if(tracebox_hits_trigger_hurt(dst_ahead, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_endpos))
// Remove dangerous dynamic goals from stack
- dprint("bot ", self.netname, " removed the goal ", self.goalcurrent.classname, " ", etos(self.goalcurrent), " because it leads to a dangerous path\n");
- navigation_poproute();
- if(self.goalcurrent)
- gco = (self.goalcurrent.absmin + self.goalcurrent.absmax) * 0.5;
- // try to stop
- flatdir = '0 0 0';
- evadeobstacle = normalize(self.velocity) * -1;
+ dprint("bot ", self.netname, " avoided the goal ", self.goalcurrent.classname, " ", etos(self.goalcurrent), " because it led to a dangerous path; goal stack cleared\n");
+ navigation_clearroute();
+ return;