#include "gmqcc.h"
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- argc--;
- argv++;
- //const char *ifile = argv[0];
- FILE *fp;
+// todo CLEANUP this argitem thing
+typedef struct { char *name, type; } argitem;
+VECTOR_MAKE(argitem, items);
+/* global options */
+int opts_debug = 0;
+int opts_memchk = 0;
+static const int usage(const char *const app) {
+ printf("usage:\n");
+ printf(" %s -c<file> -- compile file\n" , app);
+ printf(" %s -a<file> -- assemble file\n", app);
+ printf(" additional flags:\n");
+ printf(" -debug -- turns on compiler debug messages\n");
+ printf(" -memchk -- turns on compiler memory leak check\n");
- /*TODO: proper interface swith switches*/
+ return -1;
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ size_t itr = 0;
+ char *app = &argv[0][0];
+ FILE *fpp = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Parse all command line arguments. This is rather annoying to do
+ * because of all tiny corner cases.
+ */
+ if (argc <= 1 || (argv[1][0] != '-'))
+ return usage(app);
+ while ((argc > 1) && argv[1][0] == '-') {
+ switch (argv[1][1]) {
+ case 'c': items_add((argitem){util_strdup(&argv[1][2]), 0}); break; /* compile */
+ case 'a': items_add((argitem){util_strdup(&argv[1][2]), 1}); break; /* assemble */
+ default:
+ if (!strncmp(&argv[1][1], "debug" , 5)) { opts_debug = 1; break; }
+ if (!strncmp(&argv[1][1], "memchk", 6)) { opts_memchk = 1; break; }
+ return usage(app);
+ }
+ ++argv;
+ --argc;
+ }
+ /*
+ * options could depend on another option, this is where option
+ * validity checking like that would take place.
+ */
+ if (opts_memchk && !opts_debug)
+ printf("Warning: cannot enable -memchk, without -debug.\n");
+ /* multi file multi path compilation system */
+ for (; itr < items_elements; itr++) {
+ switch (items_data[itr].type) {
+ case 0:
+ fpp = fopen(items_data[itr].name, "r");
+ struct lex_file *lex = lex_open(fpp);
+ parse_gen(lex);
+ lex_close(lex);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ asm_init (items_data[itr].name, &fpp);
+ asm_parse(fpp);
+ asm_close(fpp);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- asm_init ("test.qs", &fp);
- asm_parse(fp);
- asm_close(fp);
- util_meminfo();
+ /* clean list */
+ for (itr = 0; itr < items_elements; itr++)
+ mem_d(items_data[itr].name);
+ mem_d(items_data);
+ if (opts_memchk)
+ util_meminfo();
return 0;
void util_meminfo() {
- util_debug("MEM", "Memory information:\n\
- Total allocations: %llu\n\
- Total deallocations: %llu\n\
- Total allocated: %llu (bytes)\n\
- Total deallocated: %llu (bytes)\n",
- mem_at, mem_dt,
- mem_ab, mem_db
- );
+ if (!opts_memchk)
+ return;
+ util_debug("MEM", "Memory information:\n\
+ Total allocations: %llu\n\
+ Total deallocations: %llu\n\
+ Total allocated: %llu (bytes)\n\
+ Total deallocated: %llu (bytes)\n",
+ mem_at, mem_dt,
+ mem_ab, mem_db
+ );
//#ifndef mem_d
void util_debug(const char *area, const char *ms, ...) {
+ if (!opts_debug)
+ return;
va_list va;
va_start(va, ms);
fprintf (stdout, "DEBUG: ");