seta hud_shownames 1 "draw names and health/armor of nearby players"\r
seta hud_shownames_enemies 2 "1 = draw names of enemies you point at (TODO), 2 = draw names of all enemies in view"\r
-seta hud_shownames_status 1 "1 = draw health/armor status of teammates"\r
+seta hud_shownames_status 2 "1 = show when the team mate can be healed, 2 = also show health, 3 = also show armor"\r
seta hud_shownames_aspect 8 "aspect ratio of total drawing area per name"\r
seta hud_shownames_fontsize 12 "font size"\r
seta hud_shownames_decolorize 1 "1 = decolorize name in team games, 2 = decolorize always"\r
drawfontscale = '1 1 0' * resize;
s = textShortenToWidth(s, namewidth, '1 1 0' * cvar("hud_shownames_fontsize"), stringwidth_colors);
- if(cvar("hud_shownames_status"))
if(sameteam && ent.healthvalue > 0)
- if(ent.armorvalue)
+ if(cvar("hud_shownames_status") > 2 && ent.armorvalue)
s = strcat(s, "^7 (^1+", ftos(ent.healthvalue), "^7|^2*", ftos(ent.armorvalue), "^7)");
- else
+ else if(cvar("hud_shownames_status") > 1)
s = strcat(s, "^7 (^1+", ftos(ent.healthvalue), "^7)");
// if team healing is enabled, mark the team mate as possible to heal
- if(ent.healthvalue < teamheal_max)
+ if(cvar("hud_shownames_status") && ent.healthvalue < teamheal_max)
s = strcat(s, "^7 [^5HEAL^7]");