ATTRIB(ListBox, origin, vector, '0 0 0')
ATTRIB(ListBox, scrollPos, float, 0) // measured in window heights, fixed when needed
ATTRIB(ListBox, scrollPosTarget, float, 0)
+ METHOD(ListBox, isScrolling, bool(entity));
ATTRIB(ListBox, needScrollToItem, float, -1)
METHOD(ListBox, scrollToItem, void(entity, int));
ATTRIB(ListBox, previousValue, float, 0)
+bool ListBox_isScrolling(entity me)
+ return (me.scrollPos != me.scrollPosTarget);
void ListBox_scrollToItem(entity me, int i)
// scroll doesn't work properly until itemHeight is set to the correct value
it = m_findtooltipitem(main, pos);
+ if(it.instanceOfListBox && it.isScrolling(it))
+ it = world;
if(it && prev_tooltip != it.tooltip)
// fade out if tooltip of a certain item has changed