seta crosshair_ring_alpha 0.5\r
seta crosshair_ring_size 3\r
seta crosshair_swallowindicator 1\r
-seta crosshair_swallowindicator_size 4\r
+seta crosshair_swallowindicator_size 0.5\r
seta crosshair_swallowindicator_color_red 1\r
seta crosshair_swallowindicator_color_green 1\r
seta crosshair_swallowindicator_color_blue 1\r
-seta crosshair_effect_speed 0.25 "how fast (in seconds) some crosshair effects should take place, 0 = instant, -1 = 2x weapon switch time"\r
+seta crosshair_effect_speed 0.15 "how fast (in seconds) some crosshair effects should take place, 0 = instant, -1 = 2x weapon switch time"\r
seta crosshair_effect_scalefade 1 "use scaling and fading for crosshair effects"\r
seta crosshair_hittest 1.25 "do a crosshair hit evaluation; also, the crosshair is scaled by the given number when aiming at an enemy, and blurred when aiming at a team mate"\r
seta crosshair_hittest_blur 1 "blur the crosshair if the shot is obstructed"\r