+++ /dev/null
-#if defined(CSQC)
-#elif defined(MENUQC)
-#elif defined(SVQC)
- #include "../dpdefs/dpextensions.qh"
- #include "autocvars.qh"
-compile with -DTETRIS
-#ifdef TETRIS
-.vector tet_org;
-float tet_vs_current_id;
-float tet_vs_current_timeout;
-.float tet_vs_id, tet_vs_addlines;
-.float tet_highest_line;
-.float tetris_on, tet_gameovertime, tet_drawtime, tet_autodown;
-.vector piece_pos;
-.float piece_type, next_piece, tet_score, tet_lines;
-.float tet_piece_bucket;
-// tetris_on states:
-// 1 = running
-// 2 = game over
-// 3 = waiting for VS players
-float tet_high_score = 0;
-const vector TET_START_PIECE_POS = '5 1 0';
-const float TET_LINES = 22;
-const float TET_DISPLAY_LINES = 20;
-const float TET_WIDTH = 10;
-const string TET_EMPTY_LINE = "0000000000"; // must match TET_WIDTH
-//character values
-const float TET_BORDER = 139;
-const float TET_BLOCK = 133;
-const float TET_SPACE = 160; // blankness
-const float TETKEY_UP = 1;
-const float TETKEY_DOWN = 2;
-const float TETKEY_LEFT = 4;
-const float TETKEY_RIGHT = 8;
-const float TETKEY_ROTLEFT = 16;
-const float TETKEY_ROTRIGHT = 32;
-const float TETKEY_DROP = 64;
-const string TET_PADDING_RIGHT = "\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0"; // get away from crosshair
-const float PIECES = 7;
-float tet_line_buf;
-float SVC_CENTERPRINTa = 26;
-float Tetris_Level()
- return ((floor((self.tet_lines / 10)) + 1));
-void tetsnd(string snd)
- play2(self, strcat("sounds/tetris/", snd));
-Library Functions
-void SetLine(float ln, string vl)
- if(ln < 1 || ln > TET_LINES)
- error("WTF");
- bufstr_set(tet_line_buf, ln + TET_LINES * num_for_edict(self), vl);
-string GetLine(float ln)
- if(ln < 1 || ln > TET_LINES)
- error("WTF");
- if(ln < 1 || ln > TET_LINES)
- return TET_EMPTY_LINE;
- return bufstr_get(tet_line_buf, ln + TET_LINES * num_for_edict(self));
-float GetXBlock(float x, string dat)
- if(x < 1 || x > TET_WIDTH)
- error("WTF");
- return stof(substring(dat, x-1, 1));
-string SetXBlock(float x, string dat, float new)
- return strcat(
- substring(dat, 0, x-1),
- ftos(new),
- substring(dat, x, -1)
- );
-float GetSquare(float x, float y)
- return GetXBlock(x, GetLine(y));
-void SetSquare(float x, float y, float val)
- string dat;
- dat = GetLine(y);
- dat = SetXBlock(x, dat, val);
- SetLine(y, dat);
-float PieceColor(float pc)
- if (pc == 1)
- return 3; // O
- else if (pc == 2)
- return 4; // J
- else if (pc == 3)
- return 7; // L // we don't have orange, let's use white instead!
- else if (pc == 4)
- return 5; // I
- else if (pc == 5)
- return 1; // Z
- else if (pc == 6)
- return 2; // S
- else if (pc == 7)
- return 6; // T
- else
- return 0;
-vector PieceShape(float pc)
- if (pc == 1)
- return '20 20 0'; // O
- else if (pc == 2)
- return '1 21 0'; // J
- else if (pc == 3)
- return '16 21 0'; // L
- else if (pc == 4)
- return '0 85 0'; // I
- else if (pc == 5)
- return '5 20 0'; // Z
- else if (pc == 6)
- return '20 5 0'; // S
- else if (pc == 7)
- return '4 21 0'; // T
- else
- return '0 0 0';
-vector PieceSize(float pc)
- if (pc == 1)
- return '2 2 0'; // O
- else if (pc == 2)
- return '3 2 0'; // J
- else if (pc == 3)
- return '3 2 0'; // L
- else if (pc == 4)
- return '4 1 0'; // I
- else if (pc == 5)
- return '3 2 0'; // Z
- else if (pc == 6)
- return '3 2 0'; // S
- else if (pc == 7)
- return '3 2 0'; // T
- else
- return '0 0 0';
-vector PieceCenter(float pc)
- if(pc == 1)
- return '2.5 1.5 0'; // O
- else if (pc == 2)
- return '2 2 0'; // J
- else if (pc == 3)
- return '2 2 0'; // L
- else if (pc == 4)
- return '2.5 2.5 0'; // I
- else if (pc == 5)
- return '2 2 0'; // Z
- else if (pc == 6)
- return '2 2 0'; // S
- else if (pc == 7)
- return '2 2 0'; // T
- else
- return '0 0 0';
-// do x 1..4 and y 1..4 in case of rotation
-float PieceMetric(float x, float y, float rot, float pc)
- float t;
- vector ce;
- // return bits of a piece
- ce = PieceCenter(pc);
- if (rot == 1) // 90 degrees
- {
- // x+cx, y+cy -> -y+cx, x+cy
- // X, Y -> -Y+cy+cx, X-cx+cy
- // x = X-cx
- // y = Y-cy
- t = y;
- y = x - ce.x + ce.y;
- x = -t + ce.x + ce.y;
- }
- else if (rot == 2)//180
- {
- x = 2 * ce.x - x;
- y = 2 * ce.y - y;
- }
- else if (rot == 3) // 270
- {
- // x+cx, y+cy -> y+cx, -x+cy
- // X, Y -> Y-cy+cx, -X+cx+cy
- // x = X-cx
- // y = Y-cy
- t = y;
- y = -x + ce.y + ce.x;
- x = t - ce.y + ce.x;
- }
- if (x < 1 || y < 1 || x > 4 || y > 2)
- return 0;
- ce = PieceShape(pc);
- if (y == 1)
- return !!(ce.x & pow(4, x-1)); // first row
- else if (y == 2)
- return !!(ce.y & pow(4, x-1)); // second row
- else
- return 0; // illegal parms
-vector tet_piecemins;
-vector tet_piecemaxs;
-void PieceMinsMaxs(float rot, float pc)
- vector sz, ce;
- float t;
- vector v;
- sz = PieceSize(pc);
- ce = PieceCenter(pc);
- // 1 = 2..2
- // 2 = 2..3
- // 3 = 1..3
- // 4 = 1..4
- tet_piecemins.x = floor(3.0 - sz.x * 0.5);
- tet_piecemaxs.x = floor(2.0 + sz.x * 0.5);
- if(sz.y == 1)
- {
- // special case for "I"
- tet_piecemins.y = tet_piecemaxs.y = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- tet_piecemins.y = 1;
- tet_piecemaxs.y = sz.y;
- }
- //printf("ce%v sz%v mi%v ma%v\n", ce, sz, tet_piecemins, tet_piecemaxs);
- if (rot == 1) // 90 degrees
- {
- t = tet_piecemins.y;
- tet_piecemins.y = -tet_piecemins.x + ce.y + ce.x;
- tet_piecemins.x = t - ce.y + ce.x;
- t = tet_piecemaxs.y;
- tet_piecemaxs.y = -tet_piecemaxs.x + ce.y + ce.x;
- tet_piecemaxs.x = t - ce.y + ce.x;
- // swap mins_y, maxs_y
- t = tet_piecemins.y;
- tet_piecemins.y = tet_piecemaxs.y;
- tet_piecemaxs.y = t;
- }
- else if (rot == 2)//180
- {
- v = tet_piecemins;
- tet_piecemins = 2 * ce - tet_piecemaxs;
- tet_piecemaxs = 2 * ce - v;
- }
- else if (rot == 3) // 270
- {
- t = tet_piecemins.y;
- tet_piecemins.y = tet_piecemins.x - ce.x + ce.y;
- tet_piecemins.x = -t + ce.x + ce.y;
- t = tet_piecemaxs.y;
- tet_piecemaxs.y = tet_piecemaxs.x - ce.x + ce.y;
- tet_piecemaxs.x = -t + ce.x + ce.y;
- // swap mins_x, maxs_x
- t = tet_piecemins.x;
- tet_piecemins.x = tet_piecemaxs.x;
- tet_piecemaxs.x = t;
- }
-#ifdef VERIFY
- print(vtos(tet_piecemins), "-");
- print(vtos(tet_piecemaxs), "\n");
- if(tet_piecemins.x > tet_piecemaxs.x)
- error("inconsistent mins/maxs");
- if(tet_piecemins.y > tet_piecemaxs.y)
- error("inconsistent mins/maxs");
- float i, j;
- vector realmins, realmaxs;
- realmins = '4 4 0';
- realmaxs = '1 1 0';
- for(i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
- for(j = 1; j <= 4; ++j)
- if(PieceMetric(i, j, rot, pc))
- {
- realmins.x = min(realmins.x, i);
- realmins.y = min(realmins.y, j);
- realmaxs.x = max(realmaxs.x, i);
- realmaxs.y = max(realmaxs.y, j);
- }
- if(realmins != tet_piecemins || realmaxs != tet_piecemaxs)
- error(sprintf("incorrect mins/maxs: %v %v in %d rot %d mins %v maxs %v\n", realmins, realmaxs, rot, pc, tet_piecemins, tet_piecemaxs));
-/* some prydon gate functions to make life easier....
-somewhat modified because we don't need all the fanciness Prydon Gate is capable of
-void WriteTetrisString(string s)
- WriteUnterminatedString(MSG_ONE, strconv(0, 2, 2, s));
-float pnum(float num, float dig)
- float f, i;
- if (num < 0)
- {
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, 173);
- num = 0 - num;
- }
- f = floor(num / 10);
- num = num - (f * 10);
- if (f)
- dig = pnum(f, dig+1);
- else
- {
- // pad to 6
- for (i = 0; i < (5 - dig); i = i + 1)
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, TET_SPACE);
- }
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, 176 + num);
- return dig;
-void DrawLine(float ln)
- float x, d;
- for (x = 1; x <= TET_WIDTH; x = x + 1)
- {
- d = GetSquare(x, ln + TET_LINES - TET_DISPLAY_LINES);
- if (d)
- {
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, '^');
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, d + '0');
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, TET_BLOCK);
- }
- else
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, TET_SPACE);
- }
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, '^');
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, '7');
-void DrawPiece(float pc, float ln)
- float x, d, piece_ln, pcolor;
- vector piece_dat;
- pcolor = PieceColor(pc);
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, TET_SPACE); // pad to 6
- piece_dat = PieceShape(pc);
- if (ln == 1)
- piece_ln = piece_dat.x;
- else
- piece_ln = piece_dat.y;
- for (x = 1; x <= 4; x = x + 1)
- {
- if (piece_ln & pow(4, x-1))
- {
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, '^');
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, pcolor + '0');
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, TET_BLOCK);
- }
- else
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, TET_SPACE);
- }
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, TET_SPACE); // pad to 6
-void Draw_Tetris()
- float i;
- entity head;
- msg_entity = self;
- if(autocvar_g_bastet)
- {
- WriteTetrisString("NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU");
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, 10);
- }
- // decoration
- for (i = 1; i <= (TET_WIDTH + 2); i = i + 1)
- WriteTetrisString(" ");
- WriteUnterminatedString(MSG_ONE, TET_PADDING_RIGHT);
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, 10);
- for (i = 1; i <= TET_DISPLAY_LINES; i = i + 1)
- {
- if(self.tetris_on == 2)
- WriteTetrisString(" GAME OVER ");
- else if(self.tetris_on == 3)
- WriteTetrisString("PLEASE WAIT");
- else
- DrawLine(i);
- if (i == 1)
- WriteTetrisString(autocvar_g_bastet ? " THAT " : " NEXT ");
- else if (i == 3)
- DrawPiece(self.next_piece, 1);
- else if (i == 4)
- DrawPiece(self.next_piece, 2);
- else if (i == 6)
- WriteTetrisString(" LINES");
- else if (i == 7)
- pnum(self.tet_lines, 0);
- else if (i == 9)
- WriteTetrisString(" SCORE");
- else if (i == 10)
- pnum(self.tet_score, 0);
- else if (i == 12)
- WriteTetrisString(" HIGH ");
- else if (i == 13)
- WriteTetrisString(" SCORE");
- else if (i == 14)
- pnum(tet_high_score, 0);
- else if (i == 16)
- WriteTetrisString(" LEVEL");
- else if (i == 17)
- pnum(Tetris_Level(), 0);
- else
- WriteTetrisString(" ");
- WriteUnterminatedString(MSG_ONE, TET_PADDING_RIGHT);
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, 10);
- }
- // decoration
- for (i = 1; i <= (TET_WIDTH + 2); i = i + 1)
- WriteTetrisString(" ");
- WriteUnterminatedString(MSG_ONE, TET_PADDING_RIGHT);
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, 10);
- // VS game status
- if(self.tet_vs_id)
- {
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, 10);
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, 10);
- if(self.tetris_on == 3)
- {
- WriteUnterminatedString(MSG_ONE, strcat("WAITING FOR OTHERS (", ftos(ceil(tet_vs_current_timeout - time)), " SEC)\n"));
- }
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, 10);
- FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(head) if(head.tetris_on) if(head.tet_vs_id == self.tet_vs_id)
- {
- if(head == self)
- WriteUnterminatedString(MSG_ONE, ">");
- else
- WriteUnterminatedString(MSG_ONE, " ");
- if(head.tetris_on == 2)
- WriteUnterminatedString(MSG_ONE, " X_X");
- else
- pnum(head.tet_highest_line, 0);
- WriteUnterminatedString(MSG_ONE, " ");
- WriteUnterminatedString(MSG_ONE, head.netname);
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, 10);
- }
- }
- WriteChar(MSG_ONE, 0);
-Game Functions
-// reset the game
-void ResetTetris()
- float i;
- if(!tet_line_buf)
- tet_line_buf = buf_create();
- for (i=1; i<=TET_LINES; i = i + 1)
- SetLine(i, TET_EMPTY_LINE);
- self.piece_pos = '0 0 0';
- self.piece_type = 0;
- self.next_piece = self.tet_lines = self.tet_score = 0;
- self.tet_piece_bucket = 0;
-void Tet_GameExit()
- centerprint(self, " ");
- self.tetris_on = 0;
- self.tet_vs_id = 0;
- ResetTetris();
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
-void PrintField()
- string l;
- float r, c;
- for(r = 1; r <= TET_LINES; ++r)
- {
- l = GetLine(r);
- print(">");
- for(c = 1; c <= TET_WIDTH; ++c)
- {
- print(ftos(GetXBlock(c, l)));
- }
- print("\n");
- }
-float BastetEvaluate()
- float height;
- string l;
- float lines;
- float score, score_save;
- string occupied, occupied_save;
- float occupied_count, occupied_count_save;
- float i, j, line;
- score = 0;
- // adds a bonus for each free dot above the occupied blocks profile
- occupied = TET_EMPTY_LINE;
- occupied_count = TET_WIDTH;
- height = 0;
- lines = 0;
- for(i = 1; i <= TET_LINES; ++i)
- {
- l = GetLine(i);
- if(l == TET_EMPTY_LINE)
- {
- height = i;
- continue;
- }
- line = 1;
- occupied_save = occupied;
- occupied_count_save = occupied_count;
- score_save = score;
- for(j = 1; j <= TET_WIDTH; ++j)
- {
- if(GetXBlock(j, l))
- {
- if(!GetXBlock(j, occupied))
- {
- occupied = SetXBlock(j, occupied, 1);
- --occupied_count;
- }
- }
- else
- line = 0;
- score += 10000 * occupied_count;
- }
- if(line)
- {
- occupied = occupied_save;
- occupied_count = occupied_count_save;
- score = score_save + 100000000 + 10000 * TET_WIDTH + 1000;
- ++lines;
- }
- }
- score += 1000 * height;
- return score;
-float CheckMetrics(float piece, float orgx, float orgy, float rot);
-void ClearPiece(float piece, float orgx, float orgy, float rot);
-void CementPiece(float piece, float orgx, float orgy, float rot);
-float bastet_profile_evaluate_time;
-float bastet_profile_checkmetrics_time;
-float BastetSearch(float buf, float pc, float x, float y, float rot, float move_bias)
-// returns best score, or -1 if position is impossible
- string r;
- float b;
- float s, sm;
- float t1, t2;
- if(move_bias < 0)
- return 0; // DO NOT WANT
- if(x < 1 || x > TET_WIDTH || y < 1 || y > TET_LINES)
- return -1; // impossible
- if(rot < 0) rot = 3;
- if(rot > 3) rot = 0;
- // did we already try?
- b = x + (TET_WIDTH+2) * (y + (TET_LINES+2) * rot);
- r = bufstr_get(buf, b);
- if(r != "") // already tried
- return stof(r);
- bufstr_set(buf, b, "0"); // in case we READ that, not that bad - we already got that value in another branch then anyway
- t1 = gettime(GETTIME_HIRES);
- if(CheckMetrics(pc, x, y, rot))
- {
- t2 = gettime(GETTIME_HIRES);
- bastet_profile_checkmetrics_time += (t2 - t1);
- // try all moves
- sm = 1;
- s = BastetSearch(buf, pc, x-1, y, rot, move_bias - 1); if(s > sm) sm = s;
- s = BastetSearch(buf, pc, x+1, y, rot, move_bias - 1); if(s > sm) sm = s;
- s = BastetSearch(buf, pc, x, y, rot+1, move_bias - 1); if(s > sm) sm = s;
- s = BastetSearch(buf, pc, x, y, rot-1, move_bias - 1); if(s > sm) sm = s;
- s = BastetSearch(buf, pc, x, y+1, rot, move_bias + 2); if(s > sm) sm = s;
- if(s < 0)
- {
- //printf("MAY CEMENT AT: %d %d %d\n", x, y, rot);
- // moving down did not work - that means we can fixate the block here
- t1 = gettime(GETTIME_HIRES);
- CementPiece(pc, x, y, rot);
- s = BastetEvaluate();
- ClearPiece(pc, x, y, rot);
- t2 = gettime(GETTIME_HIRES);
- bastet_profile_evaluate_time += (t2 - t1);
- if(s > sm) sm = s;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- t2 = gettime(GETTIME_HIRES);
- bastet_profile_checkmetrics_time += (t2 - t1);
- sm = -1; // impassible
- }
- bufstr_set(buf, b, ftos(sm));
- return sm;
-float bastet_piece[7];
-float bastet_score[7];
-float bastet_piecetime[7];
-float BastetPiece()
- float b;
- bastet_profile_evaluate_time = 0;
- bastet_profile_checkmetrics_time = 0;
- float t1 = gettime(GETTIME_HIRES);
- b = buf_create(); bastet_piece[0] = 1; bastet_score[0] = BastetSearch(b, 1, TET_START_PIECE_POS_x, 1+TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_WIDTH) + 100 * random() + bastet_piecetime[0]; buf_del(b);
- b = buf_create(); bastet_piece[1] = 2; bastet_score[1] = BastetSearch(b, 2, TET_START_PIECE_POS_x, 1+TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_WIDTH) + 100 * random() + bastet_piecetime[1]; buf_del(b);
- b = buf_create(); bastet_piece[2] = 3; bastet_score[2] = BastetSearch(b, 3, TET_START_PIECE_POS_x, 1+TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_WIDTH) + 100 * random() + bastet_piecetime[2]; buf_del(b);
- b = buf_create(); bastet_piece[3] = 4; bastet_score[3] = BastetSearch(b, 4, TET_START_PIECE_POS_x, 1+TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_WIDTH) + 100 * random() + bastet_piecetime[3]; buf_del(b);
- b = buf_create(); bastet_piece[4] = 5; bastet_score[4] = BastetSearch(b, 5, TET_START_PIECE_POS_x, 1+TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_WIDTH) + 100 * random() + bastet_piecetime[4]; buf_del(b);
- b = buf_create(); bastet_piece[5] = 6; bastet_score[5] = BastetSearch(b, 6, TET_START_PIECE_POS_x, 1+TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_WIDTH) + 100 * random() + bastet_piecetime[5]; buf_del(b);
- b = buf_create(); bastet_piece[6] = 7; bastet_score[6] = BastetSearch(b, 7, TET_START_PIECE_POS_x, 1+TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_START_PIECE_POS_y, TET_WIDTH) + 100 * random() + bastet_piecetime[6]; buf_del(b);
- float t2 = gettime(GETTIME_HIRES);
- dprintf("Time taken: %.6f seconds (of this, ev = %.2f%%, cm = %.2f%%)\n", t2 - t1, 100 * bastet_profile_evaluate_time / (t2 - t1), 100 * bastet_profile_checkmetrics_time / (t2 - t1));
- // sort
- float i, j, k, p, s;
- for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
- {
- printf("piece %s value = %d\n", substring("OJLIZST", bastet_piece[i]-1, 1), bastet_score[i]);
- }
- for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
- {
- k = i;
- p = bastet_piece[k];
- s = bastet_score[k];
- for(j = i + 1; j < 7; ++j)
- {
- if(bastet_score[j] < s)
- {
- k = j;
- s = bastet_score[k];
- p = bastet_piece[k];
- }
- }
- if(k != i)
- {
- bastet_score[k] = bastet_score[i];
- bastet_piece[k] = bastet_piece[i];
- bastet_score[i] = s;
- bastet_piece[i] = p;
- }
- }
- b = random();
- if(b < 0.8)
- j = 0;
- else if(b < 0.92)
- j = 1;
- else if(b < 0.98)
- j = 2;
- else
- j = 3;
- j = bastet_piece[j];
- for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
- {
- if(i == j-1)
- bastet_piecetime[i] = 0.2 * bastet_piecetime[i];
- else
- bastet_piecetime[i] = 1.8 * bastet_piecetime[i] + 1000;
- }
- return j;
-Game Mechanics
-.float tet_piece_bucket;
-float RandomPiece()
- float i, j;
- float p, q;
- float b;
- float seen;
- if(self.tet_piece_bucket > 1)
- {
- p = mod(self.tet_piece_bucket, 7);
- self.tet_piece_bucket = floor(self.tet_piece_bucket / 7);
- return p + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- p = floor(random() * 7);
- seen = pow(2, p);
- b = 1;
- for(i = 6; i > 0; --i)
- {
- q = floor(random() * i);
- for(j = 0; j <= q; ++j)
- if(seen & pow(2, j))
- ++q;
- if(seen & pow(2, q))
- error("foo 1");
- if(q >= 7)
- error("foo 2");
- seen |= pow(2, q);
- b *= 7;
- b += q;
- }
- self.tet_piece_bucket = b;
- return p + 1;
- }
-void TetAddScore(float n)
- self.tet_score = self.tet_score + n * Tetris_Level();
- if (self.tet_score > tet_high_score)
- tet_high_score = self.tet_score;
-float CheckMetrics(float piece, float orgx, float orgy, float rot) /*FIXDECL*/
- // check to see if the piece, if moved to the locations will overlap
- float x, y;
- string l;
- // why did I start counting from 1, damnit
- orgx = orgx - 1;
- orgy = orgy - 1;
- PieceMinsMaxs(rot, piece);
- if (tet_piecemins.x+orgx<1 || tet_piecemaxs.x+orgx > TET_WIDTH || tet_piecemins.y+orgy<1 || tet_piecemaxs.y+orgy> TET_LINES)
- return false; // ouside the level
- for (y = tet_piecemins.y; y <= tet_piecemaxs.y; y = y + 1)
- {
- l = GetLine(y + orgy);
- if(l != TET_EMPTY_LINE)
- for (x = tet_piecemins.x; x <= tet_piecemaxs.x; x = x + 1)
- if (PieceMetric(x, y, rot, piece))
- if (GetXBlock(x + orgx, l))
- return false; // uhoh, gonna hit something.
- }
- return true;
-void ClearPiece(float piece, float orgx, float orgy, float rot) /*FIXDECL*/
- float x, y;
- // why did I start counting from 1, damnit
- orgx = orgx - 1;
- orgy = orgy - 1;
- PieceMinsMaxs(rot, piece);
- for (y = tet_piecemins.y; y <= tet_piecemaxs.y; y = y + 1)
- {
- for (x = tet_piecemins.x; x <= tet_piecemaxs.x; x = x + 1)
- {
- if (PieceMetric(x, y, rot, piece))
- {
- SetSquare(x + orgx, y + orgy, 0);
- }
- }
- }
-void CementPiece(float piece, float orgx, float orgy, float rot) /*FIXDECL*/
- float pcolor;
- float x, y;
- // why did I start counting from 1, damnit
- orgx = orgx - 1;
- orgy = orgy - 1;
- pcolor = PieceColor(piece);
- PieceMinsMaxs(rot, piece);
- for (y = tet_piecemins.y; y <= tet_piecemaxs.y; y = y + 1)
- {
- for (x = tet_piecemins.x; x <= tet_piecemaxs.x; x = x + 1)
- {
- if (PieceMetric(x, y, rot, piece))
- {
- SetSquare(x + orgx, y + orgy, pcolor);
- }
- }
- }
-const float LINE_LOW = 349525;
-const float LINE_HIGH = 699050; // above number times 2
-void AddLines(float n)
- entity head;
- if(!self.tet_vs_id)
- return;
- FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(head) if(head != self) if(head.tetris_on) if(head.tet_vs_id == self.tet_vs_id)
- head.tet_vs_addlines += n;
-void CompletedLines()
- float y, cleared, added, pos, i;
- string ln;
- cleared = 0;
- y = TET_LINES;
- for (;;)
- {
- ln = GetLine(y);
- if(strstrofs(ln, "0", 0) < 0)
- cleared = cleared + 1;
- else
- y = y - 1;
- if(y < 1)
- break;
- if(y - cleared < 1)
- else
- ln = GetLine(y - cleared);
- SetLine(y, ln);
- }
- if(cleared >= 4)
- AddLines(cleared);
- else if(cleared >= 1)
- AddLines(cleared - 1);
- self.tet_lines = self.tet_lines + cleared;
- TetAddScore(cleared * cleared * 10);
- added = self.tet_vs_addlines;
- self.tet_vs_addlines = 0;
- if(added)
- {
- for(y = 1; y <= TET_LINES - added; ++y)
- {
- SetLine(y, GetLine(y + added));
- }
- for(y = max(1, TET_LINES - added + 1); y <= TET_LINES; ++y)
- {
- pos = floor(random() * TET_WIDTH);
- for(i = 1; i <= TET_WIDTH; ++i)
- if(i != pos)
- ln = SetXBlock(i, ln, floor(random() * 7 + 1));
- SetLine(y, ln);
- }
- }
- self.tet_highest_line = 0;
- for(y = 1; y <= TET_LINES; ++y)
- if(GetLine(y) != TET_EMPTY_LINE)
- {
- self.tet_highest_line = TET_LINES + 1 - y;
- break;
- }
- if(added)
- tetsnd("tetadd");
- else if(cleared >= 4)
- tetsnd("tetris");
- else if(cleared)
- tetsnd("tetline");
- else
- tetsnd("tetland");
-void HandleGame(float keyss)
- // first off, we need to see if we need a new piece
- vector piece_data;
- vector check_pos;
- vector old_pos;
- float brand_new;
- float i;
- brand_new = 0;
- if (self.piece_type == 0)
- {
- self.piece_pos = TET_START_PIECE_POS; // that's about middle top, we count from 1 ARGH
- if(autocvar_g_bastet)
- {
- self.piece_type = BastetPiece();
- self.next_piece = bastet_piece[6];
- }
- else
- {
- if (self.next_piece)
- self.piece_type = self.next_piece;
- else
- self.piece_type = RandomPiece();
- self.next_piece = RandomPiece();
- }
- keyss = 0; // no movement first frame
- self.tet_autodown = time + 0.2;
- brand_new = 1;
- }
- else
- ClearPiece(self.piece_type, self.piece_pos.x, self.piece_pos.y, self.piece_pos.z);
- // next we need to check the piece metrics against what's on the level
- // based on the key order
- old_pos = check_pos = self.piece_pos;
- float nudge;
- nudge = 0;
- if (keyss & TETKEY_RIGHT)
- {
- check_pos.x = check_pos.x + 1;
- tetsnd("tetmove");
- }
- else if (keyss & TETKEY_LEFT)
- {
- check_pos.x = check_pos.x - 1;
- tetsnd("tetmove");
- }
- else if (keyss & TETKEY_ROTRIGHT)
- {
- check_pos.z = check_pos.z + 1;
- piece_data = PieceShape(self.piece_type);
- nudge = 1;
- tetsnd("tetrot");
- }
- else if (keyss & TETKEY_ROTLEFT)
- {
- check_pos.z = check_pos.z - 1;
- piece_data = PieceShape(self.piece_type);
- nudge = 1;
- tetsnd("tetrot");
- }
- // bounds check
- if (check_pos.z > 3)
- check_pos.z = 0;
- else if (check_pos.z < 0)
- check_pos.z = 3;
- // reality check
- if (CheckMetrics(self.piece_type, check_pos.x, check_pos.y, check_pos.z))
- self.piece_pos = check_pos;
- else if (brand_new)
- {
- self.tetris_on = 2;
- self.tet_gameovertime = time + 5;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- for(i = 1; i <= nudge; ++i)
- {
- if(CheckMetrics(self.piece_type, check_pos.x + i, check_pos.y, check_pos.z))
- self.piece_pos = check_pos + '1 0 0' * i;
- else if(CheckMetrics(self.piece_type, check_pos.x - i, check_pos.y, check_pos.z))
- self.piece_pos = check_pos - '1 0 0' * i;
- else
- continue;
- break;
- }
- }
- check_pos = self.piece_pos;
- if(keyss & TETKEY_DROP)
- {
- // drop to bottom, but do NOT cement it yet
- // this allows sliding it
- ++check_pos.y;
- while(CheckMetrics(self.piece_type, check_pos.x, check_pos.y + 1, check_pos.z))
- ++check_pos.y;
- self.tet_autodown = time + 2 / (1 + Tetris_Level());
- }
- else if (keyss & TETKEY_DOWN)
- {
- check_pos.y = check_pos.y + 1;
- self.tet_autodown = time + 2 / (1 + Tetris_Level());
- }
- else if (self.tet_autodown < time)
- {
- check_pos.y = check_pos.y + 1;
- self.tet_autodown = time + 2 / (1 + Tetris_Level());
- }
- if (CheckMetrics(self.piece_type, check_pos.x, check_pos.y, check_pos.z))
- {
- if(old_pos != check_pos)
- self.tet_drawtime = 0;
- self.piece_pos = check_pos;
- }
- else
- {
- CementPiece(self.piece_type, self.piece_pos.x, self.piece_pos.y, self.piece_pos.z);
- TetAddScore(1);
- CompletedLines();
- self.piece_type = 0;
- self.tet_drawtime = 0;
- return;
- }
- CementPiece(self.piece_type, self.piece_pos.x, self.piece_pos.y, self.piece_pos.z);
-Important Linking Into Quake stuff
-void TetrisImpulse()
- if(self.tetris_on == 0 || self.tetris_on == 2) // from "off" or "game over"
- {
- self.tetris_on = 3;
- if(time < tet_vs_current_timeout)
- {
- // join VS game
- self.tet_vs_id = tet_vs_current_id;
- }
- else
- {
- // start new VS game
- ++tet_vs_current_id;
- tet_vs_current_timeout = time + 15;
- self.tet_vs_id = tet_vs_current_id;
- bprint("^1TET^7R^1IS: ", self.netname, "^1 started a new game. Do ^7impulse 100^1 to join.\n");
- }
- self.tet_highest_line = 0;
- ResetTetris();
- self.tet_org = self.origin;
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
- }
- else if(self.tetris_on == 1) // from "on"
- {
- Tet_GameExit();
- self.impulse = 0;
- }
-float TetrisPreFrame()
- if (!self.tetris_on)
- return 0;
- self.tet_org = self.origin;
- if (self.tet_drawtime > time)
- return 1;
- Draw_Tetris();
- if(self.tetris_on == 3)
- self.tet_drawtime = ceil(time - tet_vs_current_timeout + 0.1) + tet_vs_current_timeout;
- else
- self.tet_drawtime = time + 0.5;
- return 1;
-float frik_anglemoda(float v)
- return v - floor(v/360) * 360;
-float angcompa(float y1, float y2)
- y1 = frik_anglemoda(y1);
- y2 = frik_anglemoda(y2);
- float answer;
- answer = y1 - y2;
- if (answer > 180)
- answer = answer - 360;
- else if (answer < -180)
- answer = answer + 360;
- return answer;
-.float tetkey_down, tetkey_rotright, tetkey_left, tetkey_right, tetkey_rotleft, tetkey_drop;
-float TetrisKeyRepeat(.float fld, float f)
- if(f)
- {
- if(self.fld == 0) // initial key press
- {
- self.fld = time + 0.3;
- return 1;
- }
- else if(time > self.fld)
- {
- self.fld = time + 0.1;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- // repeating too fast
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- self.fld = 0;
- return 0;
- }
-float TetrisPostFrame()
- float keysa;
- keysa = 0;
- if (!self.tetris_on)
- return 0;
- if(self.tetris_on == 2 && time > self.tet_gameovertime)
- {
- Tet_GameExit();
- return 0;
- }
- if(self.tetris_on == 3 && time > tet_vs_current_timeout)
- {
- self.tetris_on = 1; // start VS game
- self.tet_drawtime = 0;
- }
- setorigin(self, self.tet_org);
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
- if(self.tetris_on == 1)
- {
- if(TetrisKeyRepeat(tetkey_down, self.movement.x < 0))
- keysa |= TETKEY_DOWN;
- if(TetrisKeyRepeat(tetkey_rotright, self.movement.x > 0))
- if(TetrisKeyRepeat(tetkey_left, self.movement.y < 0))
- keysa |= TETKEY_LEFT;
- if(TetrisKeyRepeat(tetkey_right, self.movement.y > 0))
- keysa |= TETKEY_RIGHT;
- if(TetrisKeyRepeat(tetkey_rotleft, self.BUTTON_CROUCH))
- keysa |= TETKEY_ROTLEFT;
- if(TetrisKeyRepeat(tetkey_drop, self.BUTTON_JUMP))
- keysa |= TETKEY_DROP;
- HandleGame(keysa);
- }
- return 1;
-float TetrisPostFrame()
- if (autocvar_g_bastet)
- {
- cvar_set("g_bastet", "0");
- print("The useless cvar has been toggled.\n");
- }
- return 0;