cvar_t mod_q3shader_default_offsetmapping = {CVAR_SAVE, "mod_q3shader_default_offsetmapping", "1", "use offsetmapping by default on all surfaces"};
cvar_t mod_q1bsp_polygoncollisions = {0, "mod_q1bsp_polygoncollisions", "0", "disables use of precomputed cliphulls and instead collides with polygons (uses Bounding Interval Hierarchy optimizations)"};
-cvar_t mod_collision_bih = {0, "mod_collision_bih", "0", "enables use of generated Bounding Interval Hierarchy tree instead of compiled bsp tree in collision code"};
+cvar_t mod_collision_bih = {0, "mod_collision_bih", "1", "enables use of generated Bounding Interval Hierarchy tree instead of compiled bsp tree in collision code"};
cvar_t mod_recalculatenodeboxes = {0, "mod_recalculatenodeboxes", "1", "enables use of generated node bounding boxes based on BSP tree portal reconstruction, rather than the node boxes supplied by the map compiler"};
static texture_t mod_q1bsp_texture_solid;