***map loader generates portals for the map*** (can you tell this is a big deal? :)
increased build number to 100 (it's the truth)
made loadingplaque work correctly
disabled (commented out) loadingplaque
removed efrags
each model is checked against visible leafs (made efrags obsolete)
put .active field into client entity states (more correct than checking modelindex)
disabled all cachedir stuff (#if CACHEENABLE)
removed scr_copytop and other no-longer-relevant variables
removed Con_NotifyBox (wasn't used)
cleaned up visframe stuff
removed a lot of unnecessary fields from mnode_t and a few from mleaf_t
clarified r_visframecount stuff (now referred to as r_vismarkframecount, and similarly visframe field in mnode_t/mleaf_t is now called vismarkframe)
got rid of offsets[] array in texture_t
rewrote r_notexture_mip related code (fixing black default texture)
got rid of skyisvisible variable (check currentskypoly instead)
got rid of gl_texsort
simplified surface rendering process greatly (R_DrawSurfaces)
surface rendering should now be totally sequential (good for caches)
renamed r_newworldnode to r_leafworldnode (will be removed in next commit)
disabled r_oldclip code (will be removed in next commit)
renamed R_WorldNode to R_BSPWorldNode (will be removed in next commit)
renamed R_NewWorldNode to R_LeafWorldNode (will be removed in next commit)
made copy of R_WorldNode that ignores vis data, called R_NoVisWorldNode
added R_PortalWorldNode, 3-80% speed gain depending on situation, improved culling of non-relevant leafs/surfaces
added r_portalworldnode cvar to test new code (this will become the standard worldnode in next commit)
minor optimization to wateralpha code
minor redesign of R_TextureAnimation and animated texture stuff in texture_t
cleaned up timing issues in water (now synced to cl.time, not realtime) and menu code (now synced to realtime, not host_time)
removed host_time
removed SCR_ModalMessage (this got rid of the 'are you sure?' question on newgame)
changed quit messages
got rid of SCR_BringDownConsole
reorganized 2D screen drawing code (now draws console when loading plaque is displayed, etc)
some cleanup on texture loading
redesigned R_Decal to make use of BSP tree in finding nearest surfaces
renamed and redesigned R_DrawDecals to GL_DrawDecals and no longer uses transpoly
particles are now only rendered if inside a visible leaf
sprites are now only rendered if touching a visible leaf
ambient sounds no longer play after disconnecting
fixed severe delta compressed entity bugs in client
sped up MOVETYPE_NONE a bit
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icculus.org/twilight/trunk/darkplaces@197