vector rgb = '1 1 0';
+ int size = 8;
+ drawcolorcodedstring2_builtin(screen_pos, this.message, size * '1 1 0', rgb, alpha_, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ ATTRIB(DebugText3d, draw2d, void(DebugText3d), DebugText3d_draw2d);
+NET_HANDLE(debug_text_3d, bool is_new) {
+ vector pos = ReadVector();
+ string msg = ReadString();
+ float duration = ReadFloat();
+ vector vel = ReadVector();
+ make_impure(NEW(DebugText3d, pos, msg, 1 / duration, vel));
+ return true;
+#endif // CSQC
+#ifdef SVQC
+AUTOCVAR(debug_text_3d_default_duration, float, 10, "Default duration for debug_text_3d()");
+AUTOCVAR(debug_text_3d_default_velocity, vector, '0 -10 0', "Default velocity for debug_text_3d() in screen coords (X and Y from top left)");
+STATIC_INIT(debug_text_3d) {
+ // HACK: these cvars are only used in macros so they give unused warning unless the macros are expanded
+ autocvar_debug_text_3d_default_duration = autocvar_debug_text_3d_default_duration;
+ autocvar_debug_text_3d_default_velocity = autocvar_debug_text_3d_default_velocity;
+#define debug_text_3d(...) EVAL(OVERLOAD(debug_text_3d, __VA_ARGS__))
+#define debug_text_3d_2(pos, msg) debug_text_3d_3(pos, msg, autocvar_debug_text_3d_default_duration);
+#define debug_text_3d_3(pos, msg, dur) debug_text_3d_4(pos, msg, dur, autocvar_debug_text_3d_default_velocity);
+#define debug_text_3d_4(pos, msg, dur, vel) debug_text_3d_fn(pos, msg, dur, vel);
+void debug_text_3d_fn(vector pos, string msg, float duration, vector velocity) {
+ WriteHeader(MSG_BROADCAST, debug_text_3d);
+ WriteVector(MSG_BROADCAST, pos);
+ WriteString(MSG_BROADCAST, msg);
+ WriteFloat(MSG_BROADCAST, duration);
+ WriteVector(MSG_BROADCAST, velocity);
+#endif // SVQC