seta hud_colorflash_alpha 0.5 "starting alpha of the color flash"
seta hud_damage 0.55 "an improved version of gl_polyblend for damage, draw an image or blur instead when hurt"
-seta hud_damage_blur 0 "Use postprocessing to blur the screen when you have taken damage. This can be paired with current hud damage or just used alone. Higher values = more blur"
-seta hud_damage_blur_alpha 0.5 "Amount of alpha to use when merging the blurred layers back into the render. Turning this up higher will remove bloom, so it's best to find a balance"
-seta hud_damage_image 1 "Enable the drawing of an image for damage. This allows you to disable the image if you want to only have damage blur"
seta hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier 0.10 "how much to multiply alpha of flash when using the cl_gentle version, it's much more opaque than the non-gentle version"
seta hud_damage_gentle_color "1 0.7 1" "color of flash for cl_gentle version"
seta hud_damage_color "1 0 0" "color of flash"
seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_min 0.6 "minimum value when calculating the pulse: max(pulsating_min, fabs(sin(PI * time / period))"
seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_period 0.8 "one pulse every X seconds"
-seta hud_postprocessing 1 "enables the ability for effects such as hud_damage_blur and hud_contents to apply a postprocessing method upon the screen - enabling this disables manual editing of the postprocess cvars"
-seta hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha 0.5 "maximum alpha which the blur postprocess can be"
-seta hud_postprocessing_maxblurradius 10 "maximum radius which the blur postprocess can be"
seta hud_contents 1 "an improved version of gl_polyblend for liquids such as water/lava/slime, draw a filler or blur when inside the liquid"
-seta hud_contents_blur 0 "Use postprocessing to blur the screen when you are inside a liquid. Higher values = more blur"
-seta hud_contents_blur_alpha 0.5 "Amount of alpha to use when merging the blurred layers back into the render. Turning this up higher will remove bloom, so it's best to find a balance"
seta hud_contents_factor 1 "factor at which to multiply the current faded value."
-seta hud_contents_fadetime 0.1 "factor of time for average alpha level to go to the actual content value"
+seta hud_contents_fadeintime 0.02 "factor of time it takes for the alpha level to reach normal value when entering the liquid"
+seta hud_contents_fadeouttime 0.1 "factor of time it takes for the alpha level to reach normal value when leaving the liquid"
seta hud_contents_lava_alpha 0.7 "alpha of the lava color blend when inside it"
seta hud_contents_lava_color "0.8 0.1 0"
seta hud_contents_slime_alpha 0.7 "alpha of the slime color blend when inside it"
-seta hud_contents_slime_color "0 0.5 0.2"
+seta hud_contents_slime_color "0 0.4 0.1"
seta hud_contents_water_alpha 0.5 "alpha of the water color blend when inside it"
-seta hud_contents_water_color "0 0.5 0.7"
+seta hud_contents_water_color "0.4 0.3 0.3"
// scoreboard
seta scoreboard_columns default
vector myhealth_gentlergb;
-float contentavgalpha;
+float contentavgalpha, liquidalpha_prev;
+vector liquidcolor_prev;
void CSQC_UpdateView(float w, float h)
drawpic(reticle_pos, "gfx/reticle_nex", reticle_size, '1 1 1', f * autocvar_cl_reticle_item_nex, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// improved polyblend with post processing effects
vector rgb;
- vector damage_blurpostprocess;
- vector content_blurpostprocess;
- float contentalpha_temp, incontent, liquidalpha;
+ float contentalpha_temp, incontent, liquidalpha, contentfadetime;
vector liquidcolor;
- contentalpha_temp = bound(0, drawframetime / max(0.0001, autocvar_hud_contents_fadetime), 1);
+ if(incontent) // fade in/out at different speeds so you can do e.g. instant fade when entering water and slow when leaving it.
+ { // also lets delcare previous values for blending properties, this way it isn't reset until after you have entered a different content
+ contentfadetime = autocvar_hud_contents_fadeintime;
+ liquidalpha_prev = liquidalpha;
+ liquidcolor_prev = liquidcolor;
+ }
+ else
+ contentfadetime = autocvar_hud_contents_fadeouttime;
+ contentalpha_temp = bound(0, drawframetime / max(0.0001, contentfadetime), 1);
contentavgalpha = contentavgalpha * (1 - contentalpha_temp) + incontent * contentalpha_temp;
- //contentalpha_temp = contentavgalpha;
- if(incontent)
- drawfill('0 0 0', eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, liquidcolor, contentavgalpha * liquidalpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing)
- {
- if(autocvar_hud_contents_blur)
- {
- content_blurpostprocess_x = 1;
- content_blurpostprocess_y = contentavgalpha * autocvar_hud_contents_blur;
- content_blurpostprocess_z = contentavgalpha * autocvar_hud_contents_blur_alpha;
- }
- else
- {
- content_blurpostprocess_x = 0;
- content_blurpostprocess_y = 0;
- content_blurpostprocess_z = 0;
- }
- }
+ if(contentavgalpha)
+ drawfill('0 0 0', eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, liquidcolor_prev, contentavgalpha * liquidalpha_prev, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawfill('0 0 0', eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, myhealth_gentlergb, autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier * bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else if(autocvar_hud_damage_image)
- drawpic(reticle_pos, "gfx/blood", reticle_size, stov(autocvar_hud_damage_color), bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing)
- {
- if(autocvar_hud_damage_blur)
- {
- damage_blurpostprocess_x = 1;
- damage_blurpostprocess_y = bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage_blur;
- damage_blurpostprocess_z = bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage_blur_alpha;
- }
- else
- {
- damage_blurpostprocess_x = 0;
- damage_blurpostprocess_y = 0;
- damage_blurpostprocess_z = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing)
- { // lets apply the postprocess effects from the previous two functions if needed
- if(damage_blurpostprocess_x || content_blurpostprocess_x)
- {
- float blurradius = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess_y + content_blurpostprocess_y, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxblurradius);
- float bluralpha = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess_z + content_blurpostprocess_z, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha);
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", strcat(ftos(blurradius), " ", ftos(bluralpha), " 0 0"));
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable", "1");
- }
- {
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", "0 0 0 0");
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable", "0");
- }
+ drawpic(reticle_pos, "gfx/blood", reticle_size, stov(autocvar_hud_damage_color), bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// Draw the mouse cursor
// NOTE: drawpic must happen after R_RenderScene for some reason
float autocvar_hud_configure_grid_ysize;
float autocvar_hud_configure_teamcolorforced;
float autocvar_hud_contents;
-float autocvar_hud_contents_blur;
-float autocvar_hud_contents_blur_alpha;
float autocvar_hud_contents_factor;
-float autocvar_hud_contents_fadetime;
+float autocvar_hud_contents_fadeintime;
+float autocvar_hud_contents_fadeouttime;
float autocvar_hud_contents_lava_alpha;
string autocvar_hud_contents_lava_color;
float autocvar_hud_contents_slime_alpha;
float autocvar_hud_contents_water_alpha;
string autocvar_hud_contents_water_color;
float autocvar_hud_damage;
-float autocvar_hud_damage_blur;
-float autocvar_hud_damage_blur_alpha;
string autocvar_hud_damage_color;
float autocvar_hud_damage_factor;
float autocvar_hud_damage_fade_rate;
float autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier;
string autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_color;
-float autocvar_hud_damage_image;
float autocvar_hud_damage_maxalpha;
float autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold;
float autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower;