// TODO make a reset function for this one
+.float freq;
+void func_pendulum_controller_think()
+ local float v;
+ self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
+ if not (self.owner.active == ACTIVE_ACTIVE)
+ {
+ self.owner.avelocity_x = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ // calculate sinewave using makevectors
+ makevectors((self.nextthink * self.owner.freq + self.owner.phase) * '0 360 0');
+ v = self.owner.speed * v_forward_y;
+ if(self.owner.classname == "func_pendulum") // don't brake stuff if the func_bobbing was killtarget'ed
+ {
+ // * 10 so it will arrive in 0.1 sec
+ self.owner.avelocity_x = (remainder(v - self.owner.angles_x, 360)) * 10;
+ }
+void spawnfunc_func_pendulum()
+ local entity controller;
+ if (self.noise != "")
+ {
+ precache_sound(self.noise);
+ soundto(MSG_INIT, self, CHAN_TRIGGER, self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_IDLE);
+ }
+ self.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE;
+ // keys: angle, speed, phase, noise, freq
+ if(!self.speed)
+ self.speed = 30;
+ // not initializing self.dmg to 2, to allow damageless pendulum
+ if(self.dmg & (!self.message))
+ self.message = " was squished";
+ if(self.dmg && (!self.message2))
+ self.message2 = "was squished by";
+ if(self.dmg && (!self.dmgtime))
+ self.dmgtime = 0.25;
+ self.dmgtime2 = time;
+ self.blocked = generic_plat_blocked;
+ if not(InitMovingBrushTrigger())
+ return;
+ if(!self.freq)
+ {
+ // find pendulum length (same formula as Q3A)
+ self.freq = 1 / (M_PI * 2) * sqrt(cvar("sv_gravity") / (3 * fabs(self.mins_z)));
+ }
+ // wait for targets to spawn
+ controller = spawn();
+ controller.classname = "func_pendulum_controller";
+ controller.owner = self;
+ controller.nextthink = time + 1;
+ controller.think = func_pendulum_controller_think;
+ self.nextthink = self.ltime + 999999999;
+ self.think = SUB_Null;
+ //self.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION;
+ // TODO make a reset function for this one
// button and multiple button
void() button_wait;