qboolean movement_replay_canjump;
// previous gun angles (for leaning effects)
+ vec3_t gunangles_prev;
vec3_t gunangles_highpass;
vec3_t gunangles_adjustment_lowpass;
vec3_t gunangles_adjustment_highpass;
// previous gun angles (for leaning effects)
+ vec3_t gunorg_prev;
vec3_t gunorg_highpass;
vec3_t gunorg_adjustment_lowpass;
vec3_t gunorg_adjustment_highpass;
// try to fix the first highpass; result is NOT
// perfect! TODO find a better fix
- VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, cl.gunangles_highpass);
- VectorCopy(cl.movement_origin, cl.gunorg_highpass);
- // prevent further CHANGES caused by the high/lowpasses
- // - a highpass will return the diff, a lowpass will
- // return the saved value; note: the first diff will be 0!
- frametime = 0;
+ VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, cl.gunangles_prev);
+ VectorCopy(cl.movement_origin, cl.gunorg_prev);
// 2. for the gun origin, only keep the high frequency (non-DC) parts, which is "somewhat like velocity"
+ VectorAdd(cl.gunorg_highpass, cl.gunorg_prev, cl.gunorg_highpass);
highpass3_limited(cl.movement_origin, frametime*cl_followmodel_side_highpass1.value, cl_followmodel_side_limit.value, frametime*cl_followmodel_side_highpass1.value, cl_followmodel_side_limit.value, frametime*cl_followmodel_up_highpass1.value, cl_followmodel_up_limit.value, cl.gunorg_highpass, gunorg);
+ VectorCopy(cl.movement_origin, cl.gunorg_prev);
+ VectorSubtract(cl.gunorg_highpass, cl.gunorg_prev, cl.gunorg_highpass);
+ // in the highpass, we _store_ the DIFFERENCE to the actual view angles...
+ VectorAdd(cl.gunangles_highpass, cl.gunangles_prev, cl.gunangles_highpass);
cl.gunangles_highpass[PITCH] += 360 * floor((cl.viewangles[PITCH] - cl.gunangles_highpass[PITCH]) / 360 + 0.5);
cl.gunangles_highpass[YAW] += 360 * floor((cl.viewangles[YAW] - cl.gunangles_highpass[YAW]) / 360 + 0.5);
cl.gunangles_highpass[ROLL] += 360 * floor((cl.viewangles[ROLL] - cl.gunangles_highpass[ROLL]) / 360 + 0.5);
highpass3_limited(cl.viewangles, frametime*cl_leanmodel_up_highpass1.value, cl_leanmodel_up_limit.value, frametime*cl_leanmodel_side_highpass1.value, cl_leanmodel_side_limit.value, 0, 0, cl.gunangles_highpass, gunangles);
+ VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, cl.gunangles_prev);
+ VectorSubtract(cl.gunangles_highpass, cl.gunangles_prev, cl.gunangles_highpass);
// 3. calculate the RAW adjustment vectors
gunorg[0] *= (cl_followmodel.value ? -cl_followmodel_side_speed.value : 0);