p = p - view_up * 16;
if(idx-1 >= portal1_idx)
- Draw_CylindricLine(p, q, 4, "", 1, 0, '0 0 1', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ Draw_CylindricLine(p, q, 4, "", 1, 0, '0 0 1', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, view_origin);
- Draw_CylindricLine(p, q, 4, "", 1, 0, '1 0 0', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ Draw_CylindricLine(p, q, 4, "", 1, 0, '1 0 0', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, view_origin);
void b_draw()
- //Draw_CylindricLine(self.fx_start, self.fx_end, self.fx_with, self.fx_texture, 0, time * 3, '1 1 1', 0.7, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- Draw_CylindricLine(self.fx_start, self.fx_end, self.fx_with, self.fx_texture, (self.fx_with/256), 0, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ //Draw_CylindricLine(self.fx_start, self.fx_end, self.fx_with, self.fx_texture, 0, time * 3, '1 1 1', 0.7, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, view_origin);
+ Draw_CylindricLine(self.fx_start, self.fx_end, self.fx_with, self.fx_texture, (self.fx_with/256), 0, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, view_origin);
void b_make(vector s,vector e, string t,float l,float z)
.float HookSilent;
.float HookRange;
-void Draw_CylindricLine(vector from, vector to, float thickness, string texture, float aspect, float shift, vector rgb, float alpha, float drawflag)
+void Draw_CylindricLine(vector from, vector to, float thickness, string texture, float aspect, float shift, vector rgb, float alpha, float drawflag, vector vieworg)
// I want to draw a quad...
// from and to are MIDPOINTS.
length_tex = aspect * vlen(to - from) / thickness;
// direction is perpendicular to the view normal, and perpendicular to the axis
- thickdir = normalize(cross(axis, view_origin - from));
+ thickdir = normalize(cross(axis, vieworg - from));
print("from ", vtos(from), "\n");
void Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback(vector start, vector hit, vector end)
float i;
+ vector vorg;
+ vorg = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, view_origin);
for(i = 0; i < Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_a; ++i)
- Draw_CylindricLine(hit, start, 8, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_tex, 0.25, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rnd, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rgb, min(1, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_a - i), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ Draw_CylindricLine(hit, start, 8, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_tex, 0.25, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rnd, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rgb, min(1, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_a - i), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, vorg);
Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rnd += 0.25 * vlen(hit - start) / 8;
- Draw_CylindricLine(self.origin, trace_endpos, self.scale, "particles/laserbeam", 0, time * 3, self.colormod, self.alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // TODO make a texture to make the laser look smoother
+ Draw_CylindricLine(self.origin, trace_endpos, self.scale, "particles/laserbeam", 0, time * 3, self.colormod, self.alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, view_origin);
- Draw_CylindricLine(self.origin, trace_endpos, self.scale, "particles/laserbeam", 0, time * 3, self.colormod, 0.5, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); // TODO make a texture to make the laser look smoother
+ Draw_CylindricLine(self.origin, trace_endpos, self.scale, "particles/laserbeam", 0, time * 3, self.colormod, 0.5, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, view_origin);
if not(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & (Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY | Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT))