redesigned how the renderer handles much of it's state (R_Mesh_State turned into R_Mesh_State_Textures - no longer handles blendfunc and depthmask and depthtest and vertex pointers and so on)
batching is gone
VAR support is gone (but may make a return someday)
dynamic shadow volumes are now more optimized (removal of unused verts)
added a glossary of terminology to the start of r_shadow.c
added gl_mesh_testarrayelement and gl_mesh_testmanualfeeding cvars for testing/debugging purposes in the backend (incase vertex array state is a mess)
added gl_paranoid cvar (enables CHECKGLERROR and verifies geometry before rendering it)
added gl_printcheckerror cvar (prints location of every CHECKGLERROR statement as it executes, for tracking code flow)
git-svn-id: svn://