]> git.rm.cloudns.org Git - xonotic/gmqcc.git/commitdiff
Dump old tests, test suite will take over .. It isn't activly used, just killing...
authorDale Weiler <killfieldengine@gmail.com>
Sat, 10 Nov 2012 20:57:54 +0000 (20:57 +0000)
committerDale Weiler <killfieldengine@gmail.com>
Sat, 10 Nov 2012 20:57:54 +0000 (20:57 +0000)
test/ast-macros.h [deleted file]
test/ast-test.c [deleted file]
test/ir-test.c [deleted file]

diff --git a/test/ast-macros.h b/test/ast-macros.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 580cd7a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-#define TESTVARS()   \
-ast_block *curblock; \
-lex_ctx    ctx
-#define TESTINIT()   \
-ctx.file = NULL;     \
-ctx.line = 1;
-#define DEFVAR(name) \
-ast_value *name
-#define VAR(type, name) \
-name = ast_value_new(ctx, #name, type)
-#define VARnamed(type, name, varname) \
-name = ast_value_new(ctx, #varname, type)
-#define MKGLOBAL(name) \
-assert(globals_add(name) >= 0)
-#define FIELD(type, name) \
-name = ast_value_new(ctx, #name, TYPE_FIELD);                  \
-do {                                                           \
-    ast_value *field_##name = ast_value_new(ctx, #name, type); \
-    name->expression.next = (ast_expression*)field_##name;     \
-    MKFIELD(name);                                             \
-} while (0)
-#define MKFIELD(name) \
-assert(fields_add(name) >= 0)
-#define MKCONSTFLOAT(name, value)  \
-do {                               \
-    name->isconst = true;          \
-    name->constval.vfloat = value; \
-    MKGLOBAL(name);                \
-} while(0)
-#define MKCONSTSTRING(name, value)               \
-do {                                             \
-    name->isconst = true;                        \
-    name->constval.vstring = util_strdup(value); \
-    MKGLOBAL(name);                              \
-} while(0)
-#define MKCONSTVECTOR(name, valx, valy, valz) \
-do {                                          \
-    name->isconst = true;                     \
-    name->constval.vvec.x = (valx);           \
-    name->constval.vvec.y = (valy);           \
-    name->constval.vvec.z = (valz);           \
-    MKGLOBAL(name);                           \
-} while(0)
-#define STATE(a)                                 \
-do {                                             \
-    ast_expression *exp = (ast_expression*)(a);  \
-    assert(ast_block_exprs_add(curblock, exp)); \
-} while(0)
-#define ASSIGN(op, a, b) \
-(ast_expression*)ast_store_new(ctx, INSTR_##op, (ast_expression*)(a), (ast_expression*)(b))
-#define BIN(op, a, b) \
-(ast_expression*)ast_binary_new(ctx, INSTR_##op, (ast_expression*)(a), (ast_expression*)(b))
-#define ENTFIELD(a, b) \
-(ast_expression*)ast_entfield_new(ctx, (ast_expression*)(a), (ast_expression*)(b))
-#define VECMEM(vec, mem) \
-(ast_expression*)ast_member_new(ctx, (ast_expression*)(vec), (mem))
-#define CALL(what)                                             \
-do {                                                           \
-    ast_call *call = ast_call_new(ctx, (ast_expression*)what); \
-#define CALLPARAM(x)                                       \
-    assert(ast_call_params_add(call, (ast_expression*)x));
-#define ENDCALL()                                \
-    STATE(call);                                 \
-} while(0)
-#define ENDCALLWITH(as, where)                      \
-    {                                               \
-        ast_expression *as = (ast_expression*)call; \
-        where;                                      \
-    }                                               \
-} while(0)
-#define WHILE(cond)                                    \
-do {                                                   \
-    ast_expression *wh_cond = (ast_expression*)(cond); \
-    ast_block *wh_body = ast_block_new(ctx);           \
-    ast_block *oldcur = curblock;                      \
-    ast_loop  *loop;                                   \
-    curblock = wh_body;
-#define ENDWHILE()                                             \
-    curblock = oldcur;                                         \
-    loop = ast_loop_new(ctx, NULL, (ast_expression*)wh_cond,   \
-                        NULL, NULL, (ast_expression*)wh_body); \
-    assert(loop);                                              \
-    STATE(loop);                                               \
-} while(0)
-#define BUILTIN(name, outtype, number)                              \
-do {                                                                \
-    ast_function *func_##name;                                      \
-    ast_value    *thisfuncval;                                      \
-    ast_function *thisfunc;                                         \
-    DEFVAR(return_##name);                                          \
-    VARnamed(TYPE_FUNCTION, name, name);                            \
-    VARnamed(outtype, return_##name, "#returntype");                \
-    name->expression.next = (ast_expression*)return_##name;         \
-    MKGLOBAL(name);                                                 \
-    func_##name = ast_function_new(ctx, #name, name);               \
-    thisfunc = func_##name;                                         \
-    (void)thisfunc;                                                 \
-    thisfuncval = name;                                             \
-    (void)thisfuncval;                                              \
-    assert(functions_add(func_##name) >= 0);                        \
-    func_##name->builtin = number;
-#define ENDBUILTIN() } while(0)
-#define PARAM(ptype, name)                           \
-do {                                                 \
-    DEFVAR(parm);                                    \
-    VARnamed(ptype, parm, name);                     \
-    assert(ast_value_params_add(thisfuncval, parm)); \
-} while(0)
-#define FUNCTION(name, outtype)                                   \
-do {                                                              \
-    ast_function *thisfunc;                                       \
-    ast_function *func_##name;                                    \
-    ast_block    *my_funcblock;                                   \
-    DEFVAR(var_##name);                                           \
-    DEFVAR(return_##name);                                        \
-    VARnamed(TYPE_FUNCTION, var_##name, name);                    \
-    VARnamed(outtype, return_##name, "#returntype");              \
-    var_##name->expression.next = (ast_expression*)return_##name; \
-    MKGLOBAL(var_##name);                                         \
-    func_##name = ast_function_new(ctx, #name, var_##name);       \
-    thisfunc = func_##name;                                       \
-    (void)thisfunc;                                               \
-    assert(functions_add(func_##name) >= 0);                      \
-    my_funcblock = ast_block_new(ctx);                            \
-    assert(my_funcblock);                                         \
-    assert(ast_function_blocks_add(func_##name, my_funcblock));   \
-    curblock = my_funcblock;
-#define MKLOCAL(var) \
-    assert(ast_block_locals_add(curblock, var))
-#define ENDFUNCTION(name) \
-} while(0)
diff --git a/test/ast-test.c b/test/ast-test.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c173919..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-#include "gmqcc.h"
-#include "ast.h"
-/* NOTE: it's a test - I'll abort() on epic-failure */
-#ifdef assert
-#   undef assert
-/* (note: 'do {} while(0)' forces the need for a semicolon after assert() */
-#define assert(x) do { if ( !(x) ) { printf("Assertion failed: %s\n", #x); abort(); } } while(0)
-VECTOR_MAKE(ast_value*, globals);
-VECTOR_MAKE(ast_value*, fields);
-VECTOR_MAKE(ast_function*, functions);
-uint32_t    opts_flags[1 + (COUNT_FLAGS / 32)];
-uint32_t    opts_warn [1 + (COUNT_WARNINGS / 32)];
-uint32_t    opts_O        = 1;
-const char *opts_output   = "progs.dat";
-int         opts_standard = COMPILER_GMQCC;
-bool        opts_debug    = false;
-bool        opts_memchk   = false;
-bool        opts_werror   = false;
-#include "ast-macros.h"
-int main()
-    size_t i;
-    ir_builder     *ir;
-    TESTVARS();
-    DEFVAR(vi);
-    DEFVAR(vx);
-    DEFVAR(f0);
-    DEFVAR(f1);
-    DEFVAR(f5);
-    DEFVAR(cv3x4x5);
-    DEFVAR(cv1x1x1);
-    DEFVAR(sHello);
-    DEFVAR(sNL);
-    DEFVAR(print);
-    DEFVAR(ftos);
-    DEFVAR(spawn);
-    DEFVAR(mema);
-    DEFVAR(memb);
-    DEFVAR(memv);
-    DEFVAR(pawn);
-    /* opts_debug = true; */
-BUILTIN(print, TYPE_VOID, -1);
-    TESTINIT();
-VAR(TYPE_VECTOR, cv3x4x5);
-VAR(TYPE_VECTOR, cv1x1x1);
-MKCONSTSTRING(sHello, "Hello, World\n");
-MKCONSTVECTOR(cv3x4x5, 3, 4, 5);
-MKCONSTVECTOR(cv1x1x1, 1, 1, 1);
-#define PRINTNL() do { CALL(print) CALLPARAM(sNL) ENDCALL(); } while(0)
-    VAR(TYPE_FLOAT, vi);
-    VAR(TYPE_FLOAT, vx);
-    VAR(TYPE_ENTITY, pawn);
-    MKLOCAL(vi);
-    MKLOCAL(vx);
-    MKLOCAL(pawn);
-    STATE(ASSIGN(STORE_F, vi, f0));
-    WHILE(BIN(LT, vi, f5));
-        STATE(ASSIGN(STORE_F, vx, BIN(MUL_F, vi, f5)));
-        STATE(ASSIGN(STORE_F, vi, BIN(ADD_F, vi, f1)));
-    ENDWHILE();
-    CALL(print)
-    CALLPARAM(sHello)
-    ENDCALL();
-    CALL(spawn)
-    ENDCALLWITH(newent, STATE(ASSIGN(STORE_ENT, pawn, newent)));
-    STATE(ASSIGN(STOREP_F, ENTFIELD(pawn, mema), f5));
-    STATE(ASSIGN(STOREP_F, ENTFIELD(pawn, memb), f1));
-    STATE(ASSIGN(STOREP_V, ENTFIELD(pawn, memv), cv3x4x5));
-    CALL(ftos)
-    CALLPARAM(ENTFIELD(pawn, mema))
-    ENDCALLWITH(output,
-        CALL(print)
-        CALLPARAM(output)
-        CALLPARAM(sNL)
-        ENDCALL();
-    );
-    CALL(ftos)
-    CALLPARAM(ENTFIELD(pawn, memb))
-    ENDCALLWITH(output,
-        CALL(print)
-        CALLPARAM(output)
-        CALLPARAM(sNL)
-        ENDCALL();
-    );
-    CALL(ftos)
-    CALLPARAM(ENTFIELD(pawn, VECMEM(memv, 2)))
-    ENDCALLWITH(output,
-        CALL(print)
-        CALLPARAM(output)
-        CALLPARAM(sNL)
-        ENDCALL();
-    );
-    ir = ir_builder_new("ast_test");
-    assert(ir);
-    /* gen fields */
-    for (i = 0; i < fields_elements; ++i) {
-        if (!ast_global_codegen(fields_data[i], ir)) {
-            assert(!"failed to generate field");
-        }
-    }
-    /* gen globals */
-    for (i = 0; i < globals_elements; ++i) {
-        if (!ast_global_codegen(globals_data[i], ir)) {
-            assert(!"failed to generate global");
-        }
-    }
-    /* gen functions */
-    for (i = 0; i < functions_elements; ++i) {
-        if (!ast_function_codegen(functions_data[i], ir)) {
-            assert(!"failed to generate function");
-        }
-        if (!ir_function_finalize(functions_data[i]->ir_func))
-            assert(!"finalize on function failed...");
-    }
-    /* dump */
-    ir_builder_dump(ir, printf);
-    /* Now create a file */
-    if (!ir_builder_generate(ir, "test_ast.dat"))
-        printf("*** failed to generate code\n");
-    /* ir cleanup */
-    ir_builder_delete(ir);
-    /* cleanup */
-    /* Functions must be deleted FIRST since their expressions
-     * reference global variables.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < functions_elements; ++i) {
-        ast_function_delete(functions_data[i]);
-    }
-    if (functions_data)
-        mem_d(functions_data);
-    /* We must delete not only globals, but also the functions'
-     * ast_values (their type and name), that's why we added them to the globals vector.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < globals_elements; ++i) {
-        ast_value_delete(globals_data[i]);
-    }
-    if (globals_data)
-        mem_d(globals_data);
-    return 0;
diff --git a/test/ir-test.c b/test/ir-test.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 38fa764..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#include "gmqcc.h"
-#include "ir.h"
-#ifdef assert
-#   undef assert
-/* (note: 'do {} while(0)' forces the need for a semicolon after assert() */
-#define assert(x) do { if ( !(x) ) { printf("Assertion failed: %s\n", #x); abort(); } } while(0)
-int main()
-    int lf;
-       ir_builder *b  = ir_builder_new("test");
-       ir_value   *va = ir_builder_create_global(b, "a", TYPE_FLOAT);
-       ir_value   *v3 = ir_builder_create_global(b, "const_f_3", TYPE_FLOAT);
-       ir_value   *vb = ir_builder_create_global(b, "b", TYPE_FLOAT);
-       ir_value   *vc = ir_builder_create_global(b, "c", TYPE_FLOAT);
-       ir_value   *vd = ir_builder_create_global(b, "d", TYPE_FLOAT);
-       ir_value   *life1  = ir_builder_create_global(b, "life1", TYPE_FLOAT);
-       ir_value   *life2  = ir_builder_create_global(b, "life2", TYPE_FLOAT);
-       ir_value   *life3  = ir_builder_create_global(b, "life3", TYPE_FLOAT);
-       ir_function *fmain  = NULL;
-       ir_value    *la     = NULL;
-       ir_block    *bmain  = NULL;
-       ir_block    *blt    = NULL;
-       ir_block    *bge    = NULL;
-       ir_block    *bend   = NULL;
-       ir_value    *sum    = NULL;
-       ir_value    *prd    = NULL;
-       ir_value    *less   = NULL;
-       ir_value    *x1     = NULL;
-       ir_value    *vig    = NULL;
-       ir_value    *x2     = NULL;
-       ir_instr    *retphi = NULL;
-       ir_value    *retval = NULL;
-       assert(ir_value_set_float(v3, 3.0f)  );
-       assert(ir_value_set_float(vb, 4.0f)  );
-       assert(ir_value_set_float(vc, 10.0f) );
-       assert(ir_value_set_float(vd, 20.0f) );
-       fmain = ir_builder_create_function(b, "main");
-       assert(fmain);
-       la = ir_function_create_local(fmain, "loc1", TYPE_FLOAT);
-       assert(la);
-       assert( bmain = ir_function_create_block(fmain, "top")          );
-       assert( blt   = ir_function_create_block(fmain, "less")         );
-       assert( bge   = ir_function_create_block(fmain, "greaterequal") );
-       assert( bend  = ir_function_create_block(fmain, "end")          );
-       assert(ir_block_create_store_op(bmain, INSTR_STORE_F, va, v3));
-       assert( sum  = ir_block_create_add(bmain, "%sum", va, vb)               );
-       assert( prd  = ir_block_create_mul(bmain, "%mul", sum, vc)              );
-       assert( less = ir_block_create_binop(bmain, "%less", INSTR_LT, prd, vd) );
-       assert(ir_block_create_if(bmain, less, blt, bge));
-       x1 = ir_block_create_binop(blt, "%x1", INSTR_ADD_F, sum, v3);
-       assert(x1);
-       assert(ir_block_create_goto(blt, bend));
-       vig = ir_block_create_binop(bge, "%ignore", INSTR_ADD_F, va, vb);
-       assert(vig);
-       assert(ir_block_create_store_op(bge, INSTR_STORE_F, la, vig));
-       x2 = ir_block_create_binop(bge, "%x2", INSTR_ADD_F, sum, v3);
-       assert(x2);
-       assert(ir_block_create_goto(bge, bend));
-       retphi = ir_block_create_phi(bend, "%retval", TYPE_FLOAT);
-       assert(retphi);
-       assert(ir_phi_add(retphi, blt, x1));
-       assert(ir_phi_add(retphi, bge, x2));
-       retval = ir_phi_value(retphi);
-       assert(retval);
-       assert(ir_block_create_return(bend, retval));
-       /*
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 31));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 33));
-       printf("%i  should be 0\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 33));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 1));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 2));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 20));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 21));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 8));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 9));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 3));
-       printf("%i  should be 0\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 9));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 17));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 18));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 19));
-       printf("%i  should be 0\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 19));
-       ir_value_dump_life(va, printf);
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 10));
-       printf("%i  should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 9));
-       printf("%i  should be 0\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 10));
-       printf("%i  should be 0\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 10));
-       ir_value_dump_life(va, printf);
-       */
-       ir_builder_dump(b, printf);
-       assert(ir_function_finalize(fmain));
-       ir_builder_dump(b, printf);
-       ir_value_dump_life(sum, printf);
-       ir_value_dump_life(prd, printf);
-       ir_value_dump_life(less, printf);
-       ir_value_dump_life(x1, printf);
-       ir_value_dump_life(x2, printf);
-       ir_value_dump_life(retval, printf);
-       ir_value_dump_life(vig, printf);
-       ir_value_dump_life(la, printf);
-       ir_value_life_merge_into(retval, vig);
-       ir_value_dump_life(retval, printf);
-       ir_value_life_merge(x1, 12);
-       ir_value_life_merge(x1, 13);
-       ir_value_life_merge(x1, 14);
-       ir_value_life_merge_into(retval, x1);
-       ir_value_dump_life(retval, printf);
-       ir_value_life_merge(x1, 20);
-       ir_value_life_merge(x1, 21);
-       ir_value_life_merge(x1, 22);
-       ir_value_life_merge_into(retval, x1);
-       ir_value_dump_life(retval, printf);
-       ir_value_life_merge(x2, 1);
-       ir_value_life_merge(x2, 2);
-       ir_value_life_merge_into(retval, x2);
-       ir_value_dump_life(retval, printf);
-       for (lf = 4; lf <= 15; ++lf)
-           ir_value_life_merge(life1, lf);
-       ir_value_life_merge_into(retval, life1);
-       ir_value_dump_life(retval, printf);
-       for (lf = 17; lf <= 18; ++lf)
-           ir_value_life_merge(life2, lf);
-       ir_value_life_merge_into(retval, life2);
-       ir_value_dump_life(retval, printf);
-       for (lf = 2; lf <= 29; ++lf)
-           ir_value_life_merge(life3, lf);
-       ir_value_life_merge_into(retval, life3);
-       ir_value_dump_life(retval, printf);
-       ir_builder_delete(b);
-       return 0;