void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Refraction(void)
- int i;
- int numvertices = dpsoftrast.numvertices;
- for (i = 0;i < numvertices;i++)
- {
- dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+0] /= dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+3];
- dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+1] /= dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+3];
- dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+2] /= dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+3];
- }
void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Refraction(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span)
// texture reads
unsigned char buffer_texture_normalbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4];
- unsigned char buffer_texture_refractionbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4];
+ //unsigned char buffer_texture_refractionbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4];
unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4];
// varyings
float DistortScaleRefractReflect[2];
float RefractColor[4];
+ const unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelbase;
+ const unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel[4];
+ DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture = thread->texbound[GL20TU_REFRACTION];
+ if(!texture) return;
+ pixelbase = (unsigned char *)texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[0][0];
// read textures
DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z);
DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_normalbgra8, GL20TU_NORMAL, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z);
- DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_refractionbgra8, GL20TU_REFRACTION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, buffer_z);
+ //DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_refractionbgra8, GL20TU_REFRACTION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, buffer_z);
// read varyings
DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, ModelViewProjectionPositiondata, ModelViewProjectionPositionslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1); // or POSITION?
- printf("texcoord: from %f to %f\n", buffer_z[startx] * (ModelViewProjectionPositiondata[0] + startx * ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[0]), buffer_z[endx-1] * (ModelViewProjectionPositiondata[0] + (endx-1) * ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[0]));
// read uniforms
ScreenScaleRefractReflect[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ScreenScaleRefractReflect*4+0];
// do stuff
for (x = startx;x < endx;x++)
- float ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW[2];
float SafeScreenTexCoord[2];
float ScreenTexCoord[2];
float v[3];
- int p;
+ float iw;
+ unsigned char c[4];
z = buffer_z[x];
// " vec2 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect.xy * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
- // "IW" was done in the vertex shader in the ModelViewProjectionPosition instead!
+ iw = 1.0f / (ModelViewProjectionPositiondata[3] + ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[3]*x); // / z
// " vec2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n"
- SafeScreenTexCoord[0] = (ModelViewProjectionPositiondata[0] + ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[0]*x) * z * ScreenScaleRefractReflect[0] + ScreenCenterRefractReflect[0];
- SafeScreenTexCoord[1] = (ModelViewProjectionPositiondata[1] + ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[1]*x) * z * ScreenScaleRefractReflect[1] + ScreenCenterRefractReflect[1];
+ SafeScreenTexCoord[0] = (ModelViewProjectionPositiondata[0] + ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[0]*x) * iw * ScreenScaleRefractReflect[0] + ScreenCenterRefractReflect[0]; // * z (disappears)
+ SafeScreenTexCoord[1] = (ModelViewProjectionPositiondata[1] + ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[1]*x) * iw * ScreenScaleRefractReflect[1] + ScreenCenterRefractReflect[1]; // * z (disappears)
// " vec2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec3(normalize(myhalf3(dp_texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5))).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.zw;\n"
v[0] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+2] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f;
ScreenTexCoord[1] = SafeScreenTexCoord[1] + v[1] * DistortScaleRefractReflect[1];
// " dp_FragColor = vec4(dp_texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord).rgb, 1.0) * RefractColor;\n"
- p = (int) bound(startx, x + (ScreenTexCoord[0] - SafeScreenTexCoord[0]) / (ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[0]*z), endx-1);
- p = x; // debug
- buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = buffer_texture_refractionbgra8[p*4+0] * RefractColor[0];
- buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = buffer_texture_refractionbgra8[p*4+1] * RefractColor[1];
- buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = buffer_texture_refractionbgra8[p*4+2] * RefractColor[2];
+ {
+ unsigned int tc[2] = { ScreenTexCoord[0] * (texture->mipmap[0][2]<<16) - 32768, ScreenTexCoord[1] * (texture->mipmap[0][3]<<16) - 32678};
+ unsigned int frac[2] = { tc[0]&0xFFF, tc[1]&0xFFF };
+ unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] };
+ unsigned int lerp[4] = { ifrac[0]*ifrac[1], frac[0]*ifrac[1], ifrac[0]*frac[1], frac[0]*frac[1] };
+ int tci[2] = { tc[0]>>16, tc[1]>>16 };
+ int tci1[2] = { tci[0] + 1, tci[1] + 1 };
+ tci[0] = tci[0] >= 0 ? (tci[0] <= texture->mipmap[0][2]-1 ? tci[0] : texture->mipmap[0][2]-1) : 0;
+ tci[1] = tci[1] >= 0 ? (tci[1] <= texture->mipmap[0][3]-1 ? tci[1] : texture->mipmap[0][3]-1) : 0;
+ tci1[0] = tci1[0] >= 0 ? (tci1[0] <= texture->mipmap[0][2]-1 ? tci1[0] : texture->mipmap[0][2]-1) : 0;
+ tci1[1] = tci1[1] >= 0 ? (tci1[1] <= texture->mipmap[0][3]-1 ? tci1[1] : texture->mipmap[0][3]-1) : 0;
+ pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*texture->mipmap[0][2]+tci[0]);
+ pixel[1] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*texture->mipmap[0][2]+tci1[0]);
+ pixel[2] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*texture->mipmap[0][2]+tci[0]);
+ pixel[3] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*texture->mipmap[0][2]+tci1[0]);
+ c[0] = (pixel[0][0]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][0]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][0]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][0]*lerp[3])>>24;
+ c[1] = (pixel[0][1]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][1]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][1]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][1]*lerp[3])>>24;
+ c[2] = (pixel[0][2]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][2]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][2]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][2]*lerp[3])>>24;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int tci[2] = { ScreenTexCoord[0] * texture->mipmap[0][2] - 0.5, ScreenTexCoord[1] * texture->mipmap[0][3] - 0.5 };
+ int tci1[2] = { tci[0] + 1, tci[1] + 1 };
+ tci[0] = tci[0] >= 0 ? (tci[0] <= texture->mipmap[0][2]-1 ? tci[0] : texture->mipmap[0][2]-1) : 0;
+ tci[1] = tci[1] >= 0 ? (tci[1] <= texture->mipmap[0][3]-1 ? tci[1] : texture->mipmap[0][3]-1) : 0;
+ tci1[0] = tci1[0] >= 0 ? (tci1[0] <= texture->mipmap[0][2]-1 ? tci1[0] : texture->mipmap[0][2]-1) : 0;
+ tci1[1] = tci1[1] >= 0 ? (tci1[1] <= texture->mipmap[0][3]-1 ? tci1[1] : texture->mipmap[0][3]-1) : 0;
+ pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*texture->mipmap[0][2]+tci[0]);
+ c[0] = pixel[0][0];
+ c[1] = pixel[0][1];
+ c[2] = pixel[0][2];
+ }
+ //p = (int) bound(startx, x + (ScreenTexCoord[0] - SafeScreenTexCoord[0]) / (ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[0]*z), endx-1);
+ buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = c[0] * RefractColor[0];
+ buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = c[1] * RefractColor[1];
+ buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = c[2] * RefractColor[2];
buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = RefractColor[3] * 256; if(buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] > 255) buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = 255;
buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = 255; // WHY?!?!?!?!??!?!? is RefractColor[3] apparently 0?