greatly improved video capture speed by generating the files much more directly (less processing)
added a raw video .rgb output mode (making only one file instead of thousands, for a slight speed gain, assuming you have tools that can read it)
video capture now maintains sound sync by duplicating frames to keep up a consistent video output speed (warning: do not attempt higher speeds than your machine is capable of, it WILL fall behind and get progressively slower very fast)
rewrote much of Host_FilterTime to improve video capture and simplify timing in general
removed host_minfps (now uses sys_ticrate instead)
renamed host_maxfps to cl_maxfps (as it only ever affected the client anyway)
now runs multiple server frames if host is falling behind, based on sys_ticrate (mainly useful to avoid slowing down when client is rendering really slow)
git-svn-id: svn://