this patch may break things and needs testing
major cleanup of csqc and ssqc builtin tables
minimized differences between csqc and ssqc builtin tables (everything that can be implemented in both is implemented in both)
added VM_SAFEPARMCOUNTRANGE to allow a function to have, for example, 2-4 parameters (where as VM_SAFEPARMCOUNT requires it to be an exact match)
added VM_SAFEPARMCOUNT or VM_SAFEPARMCOUNTRANGE to ALL builtins, this may break buggy qc (and it's possible that one or more of these checks are wrong)
replaced CL_TraceBox with CL_Move, this is a proper csqc-entity aware version akin to SV_Move, it has a ton of parameters due to support for network entity collisions as well (ideally this needs cleanup somehow but I have no idea how, as non-csqc network entities do not share the prvm_edict_t system and do not have entity numbers in the csqc world)
git-svn-id: svn://